Interactive electronic devices: using while driving prohibited; exceptions and penalty provisions - SB380
Internet access services: sales tax repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1177t, 1182n, 9438 (4w)] - AB64
JCF executive action on biennial budget bill: distributed to JCF members and posted on LFB Internet site 48 hours before consideration required; exceptions provided - AB448
Legal notices: class 2 and class 3 notice revisions; municipal website provision - AB120
Legal notices published electronically by a municipality: easily identifiable link to notices on Internet homepage required - AB119
Motor vehicle operators’ licenses: DOT may issue a copy in electronic format, fee provision - AB1037
Online purchases: seller shall allow cancellations on an Internet site - AB248
Online purchases: seller shall allow cancellations on an Internet site - SB129
Personal electronic computing devices grant program created for schools to provide devices for pupil use, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208e, 1482f] - AB64
Personal farm property or household goods sold by auction on the Internet: sales and use tax exemption - AB571
Personal farm property or household goods sold by auction on the Internet: sales and use tax exemption - SB484
Pseudoephedrine product sales: implementation of electronic system for recording, tracking, and blocking illegal sales; National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) and DOJ provisions - AB306
Pseudoephedrine product sales: implementation of electronic system for recording, tracking, and blocking illegal sales; National Precursor Log Exchange (NPLEx) and DOJ provisions - SB237
Publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain governmental bodies: posting a copy on the Internet in lieu of publishing in a newspaper authorized - AB70
Publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain governmental bodies: posting a copy on the Internet in lieu of publishing in a newspaper authorized - SB42
Pupil data inventory: Superintendent of Public Instruction to create, maintain, and post to DPI website - AB71
Qualified child sales and use tax rebate for 2018 created [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, August sales tax holiday on eligible property created for 2018] - SB798
Sale of foreclosed property: county ordinance requiring sheriff or referee to use an Internet-based auction authorized [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions to reflect changes made by 2017 WisAct 104, lien and registered auctioneer provisions added] - AB690
Sale of foreclosed property: county ordinance requiring sheriff or referee to use an Internet-based auction authorized - SB621
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created; definitions and sunset provisions - AB232
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created; definitions and sunset provisions - SB163
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created, sunset provision [Sec. 1181, 1183, 1194, 9438 (1); original bill only] - AB64
Sales tax holiday on specific days in August and on certain products created, sunset provision [Sec. 1181, 1183, 1194, 9438 (1)] - SB30
Securities registration exemptions related to crowdfunding - AB692
Securities registration exemptions related to crowdfunding - SB583
Self-certification registry established re supporting organizations; limitations, fees, definitions, and report provisions - AB370
Self-certification registry established re supporting organizations; limitations, fees, definitions, and report provisions - SB296
Service of certain pleadings and other papers: electronic mail provisions created - AB566
Service of certain pleadings and other papers: electronic mail provisions created - SB468
State lottery advertising: limits on content and amount state can spend; email-based advertising prohibited - AB454
State lottery advertising: limits on content and amount state can spend; email-based advertising prohibited - SB370
State traffic patrol appropriation to purchase in-vehicle video camera equipment and tactical vests and helmets [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 362p] - AB64
Tax-exempt computers: state aid payment revisions; DOR and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 997h, i, L-n, 1165d, 1210e-h, 1635d] - AB64
Tax notices from DOR: electronic transmission option created [Sec. 1010, 1011, 1124, 1137, 1138, 1145-1150, 1156-1158, 1163-1166, 1180, 1182, 1195, 1197, 1208, 1209, 1645, 1646, 1681; original bill only] - AB64
Tax notices from DOR: electronic transmission option created [Sec. 1010, 1011, 1124, 1137, 1138, 1145-1150, 1156-1158, 1163-1166, 1180, 1182, 1195, 1197, 1208, 1209, 1645, 1646, 1681] - SB30
Technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin: annual conference requirement eliminated [Sec. 174, 439] - AB64
Technology for educational achievement in Wisconsin: annual conference requirement eliminated [Sec. 174, 439] - SB30
Telecommunications, cable television or video service, or broadband service facilities: eliminates requirement that local governments prepare a report before holding a public hearing on an authorizing ordinance or resolution; local governments can apply for broadband expansion grant without a partner - SB845
Telecommuter Forward! community certification for political subdivisions through PSC; Telecommuter Forward! council created, PSC duties [A.Amdt.1: council deleted] - AB917
Telecommuter Forward! community certification for political subdivisions through PSC; Telecommuter Forward! council created, PSC duties - SB756
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - AJR100
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - SJR96
Truant pupil: school attendance officer permitted to notify parent or guardian by electronic communication - AB341
Truant pupil: school attendance officer permitted to notify parent or guardian by electronic communication [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1506m] - AB64
Truant pupil: school attendance officer permitted to notify parent or guardian by electronic communication - SB252
Use of force by law enforcement policy: every law enforcement agency required to prepare and make publicly available on its own or the municipality’s website - AB437
Use of force by law enforcement policy: every law enforcement agency required to prepare and make publicly available on its own or the municipality’s website - SB546
Video recording of surgical procedures and discharge instructions: surgical facilities required to offer the option to patients; conditions, definitions, surcharge, and penalty provisions; DHS duties - AB863
Vital records and collection of statistics: various changes to Chapter 69 and accommodation of electronic records [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB898
Vital records and collection of statistics: various changes to Chapter 69 and accommodation of electronic records - SB760
Water quality testing at state veterans homes: DVA to perform monthly and publish results on its Internet site - AB590
Water quality testing at state veterans homes: DVA to perform monthly and publish results on its Internet site - SB470
data processing _ criminal acts and law enforcementData processing — Criminal acts and law enforcement
Administrative subpoenas issued in the investigation of Internet crimes against children expanded to include human trafficking crimes and hotels and possible recipients - AB634
Administrative subpoenas issued in the investigation of Internet crimes against children expanded to include human trafficking crimes and hotels and possible recipients - SB541
Body-worn cameras by correctional officers: DOC report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9108 (2w)] - AB64
Crime labs, drug law enforcement surcharge, and DNA surcharge: revenue appropriation structure; Internet crimes against children provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 408c, f, p, t, v, 412h, 1673v, 2255p, 9228 (1p)] - AB64
GPS device used to monitor certain sex offenders and persons who have violated certain injunctions: term of contract between DOC and vendor modified - AB601
GPS device used to monitor certain sex offenders and persons who have violated certain injunctions: term of contract between DOC and vendor modified - SB516
Law enforcement body camera requirements for use and retention created; data custody provision - AB351
Law enforcement body camera requirements for use and retention created; data custody provision - SB279
Person subject to GPS tracking by DOC: penalty for intentionally failing to charge device - AB983
Person subject to GPS tracking by DOC: penalty for intentionally failing to charge device - SB831
day careDay care
Asset revisions re financial eligibility requirements for W-2, Wisconsin Shares, and FoodShare [A.Amdt.1: DCF and DHS required to perform periodic review of public benefit database and compare to national databases that contain death records] - Jr8 AB3
Asset revisions re financial eligibility requirements for W-2, Wisconsin Shares, and FoodShare - Jr8 SB3
Background check changes re child care program, caregiver, and nonclient resident of the child care provider's home; changes to training requirement for Wisconsin Shares reimbursement; emergency rules [Sec. 380, 394, 397, 776-784, 786-833, 836-843, 845, 846, 849-854, 871-873, 876-880, 1626-1628, 2245, 9106 (1), 9406 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 793g, 835a] - AB64
Background check changes re child care program, caregiver, and nonclient resident of the child care provider's home; changes to training requirement for Wisconsin Shares reimbursement; emergency rules [Sec. 380, 394, 397, 776-784, 786-833, 836-843, 845, 846, 849-854, 871-873, 876-880, 1626-1628, 2245, 9106 (1), 9406 (2)] - SB30
Caregiver background checks: DHS administrative rules related to DCF revised [Admin.Code DHS 12.01, 12.02, 12.03, 12.04, 12.05, 12.06, 12.07, 12.08, 12.09, 12.11, 12.12] - AB336
Child care programs established or contracted for by school boards with Wisconsin Shares funding: DCF oversight [Sec. 785, 834, 1625] - AB64
Child care programs established or contracted for by school boards with Wisconsin Shares funding: DCF oversight [Sec. 785, 834, 1625] - SB30
Epinephrine auto-injectors: use and supply of by authorized individuals allowed; definition provision - AB96
Epinephrine auto-injectors: use and supply of by authorized individuals allowed; definition provision - SB209
FoodShare employment and training program (FSET): all able-bodied adults required to participate, exceptions noted [A.Amdt.1: Wisconsin Shares provision added; A.Amdt.2: LAB audit required; A.Amdt.3: request to USDA to share savings with the state] - Jr8 AB2
Iron and steel slag managed as an item of value is not included in definition of ``solid waste” [A.Amdt.1: use of unencapsulated slag prohibited near a residential dwelling or school or daycare facility without DNR approval] - AB941
Lead investigation of facilities serving children under age 6: DHS required to promulgate rules requiring; facility notification requirements - AB949
Lead investigation of facilities serving children under age 6: DHS required to promulgate rules requiring; facility notification requirements - SB855
Rates paid to foster parent or kinship care relative increased [Sec. 773-775, 9406 (1)] - AB64
Rates paid to foster parent or kinship care relative increased [Sec. 773-775, 9406 (1)] - SB30
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow, conditions specified - AB858
Testing for lead in drinking water: child care center license and child care provider certification requirements - AB298
Testing for lead in drinking water: child care center license and child care provider certification requirements - SB526
Wisconsin Shares approved activities: grace period for individuals that permanently cease participating; temporary break in participation provision [Sec. 848, 856-865, 875, 9306 (1)] - AB64
Wisconsin Shares approved activities: grace period for individuals that permanently cease participating; temporary break in participation provision [Sec. 848, 856-865, 875, 9306 (1)] - SB30
Wisconsin Shares changes re maximum rates for licensed child care and authorized amount; DCF duties (remedial legislation) - AB5
Wisconsin Shares eligibility: limit on liquid assets [Sec. 847, 869, 9306 (3)] - AB64
Wisconsin Shares eligibility: limit on liquid assets [Sec. 847, 869, 9306 (3)] - SB30
Wisconsin Shares eligibility requirements and authorized hours revisions [Sec. 855, 866, 870, 874] - AB64