Thankfully, our Health Care Stability Plan will help keep premiums at a reasonable level here in Wisconsin. This is a market-driven approach to bring stability to health care in Wisconsin.
Just as we did years ago when we found a unique way to cover everyone living in poverty for the first time in Wisconsin history, we have a unique way to help drive down premiums.
It is not a Republican or Democrat issue. It is a Wisconsin issue.
We listened to the people and created a Wisconsin solution.
As Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton said in the past, “the Affordable Care Act is no longer afford able.” Instead of seeking to put thousands more people onto government assistance through the Obamacare expansion, our plan helps drive down premiums to make health insurance plans more affordable and will likely to lead to more choices for consumers.
Our Health Care Stability Plan is the Wisconsin Way to provide stability and peace of mind for our citizens.
Along with coverage for general health care needs, we must continue to find new ways to fight the opioid and illegal drug addiction crisis in the state.
Since I’ve been Governor, I signed 28 pieces of legislation into law dealing with this challenge.
Thanks to Representative Nygren for putting together a bipartisan coalition to fight this epidemic and for joining our outstanding Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch as the co-chair of our commission.
Today, I ask you to pass the latest recommendations from this panel of experts.
We know that if we can get people treatment or, better yet, keep them from addiction in the first place, it will not only create a healthier Wisconsin, but a happier one, too.
And that will help us build the workforce we need to keep moving Wisconsin forward.
This is one of those issues that knows no boundaries. Rich or poor, big city or small town, Republican or Democrat. These are the issues that people want us to work together on.
Issues like pushing for more ways to help our schools improve student success; growing the number of opportunities for our young people to pursue great careers that will keep them here in our state; expanding our Wisconsin Works for Everyone welfare reforms; helping small businesses grow across the state; continuing to reform our government; creating a new child tax credit to help working families; and providing stability in health care. These issues are the seven common sense parts of our Ambitious Agenda for 2018.
We are getting positive things done for the people of Wisconsin, but there is still more work to be done.
So today, I ask you, the members of the state Legislature to move on these important items. These are not Republican or Democrat issues. These are just Wisconsin issues.
Plus, I know that we can work together. Many might be surprised to hear this, but more than 90 percent of the bills that I signed into law were passed with more than just Republican votes. Let me repeat that: more than 90 percent of the laws I’ve signed as your Governor had more than just votes from Republican lawmakers.
So, I know you can work together to get things done, because you’ve done it in the past...and you can do it again this year.
And I ask you, the people of Wisconsin to talk to your lawmakers, and ask for rapid action on this Ambitious Agenda for 2018.
I am confident that you will, because I’ve seen you do positive things all over the state.
You see, one of my great joys as your Governor is traveling the State of Wisconsin and visiting with so many of our wonderful citizens. I love to see the people of Wisconsin.
Through our visits, I see how proud you are of your families; of your homes; of your work; of your small businesses and farms; of your schools; of your churches and places of worship; of your communities; of your state. We are Wisconsin Proud.
Today, I want you to know that I am proud to be your Governor. I’m proud of the work we’ve done here. I’m proud of the progress we’ve made together. I am proud that we are getting positive things done for the people of Wisconsin. But we’re not done yet.
So, let’s get going.
Let’s keep working together. Let’s keep moving Wisconsin forward. Thank you.
May God bless you. May God bless the great State of Wisconsin. May God bless our great service members around the world. And may God continue to bless the United States of America.
The Joint Convention arose
4:11 P.M.