
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Insurance, Housing and Trade

Senate Bill 430

Relating to: the responsibility to comply with the one-family and two-family dwelling code for a manufactured home owner.

By Senators Lasee, Feyen, Marklein, Nass and Bewley; cosponsored by Representatives Ballweg, R. Brooks, Murphy, Gannon, Spiros, Kulp, Tittl, Steffen, Quinn, Ripp, Petersen, Berceau, Thiesfeldt and Born.

October 09, 2017        Referred to Committee on Insurance, Housing and Trade

October 17, 2017        Public Hearing Held

Present:       (5)        Senator Lasee; Senators Olsen, Craig, Bewley and Larson.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Appearances For

·      Representative Joan Ballweg - 41st Assembly District

·      Senator Frank Lasee - 1st Senate District

·      Amy Bliss - Wisconsin Housing Alliance

·      Donna Carlson - Four Seasons MHC LLC

·      Michael Seitz - Asset Development Group/Home Source One

Appearances Against

·      None.

Appearances for Information Only

·      None.

Registrations For

·      Laurie Mercurio - Wisconsin Housing Aliiance

Registrations Against

·      Jolene Plautz - Wisconsin Towns Association

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

October 20, 2017        Executive Session Held by Paper Ballot

Present:       (5)        Senator Lasee; Senators Olsen, Craig, Bewley and Larson.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Moved by Senator Lasee that Senate Bill 430 be recommended for passage.

Ayes:     (5)     Senator Lasee; Senators Olsen, Craig, Bewley and Larson.

Noes:     (0)     None.


Robert Kovach

Committee Clerk