CTE (Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy) Awareness Day: January 30, 2018 recognized as -
SJR104Dementia specialist certification requirements created; prohibitions on use of the title -
AB630Diabetes Awareness Month: November 2017 proclaimed as -
AJR67Diabetes Awareness Month: November 2017 proclaimed as -
SJR66Dispensing, distributing, or selling dialysate, drugs, or devices necessary for providing home peritoneal kidney dialysis to patient with end-stage renal disease: exemption from pharmacist license requirement, conditions set -
AB1047Dispensing, distributing, or selling dialysate, drugs, or devices necessary for providing home peritoneal kidney dialysis to patient with end-stage renal disease: exemption from pharmacist license requirement, conditions set -
SB875Glaucoma Awareness Month: January recognized as -
AJR96Glaucoma Awareness Month: January recognized as -
SJR93Lyme Disease Awareness Month: May 2017 proclaimed as -
AJR41Lyme Disease Awareness Month: May 2017 proclaimed as -
SJR45Lyme disease laboratory test notice form creation; online availability, patient copy, and annual update requirement -
AB316Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month: June 2017 designated as -
AJR19Myasthenia Gravis Awareness Month: June 2017 designated as -
SJR20Open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated (remedial legislation) [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Office of School Safety created in DOJ, school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills, mandatory reporting of threats of violence, DOJ grants for school safety, reports and penalty provisions] -
AB843Open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated (remedial legislation) -
SB718PANDAS and PANS Awareness Day: October 9, 2017 proclaimed as -
AJR74PANDAS and PANS Awareness Day: October 9, 2017 proclaimed as -
SJR75Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month: September 2017 proclaimed as -
AJR73Pediatric Cancer Awareness Month: September 2017 proclaimed as -
SJR74Shingles Awareness and Improvement Month: August recognized as -
AJR113Tuberculosis screening questionnaire required of school district employees, including MPS; practitioner duties specified -
AB382Tuberculosis screening questionnaire required of school district employees, including MPS; practitioner duties specified -
SB382Virtual dementia tour license: DHS funding authorized -
AB643World Lymphedema Day: March 6, 2017 recognized as -
SJR14Aiding a person suffering from an overdose or adverse reaction and immunity from controlled substance prosecution: revisions to 2017 WisAct 33 re initial applicability clause, bail jumping immunity, and sunset the bail jumping changes [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2251xg-xs, 2265r, 9452 (2x)] -
AB64Assistant DA positions created and apportionment provisions -
AB502Assistant DA positions created and apportionment provisions -
SB573DA, deputy DA, and assistant DA allowed to provide pro bono publico legal services -
AB117DA, deputy DA, and assistant DA allowed to provide pro bono publico legal services -
AB36DA, deputy DA, and assistant DA allowed to provide pro bono publico legal services -
SB504Death involving a law enforcement officer: investigator to provide report to the chief judge of the judicial administrative district who must appoint a special prosecutor; DA provisions removed -
AB155DOJ to collect crime information from law enforcement agencies, DAs, and courts re firearms, marijuana, and motor vehicle thefts; quarterly compilations required -
AB724DOJ to collect crime information from law enforcement agencies, DAs, and courts re firearms, marijuana, and motor vehicle thefts; quarterly compilations required -
SB611Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibit enforcement of federal or state law; authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence enforcement action, writ of mandamus provision; reduction of shared revenue payments; and political subdivision is liable for damage caused by an illegal alien -
AB190Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibit enforcement of federal or state law; authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence enforcement action, writ of mandamus provision; reduction of shared revenue payments; and political subdivision is liable for damage caused by an illegal alien -
SB275Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits inquiries of individuals receiving public assistance or who were legally detained or arrested and reporting to or assisting other units of government re enforcement; writ of mandamus provision and reduction of shared revenue payments for failure to comply -
AB127Medicolegal Investigation Examining Board (MIEB) created in DSPS; licensure of medical examiners, medicolegal investigators, and staff members established; provisions re death notification, handling of personal property, disposition of bodies, access to deceased’s mental health treatment records, and emergency rules -
AB366Medicolegal Investigation Examining Board (MIEB) created in DSPS; licensure of medical examiners, medicolegal investigators, and staff members established; provisions re death notification, handling of personal property, disposition of bodies, access to deceased’s mental health treatment records, and emergency rules -
SB297Parental choice program: criminal penalties re false statement on application, concealing events to fraudulently participate, or unauthorized use of payments; DOJ and DA duties -
AB493Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created -
AB231Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created -
SB155Prosecutor Board established; State Prosecutors Office created and attached to DOA; automated justice information system and administrative rules and bills affecting the State Prosecutors Office provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1e, L, 31n, 68g, 171b, c, 460r, 507g, 508f, 1712h, 1740g, 1758g, 1762s, 2261g-q, r, s, 2262c-g, 9101 (7p), 9401 (1p)] -
AB64Reproductive health care facility safety program: DOJ to implement and develop training programs for law enforcement officers and prosecuting attorneys; grants to counties -
AB658Reproductive health care facility safety program: DOJ to implement and develop training programs for law enforcement officers and prosecuting attorneys; grants to counties -
SB568Sexually violent person on supervised release: DHS required to notify DA and local governmental units of intended residential placement -
AB312Special prosecutor to assist DA: court may appoint in certain counties, DOA certification of backlog provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2261qm, rm, rt] -
AB64Venue for trials involving violations of elections, ethics, and lobbying regulation laws changed; Elections Commission, Ethics Commission, and disclosure of certain information provisions -
AB32Victim impact statements established; definition and confidentiality provisions -
AB927WEDC employees aware of fraud against WEDC required to report it to DOJ or a DA; retroactive provision -
AB648Gross income reporting requirement for wage garnishment re maintenance, child support, spousal support, or family support (remedial legislation) -
AB3Marriage after divorce judgment: waiting period eliminated -
AB521Marriage after divorce judgment: waiting period eliminated -
SB179dnrDNR, see natural resources department of -- specific subheading
doaDOA, see administration department of -- specific subheading
Certain dog license and vaccination tag requirements for hunting bear or wolf eliminated -
AB711Dog license fee exemption re dogs trained for physical or therapeutic functions -
AB218Dog or cat that has bitten its owner: quarantine examination requirements changed -
AB1067Dogs hunting bear or wolf or being trained to hunt: tag requirements revised -
SB633Fences on closed MFL: prohibition exemption if used for dog training by licensed nonprofit organization -
AB230Fences on closed MFL: prohibition exemption if used for dog training by licensed nonprofit organization -
SB178Hunting dogs injured or killed by wolves: depredation payments eliminated -
SB776Landlord and tenant regulations revised; political subdivision authority modified re historic properties, municipal dwelling inspection, levy limit reduction and garbage collection exception, and certain fees; public utility service to rental dwelling units; municipal utility arrearage collection; eviction action procedural changes; removing case management information from CCAP; open housing law re service, assistance, or emotional support animals; municipal administrative review; enforcement of rental unit energy efficiency program [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, habitability violation and rental property inspection program added] -
AB771Landlord and tenant regulations revised; political subdivision authority modified re historic properties, municipal dwelling inspection, levy limit reduction and garbage collection exception, and certain fees; public utility service to rental dwelling units; municipal utility arrearage collection; eviction action procedural changes; removing case management information from CCAP; open housing law re service, assistance, or emotional support animals; municipal administrative review; enforcement of rental unit energy efficiency program -
SB639Law enforcement dogs that have bitten a person: confinement and veterinarian examination requirement removed -
AB58Law enforcement dogs that have bitten a person: confinement and veterinarian examination requirement removed -
SB21Harbor assistance grant for Fincantieri Bay Shipbuilding [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 359nm, 9145 (4d)] -
AB64dotDOT, see transportation department of -- specific subheading
Airport and spaceport approach protection: ordinance cannot prohibit use of physical barrier in lieu of certain drainage requirement re storm retention pond [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1460m] -
AB64Drainage district revisions re jurisdiction, board membership, regulation of district access corridors, land in newly organized or annexed to districts, discharge of dredged material into wetland permit exemption, floodplain zoning ordinances, and property tax assessment -
AB246Drainage district revisions re jurisdiction, board membership, regulation of district access corridors, land in newly organized or annexed to districts, discharge of dredged material into wetland permit exemption, floodplain zoning ordinances, and property tax assessment [S.Amdt.1: storm water discharge permit exceptions added] -