Substance abuse: continuing education for health care practitioners; federal waiver re dispensing narcotics for addiction treatment; prescribing and dispensing buprenorphine combination products; counseling changes re certification and who can offer treatment; school health instruction requirements; graduate program in psychiatric mental health nursing at UW—Madison; training resources for social service workers; DCF, DHS, and DSPS duties; administrative rules provisions [Admin.Code DHS 75.02, 75.03; MPSW 1.09; SPS 160 (title), 160.015, 160.02, 160.03, 161, 163.01, 163.02, 164.01, 165, 166, 168] [A.Amdt.1: MEB emergency rule provisions added, administrative rule provisions revised; A.Amdt.1 to A.Amdt.1: continuing education for certain health care providers provision deleted, MEB emergency rules and rule-making authority provisions deleted, adds reporting requirements for certain credentialing boards re opioids] -
AB907Substance abuse: continuing education for health care practitioners; federal waiver re dispensing narcotics for addiction treatment; prescribing and dispensing buprenorphine combination products; counseling changes re certification and who can offer treatment; school health instruction requirements; graduate program in psychiatric mental health nursing at UW—Madison; training resources for social service workers; DCF, DHS, and DSPS duties; administrative rules provisions [Admin.Code DHS 75.02, 75.03; MPSW 1.09; SPS 160 (title), 160.015, 160.02, 160.03, 161, 163.01, 163.02, 164.01, 165, 166, 168] -
SB767UW Flexible Options platform expanded; assistance becoming a registered nurse and preparing for initial teaching license and permits required [Sec. 9148 (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, nursing provision removed, teaching license provision changed to teacher residency program between a UW school of education and a school district, 9148 (2p)] -
AB64UW Flexible Options platform expanded; assistance becoming a registered nurse and preparing for initial teaching license and permits required [Sec. 9148 (2)] -
SB30Workforce training grants (Fast Forward Program): use expanded for collaborative projects, teacher training, nursing training program, internship placement, and improved workforce retention; DWD duties [Sec. 398, 399, 1397-1402, 1404, 1406, 9151 (1), (2); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, grant to support the Building Occupational Skills for Success (BOSS) program added with report and sunset provisions, 398b, 9151 (5q), 9451 (2q)] -
AB64Workforce training grants (Fast Forward Program): use expanded for collaborative projects, teacher training, nursing training program, internship placement, and improved workforce retention; DWD duties [Sec. 398, 399, 1397-1402, 1404, 1406, 9151 (1), (2)] -
SB30BOALTC and ombudsman program revisions [Sec. 32, 75-110, 1662] -
AB64BOALTC and ombudsman program revisions [Sec. 32, 75-110, 1662] -
SB30Family Care funding: work with care management organizations and Centers for Medicaid and Medicare Services to increase payments for direct care services, JCF provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 928r] -
AB64Family Care Partnership program: DHS to request MA waiver to expand, JCF approval [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9120 (4k)] -
AB64Missing adult at risk reports: law enforcement agency to refer person making the report to local aging and disability resource centers; if the subject of the alert was driving, DOT to review the driver’s license of to determine if restrictions should be imposed -
AB628Missing adult at risk reports: law enforcement agency to refer person making the report to local aging and disability resource centers; if the subject of the alert was driving, DOT to review the driver’s license of to determine if restrictions should be imposed -
SB517Nursing home bed assessment: exemption for county-owned institutions for mental disease and certain facilities not certified to participate in Medicaid or Medicare, waiver provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 969n-r] -
AB64Nursing home bed licenses: DHS to redistribute to 18 beds, criteria specified, report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9120 (5b)] -
AB64People with Developmental Disabilities, Board for, to develop program providing coaching for the hiring of individuals with disabilities enrolled in long-term care programs -
AB819People with Developmental Disabilities, Board for, to develop program providing coaching for the hiring of individuals with disabilities enrolled in long-term care programs -
SB689Services that may be covered by MA if prescribed or ordered by a provider acting within the scope of the provider’s practice regulations -
AB529Services that may be covered by MA if prescribed or ordered by a provider acting within the scope of the provider’s practice regulations -
SB452Special voting deputies dispatched to retirement home that is part of a multiple-use facility: management of retirement home must provide occupants’ names and addresses to the clerk -
AB925Therapeutic or modified diets in certain long term care facilities: physician may delegate prescribing to certified dietitian [Admin.Code DHS 132.63, 134.64] -
AB473Therapeutic or modified diets in certain long term care facilities: physician may delegate prescribing to certified dietitian [Admin.Code DHS 132.63, 134.64] [S.Amdt.1: licensed dietitian added] -
SB385Harvest for hope grant: DATCP to award to nonprofit statewide food banks to promote donation of excess and unmarketable farm and food products; sunset provision -
AB577Harvest for hope grant: DATCP to award to nonprofit statewide food banks to promote donation of excess and unmarketable farm and food products; sunset provision -
SB487Nutrition education standards modified re knowledge of nutritive value of food, nutritious diet in promoting health, and nutrition education component in health education -
AB215Nutrition education standards modified re knowledge of nutritive value of food, nutritious diet in promoting health, and nutrition education component in health education [S.Amdt.1: nutrition education component provision removed] -
SB159Nutritional food pilot program within FoodShare established; DHS to develop and request federal waiver if needed -
AB530Therapeutic or modified diets in certain long term care facilities: physician may delegate prescribing to certified dietitian [Admin.Code DHS 132.63, 134.64] -
AB473Therapeutic or modified diets in certain long term care facilities: physician may delegate prescribing to certified dietitian [Admin.Code DHS 132.63, 134.64] [S.Amdt.1: licensed dietitian added] -
SB385W-2 and FoodShare employment and training (FSET) program contractors: performance-based payment system [A.Amdt.1: healthy eating incentive pilot program and appropriation added, sunset provision] -
Jr8 AB6Sexually explicit representation solicited from a minor: crime created, penalty provision -
AB389Sexually explicit representation solicited from a minor: crime created, penalty provision [S.Amdt.1: felony provision added, misdemeanor if solicitor and solicited are within certain age range] -
SB300Superintendent of Public Instruction may revoke a license for immoral conduct, definition revised re pornographic material; governing bodies of schools (public, private, charter) prohibited from aiding an employee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job if there is reason to believe child sexual abuse has been committed -
AB329Superintendent of Public Instruction may revoke a license for immoral conduct, definition revised re pornographic material; governing bodies of schools (public, private, charter) prohibited from aiding an employee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job if there is reason to believe child sexual abuse has been committed [S.Amdt.1: new job in a school or educational agency specified] -
SB253DOC employees permitted to collectively bargain over workplace safety -
AB695DOC employees permitted to collectively bargain over workplace safety -
SB589Workers' Memorial Day: April 28, 2017 proclaimed as -
AJR28Workers' Memorial Day: April 28, 2017 proclaimed as -
SJR35``PFC Valentine T. Warrichaiet Memorial Bridge”: DOT to designate and mark bridge on USH 41 across the Oconto River in City of Oconto as -
AB699``PFC Valentine T. Warrichaiet Memorial Bridge”: DOT to designate and mark bridge on USH 41 across the Oconto River in City of Oconto as -
SB598Olympic medal won by an individual: tax exemption for value of and payments from the U.S. Olympic Committee created -
AB289Olympic, Paralympic, and Special Olympics medals won by individuals: income tax exemption for value of and any payments from the U.S. Olympic Committee or Special Olympics Board of Directors [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1023s, 9338 (16c)] -
AB64BOALTC and ombudsman program revisions [Sec. 32, 75-110, 1662] -
AB64BOALTC and ombudsman program revisions [Sec. 32, 75-110, 1662] -
SB30Children with disabilities enrolled in private schools: DPI to designate an ombudsman to monitor federal special education laws and identify private school fiscal agent to receive federal funding; federal waiver provision [Sec. 1484, 1486; original bill only] -
AB64Children with disabilities enrolled in private schools: DPI to designate an ombudsman to monitor federal special education laws and identify private school fiscal agent to receive federal funding; federal waiver provision [Sec. 1484, 1486] -
SB30Meetings of governmental bodies, including legislative committees: laws requiring reasonable notice of and public access to; legislative members subject to citations and civil penalties for violations. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
AJR116Meetings of governmental bodies, including legislative committees: laws requiring reasonable notice of and public access to; legislative members subject to citations and civil penalties for violations. Constitutional amendment (1st consideration) -
SJR111Open meeting law applies to partisan caucus of the Senate or Assembly and rule that would exempt them is not valid -
AB228Public notice of Assembly committee meetings revisions [Assembly rule 14m] -
AR30Public notice of Senate, Assembly, and joint committee meetings revisions [Joint rule 27] -
AJR115Public notice of Senate, Assembly, and joint committee meetings revisions [Joint rule 27] -
SJR112Public notice of Senate committee meetings revisions [Senate rules 25 (1)(b), (c), 93 (2)] -
SR4Publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain governmental bodies: posting a copy on the Internet in lieu of publishing in a newspaper authorized -
AB70Publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain governmental bodies: posting a copy on the Internet in lieu of publishing in a newspaper authorized -
SB42School boards allowed to go into closed session re school safety plan discussion or approval; open records law exemption -
AB1059Airport and spaceport approach protection: ordinance cannot prohibit use of physical barrier in lieu of certain drainage requirement re storm retention pond [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1460m] -
AB64Animal-drawn vehicle: animal wearing horseshoes that will injure a highway prohibited, penalty provision; county and municipal ordinance provision with signage provision -
AB697Animal-drawn vehicle: animal wearing horseshoes that will injure a highway prohibited, penalty provision; county and municipal ordinance provision with signage provision -
SB585Animal-drawn vehicle: counties may enact an ordinance requiring registration; fee provision -
AB900Animal-drawn vehicle: counties may enact an ordinance requiring registration; fee provision -
SB752ATV and UTV operation on highways: municipal ordinances authorizing permitted, conditions set -
AB485ATV and UTV operation on highways: municipal ordinances authorizing permitted, conditions set -
SB392Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate -
AB990Bills overturning local government policies, ordinances, and regulations: two-thirds vote required -
SB245Closing hour for wineries operating under a retail ``Class B" license changed, ordinance provision -
AB433Closing hour for wineries operating under a retail ``Class B" license changed, ordinance provision -
SB311Drone operation prohibitions created re interfering with police, firefighter, or emergency medical responder, stalking or criminal harassment, and violation of restraining order or other judicial order; registered sex offender provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, prohibitions removed, political subdivision ordinance limiting use of drones by the political subdivision allowed, ``drone" definition modified] -