By Senators Erpenbach, Johnson, Shilling, L. Taylor, Carpenter, Ringhand, Larson, Risser, Hansen, Wirch, Miller, Bewley and Vinehout; cosponsored by Representatives Riemer, Kolste, C. Taylor, Anderson, Barca, Berceau, Billings, Bowen, Brostoff, Considine, Crowley, Doyle, Fields, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hintz, Mason, Meyers, Ohnstad, Pope, Sargent, Shankland, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Stuck, Subeck, Vruwink, Wachs, Young, Zamarripa, Zepnick and Kessler.
hist70852To the committee on Insurance, Housing and Trade. Relating to: maintaining access and reimbursements to certain family planning providers in the Medical Assistance program.
By Senators Johnson, Erpenbach, Shilling, L. Taylor, Carpenter, Ringhand, Larson, Risser, Hansen, Wirch, Miller, Bewley and Vinehout; cosponsored by Representatives C. Taylor, Kolste, Riemer, Anderson, Barca, Berceau, Billings, Bowen, Brostoff, Considine, Crowley, Doyle, Fields, Genrich, Goyke, Hebl, Hesselbein, Hintz, Mason, Meyers, Ohnstad, Pope, Sargent, Shankland, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Stuck, Subeck, Vruwink, Wachs, Young, Zamarripa, Zepnick and Kessler.
hist70853To the committee on Insurance, Housing and Trade. Relating to: sale of public lands owned by the Board of Commissioners of Public Lands to the state; county management of certain state lands; merit scholarships for certain University of Wisconsin System students; the obligation of moneys for land acquisition under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship 2000 Program; and making an appropriation (at the request of the state treasurer).
By Senators Nass, Tiffany, Feyen, Craig and LeMahieu; cosponsored by Representatives August, Felzkowski, Sanfelippo, Spiros, Tusler, Kuglitsch, Murphy, Schraa, R. Brooks, Hutton and Knodl.
hist70854To the committee on Universities and Technical Colleges. Relating to: the sale of homemade baked goods and homemade canned goods.
By Senators Harsdorf, Ringhand, Moulton, Vinehout, Testin, LeMahieu, Vukmir, Bewley, Olsen, Stroebel, Kapenga, Craig, Marklein, Hansen and Wanggaard; cosponsored by Representatives Ott, Stafsholt, Spreitzer, Rohrkaste, Duchow, Kooyenga, Novak, E. Brooks, Skowronski, Jarchow, Gannon, Ballweg, Murphy, Mursau, Sinicki, Jacque, C. Taylor, Brandtjen, Edming, Ohnstad, Genrich, Kleefisch, Weatherston, Tusler, Thiesfeldt and Macco.
hist70855To the committee on Public Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations. Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for material used to construct a war memorial owned by a veterans organization.
By Senators Ringhand, Erpenbach and Larson; cosponsored by Representatives Pope, Kolste, Hebl, Vruwink, Kulp, Sargent, Sinicki, Spreitzer, Crowley, Subeck, Thiesfeldt, Berceau, Ohnstad, Fields and Considine.
hist70856To the committee on Revenue, Financial Institutions and Rural Issues. Relating to: a sales and use tax exemption for products sold in connection with real property construction activities.
By Senators Roth, Cowles, Feyen, Marklein and Olsen; cosponsored by Representatives Stafsholt, Bernier, E. Brooks, Horlacher, Jacque, Katsma, Kuglitsch, Kulp, Macco, Murphy, Novak, Quinn, Ripp and Sanfelippo.
hist70857To the committee on Revenue, Financial Institutions and Rural Issues. Relating to: life insurance and annuity benefits.
By Senators Craig, Wirch, Harsdorf, Nass and Olsen; cosponsored by Representatives Jacque, Duchow, R. Brooks, Genrich, Murphy, Thiesfeldt and Tusler.
hist70858To the committee on Insurance, Housing and Trade. Relating to: prohibiting local ordinances, resolutions, and policies that prohibit the enforcement of federal or state law relating to illegal aliens or immigration status, authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence an enforcement action, providing a reduction in shared revenue payments, and creating governmental liability for damages caused by illegal aliens.
By Senators Nass, Stroebel, Craig and Vukmir; cosponsored by Representatives Spiros, Kremer, E. Brooks, Edming, Gannon, Jacque, Mursau, Neylon, Quinn, Skowronski, Tusler, Weatherston and Hutton.
hist70859To the committee on Labor and Regulatory Reform. _____________
Referrals and Receipt of Committee Reports Concerning Proposed Administrative Rules
Relating to administration of drug products and devices other than vaccines.
Submitted by the Pharmacy Examining Board .
hist70579Report received from Agency, May 17, 2017. hist70872Referred to the committee on Health and Human Services, May 25, 2017. _____________
Advice and Consent of the Senate
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
May 25, 2017
The Honorable, the Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint DANIEL M. RIEBE, of Eau Claire, as a Professional Member on the Banking Review Board, to serve for the term ending May 1, 2022.
Respectfully Submitted,
hist70845Read and referred to the committee on Revenue, Financial Institutions and Rural Issues.