One-Hundred and Third Regular Session
2:06 P.M. TUESDAY, January 3, 2017
The Senate met.
The Senate was called to order by Senator Roth.
The Senate stood for the prayer which was offered by Pastor Alvin T. Dupree, Jr. of Family First Ministries in Appleton.
The Colors were presented by the VFW Day Post 7591 Color Guard Unit of Madison, WI.
The Senate remained standing and Senator Risser led the Senate in the pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
The National Anthem was performed by Renaissance School for the arts from the Appleton Area School District and Thomas Dubnicka from Lawrence University in Appleton.
Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (6), the Chief Clerk made the following entries under the above date. Senator Fitzgerald, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate stand informal.
Remarks of Majority Leader Fitzgerald
“Mister President-Elect, Justice Kelly, Pastor Dupree, Minority Leader Shilling, fellow colleagues, dear family, and distinguished guests:
It is with great honor that I stand before you all once again as Majority Leader. I thank my colleagues for continuing to bestow their trust in me, and welcome our incoming leadership, including Senator Roger Roth who today is beginning his term as President of this body. We also welcome back Senator Fred Risser, who continues to hold the record of the longest serving state legislator in United States history. To our returning Minority Leader Senator Shilling: we offer our congratulations and look forward to another successful session. I would now like to take a moment to recognize two individuals who passed away last year during their service in the Senate. Please join me in a moment of silence for Senator Rick Gudex and Rachel Veum of the Senate Chief Clerk’s Office.
I now return the floor to President-Elect Roth, who will begin the proceedings.”
State of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Elections Commission
November 29, 2016
The Honorable, the Senate:
I am pleased to provide you with a copy of the official canvass of the November 8, 2016 General Election vote for State Senator along with the determination by the Chair of the Wisconsin Elections Commission of the winners.
With this letter, I am delivering the Certificates of Election and transmittal letters for the winners to you for distribution.
If the Elections Commission can provide you with further information or assistance, please contact our office.
Interim Administrator
Statement of Canvass
State Senator
GENERAL ELECTION, November 8, 2016
I, Michael L. Thomsen, Chair of the Wisconsin Elections Commission, certify that the attached tabular statements, as compiled from the certified returns made to the Wisconsin Elections Commission by the county clerks of the several counties of the state, contain a correct abstract of the total number of votes given for the election of candidates for State Senator, excluding Senate District 32, which is under recount, at a General Election held in the several towns, villages, cities, wards and election districts in said counties on the Eighth day of November, 2016.
I DO, THEREFORE, DETERMINE AND CERTIFY that the following candidates, having each received the greatest number of votes in their respective senatorial districts, are duly elected State Senator:
Senate District Elected
2nd District Robert Cowles
4th District Lena C. Taylor
6th District LaTonya Johnson
8th District Alberta Daring
10th District Sheila E. Harsdorf
12th District Tom Tiffany
14th District Luther S. Olsen
16th District Mark Miller
18th District Dan Feyen
20th District Duey Stroebel
22nd District Robert W. Wirch
24th District Patrick Testin
26th District Fred A. Risser
28th District Dave Craig
30th District Dave Hansen
32nd District Under recount
Done in the City of Madison, this 29th day of November, 2016.
Commissioner, Designee of the Chair
Wisconsin Elections Commission
Statement of Canvass
State Senator