chief clerk or legislative reference bureau to make
technical corrections
special provisions relating to appropriations,
penalties, rule‐making
  36 (1)(c)
Title of committee, any business relevant to, subject to
hearings   14 (1)
Tourism, recreation, and state properties, committee on
(standing committee)
  9 (1)(v)
Transmittal of proposals:
to governor by directive of assembly or speaker
  23 (4)
to senate   32 (1)(a), 50
Transportation, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(w)
Two‐thirds vote required of members present, see also Joint Rule 12:
to engage in certain conduct during debate   59
to suspend rules   90 (1)
to withdraw bill from committee; exception   15 (3)
Unanimous consent, see also Suspension of rules:
definition of “unanimous consent"   95 (92)
not objected to, suspends only rules necessary to achieve stated purpose   90 (3)
not to be used for frivolous, indecorous, or dilatory
purposes   90 (5)
request fails if objection is heard   90
request for, must contain statement of purpose sought   90 (2)
request not confined to any particular order of business   90 (4)
Unfinished calendars, taken up prior to 5th order on
current calendar   29 (4)
Unintroduced legislation, copies to committee members   11 (10)
United States and Wisconsin flags displayed during
committee meetings   6 (1)(k)
United States constitution, joint resolution to ratify amendment
receives 3 readings
  41 (2)
Universities, committee on colleges and (standing
  9 (1)(d)
Urban and local affairs, committee on (standing
  9 (1)(x)
Utilities, energy and, committee on (standing
  9 (1)(i)
Veterans and military affairs, committee on
(standing committee)
  9 (1)(y)
assembly action on, not subject to motion
for reconsideration
  73 (1)(b)
definition of “veto"   95 (93)
entirely vetoed bill, may not be divided   80 (4)
governor's objections sustained: final and
adverse disposition   49 (1)(h)
overruled by legislature, chief clerk certifies and
deposits with secretary of state
  5 (1)(q)
partial, how may be divided   80 (5), (6)
scheduling for action   31 (5), 44
Vice chairperson of standing committee   9 (2)(bm)
Violation of rules by member during debate   58
Visitor galleries, behavior of individuals   26 (8)
Voice vote:
definition of “voice vote"   95 (94)
question decided by, any member may move reconsideration   73
question, how stated   75 (2)(a)
used unless roll call requested or required   76 (2)
Voting, see also Roll call, Quick Finder:
committee: members vote in order of appointment   11 (6)
every member present must vote; exception   77
immediate voting   71m
interruption of roll call not permitted   76 (7), 82
member may be excused for special cause   77
member must be in chamber when   76 (5), (6)
pairs not considered present   79 (5)
pairs not counted as part of outcome   79 (4)
presiding officer votes   78
question lost when vote results in tie   81
roll call ordered, when   76 (3)
special majority or quorum requirements, see Joint Rules 11 and 12
Voting machine:
journal record of absence may be corrected upon request
after arrival
  30 (1)
record is official and final   76 (4)
record not altered by request “to be recorded"   76 (8)
roll call vote: machine to be used when available   76 (4)
tally to show names and totals   76 (9)
Ways and means, committee on (standing committee)   9 (1)(z)
Whole, committee of, see Committee of the whole   8
Wisconsin, and U.S., flags displayed   6 (1)(k)
Wisconsin constitution, see Constitution, procedure on
resolution proposing change
Withdraw administrative rule   3 (1)(r), 13 (2)
Withdraw amendment, request by author proper
during debate
  66 (1)(g)
Withdraw motion, request by maker during debate   66 (1)(f)
Withdrawing a proposal from committee:
after first 21 days   15 (1)
bill withdrawn: journal shows reported without
recommendation   19 (3)
by speaker or presiding officer   42 (3)(c)
motion made on first legislative day of
week (usually Tuesday)   15 (2), 31 (13)
motion may be tabled unless made under suspension
of rules   74 (3)
petition to withdraw   15 (4)
subsequent motions (or petitions), two‐thirds of
members present and voting required   15 (3)
withdrawn proposal placed in committee on rules for
calendar scheduling   15 (5)
Without recommendation, committee report   19
Witness: subpoena and summary process, how issued   3 (1)(o)
Y to Z
Yielding the floor, recognized through presiding officer   56 (3), 57 (1)(f), (2)
Yielding to question:
one member may interrupt another who has floor   57
recognized through presiding officer   56 (3)
request proper during debate   66 (1)(k)