not applicable to approval of report of committee
of conference   73 (1)(b)
not applicable to confirmation   51m (2), 73 (1)(b)
not renewable after having been lost   73 (5)
not required for consideration of corrective amendment
offered by committee on assembly organization
  23 (2)
of vote on passage or concurrence, when taken up   73 (3)(a)
proper only after assembly has decided question to
which it relates   73 (2)
proposal returned (by joint resolution) for further action,
reconsideration motion not needed
  73 (8)
resolution organizing assembly, not impaired by   73 (10)
scheduled for consideration   73 (3)(a)
scheduled for consideration on final legislative day
of last general-business floorperiod, when
taken up
  73 (3)(b)
special, extended, or extraordinary session, taken up
immediately or at time set by vote of majority
present and voting
  93 (6)
special order, taken up immediately or at time set
by vote of majority present and voting   33 (4)
taken up when proposal next regularly scheduled   73 (2)(b)
time limits upon debate 3 minutes   73 (7)
when in order   73 (2)(a), (3)(a)
Reconsideration of amendments   73 (4)
motion for, may be entered during debate   66 (1)(L)
Records, chief clerk has custody of   5 (1)(h)
Referral of conference report to standing committee
not permitted   45 (6)
Referral of proposal (bill, joint resolution, and resolution):
not permitted twice on same day to same specific committee   72
precedence of motion for   65 (2)(d), (e)
to another committee by speaker   13 (1)(am), 42 (3)(c), 45 (1)
to assembly: time limit for   39 (4)(c)
to calendar or another committee after
report by one committee   32 (1)(c), 42 (3)(c)
to calendar, standing committee, or committee on rules
on first reading   32 (1), 39 (4)(c), 42
to committee during debate   65 (2)(d), (e)
to committee from pending calendar (by motion)   13 (1)(c)
to committee on first reading, when required   42 (1)(ad)
to joint committee on finance from rules committee   24 (3)(a)
to joint survey committee and standing committee
simultaneously   24 (3)(a), 42 (1)(b), 45 (4)
Regular order of business   31
definition of “regular order of business"   95 (65)
Regular session (definition)   95 (66)
Rejection (assembly resolutions, amendments):
adverse and final disposition   49 (1)(b), (2)
definition of “rejection"   95 (67)
motion not permitted twice on same day at same stage
of proposal
precedence of motion for   65 (2)(h)
Relating clause read when proposal is taken up   40 (2)
Remain informal (definition)   95 (68)
Removal of employees of officers and members of assembly   7 (1)
Remove from table   74
Report of committee of conference, not divided   80 (4)
Report of committee to assembly:
administrative rule reviewed by committee   20
proposal: with recommendations   18
proposal: without recommendation   19
time limit for   17m
Report of committee without recommendation,
question before assembly   47 (4)
Request (definition)   95 (69)
Rereferral of proposal to committee   13 (1)(am), 45 (1)
Rescind (definition)   95 (70)
Resolution, see Assembly resolution, Joint resolution
definition of “assembly resolution"   95 (71)
Retirement contributions, records kept by chief clerk   5 (1)(s)
Review of administrative rules, committee for, see
s. 13.56, stats.   9 (6)
Revival of amendment   18 (3), 47 (2)
precedence of motion for   65 (2)(f)
Roll call; see also Quick Finder:
adjournment under call, required for   86 (3)
appeal from ruling of presiding officer, required for   62 (7)
assembly rules, majority of current membership
required for change of
attendance taken by roll call vote, must be in seats   30 (1)
ayes and noes shown in journal   76 (9)
call of the assembly, chief clerk calls roll   85
chief clerk not to be interrupted during roll call vote   82
conference report, approval of, see Joint Rule 3 (1)(c)
confirm   51m (2)
day, roll call (definition)   95 (73)
election of officers, required for; by majority of those present,
see also art. IV, sec. 30, Wis. Con.   1
ending debate, required for (seconding required)   71 (1)
“fiscal bills", required for, see Joint Rule 11
interruption of roll call vote out of order   76 (7)
mandatory when required by constitution,
law, Joint Rule, or assembly rule
  76 (3)
member may be excused from voting for special cause   77
pairs not counted as part of outcome   79 (4)
presiding officer may order at own discretion   76 (3)
presiding officer votes and is recorded   78
question, how stated   75 (2)(b)
question lost when vote results in tie   81
ratify amendment to U.S. constitution, see Joint Rule 58 (2)
recess under call, required for   86 (3)
required when requested with support of 15 seconds,
AR 64   76 (3)
roll call day (definition)   95 (73)
roll call vote (definition)   95 (74)
rules, required to change (majority of current membership)   89
suspension of rules (unanimous consent or 2/3 roll call
of members present required; when by majority)
tally by chief clerk or electric voting machine is
official and final
  76 (4)