One-Hundred and Third Regular Session3:23 P.M. TUESDAY, March 20, 2018
The Assembly was called to order by Chief Clerk Fuller, pursuant to Assembly Rule 5 (4). The Assembly dispensed with the call of the roll.
Introduction and Reference of Proposals
Read first time and referred:
Relating to: grants to schools for school safety and safety-related upgrades to school buildings, equipment, and facilities; providing an exemption from rule-making procedures; and making an appropriation.
By Representative Novak.
Relating to: creating an office of school safety in the Department of Justice and making appropriations.
By Representative Spiros.
Relating to: mandatory reporting of suspected intent to carry out violence involving a dangerous weapon or explosive in or targeting a school and providing a criminal penalty.
By Representative Rodriguez.
Relating to: the Department of Public Instruction's model school policy on bullying by pupils.
By Representative Krug.
Relating to: school safety plans.
By Representative Ott.
Relating to: allowing a school board to share safety camera footage with law enforcement.
By Representative Summerfield.
Reference Bureau Corrections
Page 2, line 2: delete “manufacturers only” and substitute “manufactures only”. _____________
March 20, 2018
Patrick E. Fuller
Assembly Chief Clerk
17 West Main Street, Suite 401
Madison, WI 53703
Dear Chief Clerk Fuller:
hist91827Please add my name as a co-author of Assembly Bill 1024, relating to prohibiting a fugitive from justice from possessing a firearm and providing a criminal penalty. Sincerely,
State Representative
90th Assembly District
Chief Clerk Fuller moved that the Assembly stand adjourned until 10:00 A.M. on Thursday, March 22.
The Assembly stood adjourned.
3:24 P.M.