
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Economic Development, Commerce and Local Government

Senate Bill 809

Relating to: lengthening the time during which tax increments may be allocated and expenditures for project costs may be made and extending the maximum life for Tax Incremental Districts Number One and Four in the village of Caledonia.

By Senator Wanggaard; cosponsored by Representatives Weatherston and Vos.

February 15, 2018       Referred to Committee on Economic Development, Commerce and Local Government

February 27, 2018       Public Hearing Held

Present:       (7)        Senator Feyen; Senators Petrowski, Darling, Testin, Ringhand, Bewley and Johnson.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Appearances For

·      Senator Van Wanggaard

·      Jim Dubbs - Village of Caledonia

·      Dave Wagner - Village of Caledonia

Appearances Against

·      None.

Appearances for Information Only

·      None.

Registrations For

·      None.

Registrations Against

·      None.

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

March 07, 2018           Executive Session Held by Paper Ballot

Present:       (7)        Senator Feyen; Senators Petrowski, Darling, Testin, Ringhand, Bewley and Johnson.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Moved by  that Senate Bill 809 be recommended for passage.

Ayes:     (7)     Senator Feyen; Senators Petrowski, Darling, Testin, Ringhand, Bewley and Johnson.

Noes:     (0)     None.



Tim Lakin

Committee Clerk