Assembly Rule 13. Business referred to committee. ar13(1)(1)
Any business to be decided by the assembly may be referred to a committee:
(a) Upon introduction or offering [see rule 42]. ar13(1)(am)
(am) By the speaker, after a committee reports it, as provided in rule 45. ar13(1)(b)
(b) While under debate by the assembly [see rule 65 (2) (d) and (e)]. ar13(1)(c)
(c) By a motion, offered under the 13th order of business, while the business is pending on any reproduced calendar awaiting assembly action. The motion requires a vote of a majority of the members present and voting for adoption.
Each notice and report by an administrative agency concerning an administrative rule for review by a standing committee shall be referred by the speaker to the appropriate standing committee within 10 working days following receipt. The speaker shall notify that committee whenever he or she is informed that a proposed rule or portion thereof is withdrawn by the administrative agency.
(b) Within 5 working days after initial referral by the speaker under rule 3 (1) (r), the speaker, with the consent of the chairperson, may withdraw a proposed rule from the standing committee to which it is referred and rerefer it to another standing committee. The rereferral does not extend the standing committee review period.
Assembly Rule 14. Public hearings. ar14(1)(1)
Any proposal referred to a committee, and any other business relevant to its title, may at the discretion of the chairperson be scheduled for public hearing.
(2) The chief clerk shall publish, on a daily basis on the legislature's website, a committee schedule containing the name of each committee, its chairperson, the room number or place, and the time and date of each meeting scheduled; and, if applicable, shall designate each proposal, appointment, or administrative rule to be heard by number or name, author, and topic.
(3) A hearing may not be held until copies of any of the legislation scheduled for hearing are available to the public.
Assembly Rule 15. Withdrawing a proposal from committee. ar15(1)(1)
A proposal may not be withdrawn from any committee until 21 calendar days have expired since the proposal was referred to the committee. After the 21-day period, a proposal may be withdrawn either by motion or by petition, but:
(a) A bill may not be withdrawn from a joint survey committee.
(b) A bill requiring, but not having, an emergency statement for passage may not be withdrawn from the joint committee on finance or from the committee on rules.
(2) The motion to withdraw a proposal from committee is in order only on the first day in any week on which the call of the roll is taken under the first order of business. The motions shall be decided by vote of a majority of the members present and voting.
(3) Once a motion to withdraw a proposal from a committee which requires a vote of a majority of the members present and voting fails, all subsequent motions to withdraw that proposal from the same committee require a vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting for adoption and must be decided without debate.
(4) A petition to withdraw a proposal from committee requires the personal signatures of a majority of the assembly's current membership.
(a) All such petitions shall be prepared upon request by the chief clerk's office. The chief clerk shall submit a copy to the chairperson of the committee and another to the speaker.
(b) Each withdrawal petition signature shall be dated by the signer. Withdrawal petitions may not be circulated before the expiration of the 21-day period.
(c) Any withdrawal petition shall be filed with the chief clerk, who shall immediately examine it for compliance with this rule. All questions concerning the adequacy of a withdrawal petition shall be decided by the speaker.
(d) The receipt of each proper withdrawal petition shall be announced by the chief clerk under the 4th order of business on the legislative day following its receipt. The text of the petition, including the names of the signers, shall be reproduced in the journal.
(5) Immediately upon adoption of a withdrawal motion or the chief clerk's announcement of receipt of a proper withdrawal petition, the affected proposal is taken from committee and placed in the committee on rules for calendar scheduling, but, if the withdrawal is from that committee, the affected proposal is placed directly on the calendar for the 2nd legislative day thereafter.
(6) Whenever a bill is introduced in the assembly or senate under section 227.19 (5) (e) or 227.26 (2) (f) of the statutes, the bill is considered reported without recommendation and is placed before the committee on rules if a report is not received from the standing committee within 30 days after the date of referral. This subsection does not apply if the bill is introduced within 30 days after the time at which further proposals may not be introduced or offered in the regular session under joint rule 83 (2). ar17
Assembly Rule 17. Claims against the state when presented to a member of the assembly. ar17(1)(1)
All claims against the state presented to a member of the assembly shall be submitted in affidavit form in duplicate to the chief clerk for disposition in accordance with section 16.007 of the statutes.
(2) A claim may not be considered by the assembly until it has been reported on by the claims board and then only in the form of a bill.
(3) If the claims board recommends rejection of a claim, a member may resubmit the claim in the form of a bill.
Assembly Rule 17d. Executive action. A committee may not vote on a proposal unless the proposal has been introduced, or offered, and made available to the public for at least 24 hours excluding:
(1) Saturdays, Sundays, and state holidays specified in section 230.35 (4) (a) of the statutes; and ar17m
Assembly Rule 17m. Committee reports; time limits. A committee chairperson shall report a proposal to the assembly within 7 working days after the committee takes executive action on the proposal if the committee recommends that the proposal be adopted, passed, or concurred in.
Assembly Rule 18. Committee report with recommendations. When the committee to which a proposal is referred makes recommendations, the chairperson shall report in concise form the executive action of the committee. The report shall be signed by the chairperson.
(1) The committee report shall indicate the actual numerical vote on the motion on which the recommendation is based; and the form of the report is as illustrated in the following example:
The committee on ..................... reports and recommends:
Assembly Resolution 10
A resolution relating to, etc.
Adoption: Ayes, 7; Noes, 1; Absent, 1.
Assembly Joint Resolution 50
A joint resolution relating to, etc.
Rejection: Ayes, 10; Noes, 1.
Assembly Bill 25
AN ACT (relating clause)
Passage: Ayes, 7; Noes, 3; Absent, 1.
Assembly Bill 30
AN ACT (relating clause)
Assembly amendment 1, adoption: Ayes, 11; Noes, 0.
Passage as amended: Ayes, 8; Noes, 3.
Assembly Bill 40
AN ACT (relating clause)
Assembly substitute amendment 1, adoption: Ayes, 6; Noes, 5.
Passage as amended: Ayes, 6; Noes, 5.
Assembly Bill 50
AN ACT (relating clause)
Indefinite postponement: Ayes, 8; Noes, 1.
Senate Bill 10
AN ACT (relating clause)
Concurrence: Ayes, 9; Noes, 0.
Senate Bill 20
AN ACT (relating clause)
Assembly substitute amendment 1, adoption: Ayes, 9; Noes, 1;
Absent, 1.
Concurrence as amended: Ayes, 9; Noes, 2.
Senate Bill 30
AN ACT (relating clause)
Nonconcurrence: Ayes, 9; Noes, 0.
(2) A committee may accept or offer a simple amendment or a substitute amendment and recommend its adoption.
(3) Any amendment referred to a standing committee shall be reported out of committee only if adoption is recommended. An amendment not reported may, upon motion and a majority vote of those present, be revived by the assembly while the proposal is in an amendable stage.
(4) The report of the committee shall be reproduced in the journal.
(5) Whenever a committee introduces or offers a proposal, it shall include in the jacket a report in the following form, and shall deposit the jacket with the chief clerk:
Assembly Bill...... (LRB-........ / ....)
AN ACT (relating clause)
Introduction: Ayes,.... ; Noes,.... .
Assembly Rule 19. Committee report without recommendation. ar19(1)(1)
A committee may report a proposal without recommendation only:
(a) If a vote for passage, adoption, or concurrence is a tie; or
(b) If successive motions for indefinite postponement, rejection, or nonconcurrence, and passage, adoption, or concurrence fail.
(2) When a recommendation is not made, the committee shall report as illustrated in the following example:
The committee on ..................... reports:
Assembly Resolution 40
A resolution relating, etc.
Without recommendation [rule 19].