Motorists required to stop and remain stopped until pedestrian, bicyclist, personal delivery device, or rider of personal assistive mobility device has crossed highway marked by crosswalk or with certain traffic signal -
AB1007State trails admission fee exemption for persons with disabilities operating or riding tandem bicycles or is in a trailer if the other operator has a valid pass -
AB1008Nonconforming outdoor advertising signs: conditions for removal of nonconforming off-property signs revised [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions] -
AB595Nonconforming outdoor advertising signs: conditions for removal of nonconforming off-property signs revised -
SB495Outdoor advertising signs that do not conform to local ordinances and are affected by certain transportation-related projects: treatment revisions -
AB594Outdoor advertising signs that do not conform to local ordinances and are affected by certain transportation-related projects: treatment revisions -
SB496Bill creating an occupational license: DOA to prepare a report; LRB duties [Sec. 1, 9329 (1), 9429 (1); original bill only] -
AB64Bill creating an occupational license: DOA to prepare a report; LRB duties [Sec. 1, 9329 (1), 9429 (1)] -
SB30Bills overturning local government policies, ordinances, and regulations: two-thirds vote required -
SB245Electrical wiring code for certain housing review by DSPS; legal description for easements re sewer lines or facilities; TIF use expanded re workforce housing development and impact fee provision; development-related permits from more than one political subdivision; exemption from highway weight limits for vehicles delivering propane; forestation state property tax eliminated; review or report on bills and proposed administrative rules that affect housing modified; riprap general permits modified [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, removes forestation state property tax and riprap permit provisions, adds property owner rights regarding assessment and maintenance and construction activities on certain structures under a county shoreland zoning ordinance; A.Amdt.2: workforce housing development provisions removed] -
AB480Electrical wiring code for certain housing review by DSPS; legal description for easements re sewer lines or facilities; TIF use expanded re workforce housing development and impact fee provision; development-related permits from more than one political subdivision; exemption from highway weight limits for vehicles delivering propane; forestation state property tax eliminated; review or report on bills and proposed administrative rules that affect housing modified; riprap general permits modified -
SB388Introduction of proposals in the Assembly: establishing a deadline as the first Tuesday of December in the odd-numbered year, exception provisions [Assembly rules 24 (6), 39 (1), (5)] -
AR21Legislative consideration of bills and committee activity: limits imposed, exceptions provided -
AB613Legislative proposals: requirements for economic impact statements created -
AB209Legislature prohibited from passing any bill placing a requirement on local government unless it contains an appropriation: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
AJR11Physical medicine pilot program: DHS to study and implement if authorized by legislature [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9120 (4g)] -
AB64Principal disseminating or attempting to influence model, uniform, suggested, or recommended legislation required to register with Ethics Commission and file expense statements; state public official statements of economic interests expanded to include reimbursements from campaign accounts or scholarships to attend a meeting or conference, person providing the reimbursement or scholarship also required to report to Ethics Commission; penalty provisions -
AB976Prosecutor Board established; State Prosecutors Office created and attached to DOA; automated justice information system and administrative rules and bills affecting the State Prosecutors Office provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1e, L, 31n, 68g, 171b, c, 460r, 507g, 508f, 1712h, 1740g, 1758g, 1762s, 2261g-q, r, s, 2262c-g, 9101 (7p), 9401 (1p)] -
AB64Racial impact statement required for any bill that creates or modifies a crime or modifies the penalty of an existing crime; JRCCP to prepare, conditions specified -
SB151Railroad acquisition of property by condemnation: in certain cases, legislation required that the acquisition serves the public interest -
AB545Railroad corporation acquisition of property by condemnation: in certain cases, legislation required that the acquisition serves the public interest [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 585i, k] -
AB64Required general fund structural balance does not apply to legislation adopted in the 2017-18 legislative session [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9152 (1i)] -
AB64Social and financial impact report requirements for bills and amendments containing health insurance mandates clarified; OCI and LRB duties -
AB410Social and financial impact report requirements for bills and amendments containing health insurance mandates clarified; OCI and LRB duties -
SB319State to use GAAP to account for and report on funds and expenditures; budgetary basis of accounting established; reducing deficit of a state fund and, once eliminated, prohibiting legislature from passing a bill resulting in a projected deficit. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
SJR110UW--Oshkosh Foundation, Inc.: transferring funds to prohibited without legislative enactment [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 602r] -
AB64Bingo and raffle law changes (remedial legislation) -
AB2Bingo and raffle law changes (remedial legislation) -
AB841Bingo and raffle law changes (remedial legislation) -
SB720Bergstrom Waterfowl Complex: DOT to erect direction signs along STH 54, contributions from interested parties provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1227d, dm, p, t] -
AB64Canada goose hunting: reporting requirements revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 572ng, nj] -
AB64Daylight hunting hours limited as applied to the hunting of deer, bear, small game, or wild turkey -
AB1050Deer and wild turkey carcass tag requirements eliminated; wild turkey hunting authorization and car-kill deer or wild turkey provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 572b-n, o-q, 576g, r, 578b-y, 579e-581r, 582r] -
AB64Elk damage abatement: crops or grasses grown for bird hunting preserve made eligible, fencing provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 582m, p] -
AB64Pheasant hunting in the Bong area lands or state recreation areas: use of administrative fees [Sec. 242, 511-514, 555; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Bong area land removed, fees to hunt on land under DNR management, 512m, deletes 511-514, 555] -
AB64Pheasant hunting in the Bong area lands or state recreation areas: use of administrative fees [Sec. 242, 511-514, 555] -
SB30Pole trap or elevated perch used to capture or kill any bird: maximum height increased; valid migratory bird depredation permit required -
AB464Pole trap or elevated perch used to capture or kill any bird: maximum height increased; valid migratory bird depredation permit required -
SB376Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision -
AB934Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision -
SB761Uniform end date for open hunting and trapping seasons for specified animals required -
AB328Uniform end date for open hunting and trapping seasons for specified animals required [S.Amdt.2: conditions for closing the season or changing the end date added; S.Amdt.3: effective date] -
SB225Wild turkey hunting authorizations: two holders may transfer to each other, conditions set -
AB901Wild turkey hunting authorizations: two holders may transfer to each other, conditions set -
SB773Wild turkey hunting license and tag cumulative preference system: exemption for residents who are recipients of the Purple Heart Medal and disabled veterans -
AB82Wild turkey hunting license and tag cumulative preference system: exemption for residents who are recipients of the Purple Heart Medal and disabled veterans -
SB46Wild turkey hunting license and tag: transfer to another person allowed -
AB573Wild turkey hunting license and tag: transfer to another person allowed -
SB485Wild turkey hunting program and special event for disabled veterans: DNR to establish; approvals, fees, mentor, and emergency rules provisions -
AB203Wild turkey hunting program and special event for disabled veterans: DNR to establish; approvals, fees, mentor, and emergency rules provisions -
SB150Contraceptives: dispensing an extended supply required to be covered by health insurers -
AB753Contraceptives: dispensing an extended supply required to be covered by health insurers -
SB642DHS Office of Inspector General audit of family planning service reimbursements paid to covered entities under MA; percentage of overpayment recoveries budgeted in the 2019-21 biennium for specified appropriations [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 379ar, as, 9120 (6p), (6t), 9220 (5p)-(5s), 9420 (4b)] -
AB64Family planning services: DHS restriction on distributing certain funds and term “women’s health block grants” eliminated; funding increased -
AB141Family planning services: DHS restriction on distributing certain funds and term “women’s health block grants” eliminated; funding increased -
SB92Nonpublic family planning provider subject to a federal funding prohibition: DHS required to provide state MA reimbursement, conditions set -
AB392Nonpublic family planning provider subject to a federal funding prohibition: DHS required to provide state MA reimbursement, conditions set -
SB269Legislative committee meetings: public notices required to include text re accommodations for interpreter, translator, alternative formats, or other accommodation and be printed in English, Spanish, and Hmong; Chief Clerk duties -
AB344Legislative committee meetings: public notices required to include text re accommodations for interpreter, translator, alternative formats, or other accommodation and be printed in English, Spanish, and Hmong; Chief Clerk duties -
SB256White Cane Safety Day: October 15, 2017 proclaimed as -
AJR80White Cane Safety Day: October 15, 2017 proclaimed as -
SJR77Bicycling designated as the state exercise; Blue Book provision -
AB320Bicycling designated as the state exercise; Blue Book provision -
SB244Cheese designated as the state dairy product; Blue Book provision -
AB73Cheese designated as the state dairy product; Blue Book provision -
SB44Ginseng designated as the state herb; Blue Book provision -
AB321Ginseng designated as the state herb; Blue Book provision -
SB248Monarch designated the state butterfly and bee balm designated the state wildflower; Blue Book provision -
AB644Monarch designated the state butterfly and bee balm designated the state wildflower; Blue Book provision -
SB565Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision -
AB934Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision -