hist79856To the committee on Economic Development, Commerce and Local Government. Relating to: increasing a political subdivision's levy limit upon the subtraction of territory from a tax incremental financing district.
By Senators Petrowski, Feyen and Stroebel; cosponsored by Representatives Loudenbeck, Born, Brandtjen, E. Brooks, Kuglitsch, Quinn, Spreitzer, Steffen and Subeck.
hist79857To the committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection. Relating to: requiring certain provisions in leases and servicing agreements for copiers or printers.
By Senator Feyen; cosponsored by Representatives Thiesfeldt and Tusler.
hist79858To the committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection. Relating to: composition of the board of directors and meetings of the board of directors and formally constituted subunits of the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.
By Senators Carpenter, Wirch, Vinehout, Miller, Risser and Larson; cosponsored by Representatives Barca, Sinicki, Ohnstad, Zepnick, Berceau, Anderson, Shankland, Subeck and Pope.
hist79859To the committee on Government Operations, Technology and Consumer Protection. Relating to: removal of certain county officers.
By Senators Olsen, Stroebel, Darling and Marklein; cosponsored by Representatives R. Brooks, Ballweg, Rohrkaste, Kremer, Tusler, Born, E. Brooks, Horlacher, Nygren, Knodl, Felzkowski, Steffen, Macco, Jarchow and Spiros.
hist79860To the committee on Economic Development, Commerce and Local Government. Relating to: securities registration exemptions related to crowdfunding.
By Senators Craig, Vukmir and Stroebel; cosponsored by Representatives Jarchow, Sanfelippo, Kooyenga, Hutton, Tusler and Goyke.
hist79861To the committee on Financial Services, Constitution and Federalism. Relating to: the revenue limit ceiling for school districts and making an appropriation.
By Senators Bewley, Hansen and Vinehout; cosponsored by Representatives Pope, Milroy, Anderson, C. Taylor, Hebl, Kolste, Crowley, Hesselbein, Billings, Sinicki, Berceau, Spreitzer, Considine, Sargent, Vruwink, Shankland and Subeck.
Relating to: limitation on animal-drawn vehicles and providing a penalty.
By Senator Moulton; cosponsored by Representatives Bernier, Kulp, Ballweg, Kremer, Spiros, E. Brooks, Summerfield, Krug and Tusler.
hist79863To the committee on Transportation and Veterans Affairs. _____________
Petitions and Communications
hist79876Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Senator Johnson added as a co-author of Senate Bill 240. _____________
Legislative Reference Bureau Corrections
Corrections In:
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(November 16, 2017)
In enrolling, the following correction was made:
hist799321. Page 7, line 13: delete “cake," and substitute “cake". ****NOTE: The comma was inadvertent; the language was intended to be identical to s. 961.01 (14). 2017 SENATE BILL 131
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(November 17, 2017)
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
hist798951. Page 3, line 8: delete “, and" and substitute “and,". 2. Page 3, line 23: delete “, or recorded and the date when the affidavit is filed" and substitute “, and the date when the affidavit is filed or recorded".
2017 SENATE BILL 173
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(November 17, 2017)
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
hist798961. Page 7, line 17: delete “subd." and substitute “subds.". 2. Page 11, line 5: on lines 5 and 9, delete “40%" and substitute “40 percent".
2017 SENATE BILL 238
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(November 15, 2017)
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
2. Page 1, line 7: delete “— basic".
****NOTE: Inserts terminology change made by Act 12.
4. Page 2, line 5: delete “TECHNICIAN" and substitute “SERVICES PRACTITIONER".
5. Page 2, line 10: on lines 10 and 13, delete “— basic".
****NOTE: Inserts terminology change made by Act 12.
6. Page 2, line 13: delete “(b) 1 or" and substitute “(b) 1. or".
7. Page 2, line 14: delete “(8)." and substitute “(8).".
2017 SENATE BILL 298
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(November 15, 2017)
In enrolling, the following correction was made:
hist798981. Page 2, line 1: delete “Section 1” and substitute Section 1p”. _____________
Advice and Consent of the Senate
State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
November 20, 2017
The Honorable, the Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint SENATOR SHEILA HARSDORF, of River Falls, as Secretary of the Department of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection, to serve for the term ending at the pleasure of the Governor.
Respectfully Submitted,
hist79809Read and referred to the committee on Agriculture, Small Business and Tourism. State of Wisconsin
Office of the Governor
November 20, 2017
The Honorable, the Senate:
I am pleased to nominate and with the advice and consent of the Senate, do appoint NELA KALPIC, of Madison, as a Domestic Abuse Knowledge on the Council on Domestic Abuse, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2020.
Respectfully Submitted,