
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Health and Human Services

Sorce, Peter I.

Of Germantown, as a Public Member on the Psychology Examining Board, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2020.

January 11, 2017         Referred to Committee on Health and Human Services

January 26, 2017         Public Hearing Held

Present:       (5)        Senator Vukmir; Senators Moulton, LeMahieu, Erpenbach and Johnson.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Appearances For

·      Peter Sorce

Appearances Against

·      None.

Appearances for Information Only

·      None.

Registrations For

·      Daniel Sievert - Office of Gov. Scott Walker

Registrations Against

·      None.

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

January 26, 2017         Executive Session Held

Present:       (5)        Senator Vukmir; Senators Moulton, LeMahieu, Erpenbach and Johnson.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Moved by Senator LeMahieu, seconded by Senator Moulton that Sorce, Peter I. be recommended for confirmation.

Ayes:     (5)     Senator Vukmir; Senators Moulton, LeMahieu, Erpenbach and Johnson.

Noes:     (0)     None.



Mattias Gugel

Committee Clerk