Airport and spaceport approach protection: ordinance cannot prohibit use of physical barrier in lieu of certain drainage requirement re storm retention pond [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1460m] - AB64
Animal-drawn vehicle: animal wearing horseshoes that will injure a highway prohibited, penalty provision; county and municipal ordinance provision with signage provision - AB697
Animal-drawn vehicle: animal wearing horseshoes that will injure a highway prohibited, penalty provision; county and municipal ordinance provision with signage provision - SB585
Animal-drawn vehicle: counties may enact an ordinance requiring registration; fee provision - AB900
Animal-drawn vehicle: counties may enact an ordinance requiring registration; fee provision - SB752
ATV and UTV operation on highways: municipal ordinances authorizing permitted, conditions set - AB485
ATV and UTV operation on highways: municipal ordinances authorizing permitted, conditions set - SB392
Auxiliary container re merchandise, food, or beverages from a food service or retail facility: repeal limitation on authority of political subdivisions to regulate - AB990
Bills overturning local government policies, ordinances, and regulations: two-thirds vote required - SB245
Closing hour for wineries operating under a retail ``Class B" license changed, ordinance provision - AB433
Closing hour for wineries operating under a retail ``Class B" license changed, ordinance provision - SB311
Drone operation prohibitions created re interfering with police, firefighter, or emergency medical responder, stalking or criminal harassment, and violation of restraining order or other judicial order; registered sex offender provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, prohibitions removed, political subdivision ordinance limiting use of drones by the political subdivision allowed, ``drone" definition modified] - AB855
Drone operation prohibitions created re interfering with police, firefighter, or emergency medical responder, stalking or criminal harassment, and violation of restraining order or other judicial order; registered sex offender provisions - SB701
DSPS regulation of professions and building and safety laws revisions re notice of request to inspect or copy building plans, list of licensed retail supplies of LPG, review of local construction site erosion control program, membership of certain boards and credentialing boards, nursing practice law, physician assistant renewal date, Cemetery Board filings, and DSPS employed mining inspector [A.Amdt.2: local ordinance regulating tattooing and body piercing prohibited] - AB903
Electrical wiring code for certain housing review by DSPS; legal description for easements re sewer lines or facilities; TIF use expanded re workforce housing development and impact fee provision; development-related permits from more than one political subdivision; exemption from highway weight limits for vehicles delivering propane; forestation state property tax eliminated; review or report on bills and proposed administrative rules that affect housing modified; riprap general permits modified [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, removes forestation state property tax and riprap permit provisions, adds property owner rights regarding assessment and maintenance and construction activities on certain structures under a county shoreland zoning ordinance; A.Amdt.2: workforce housing development provisions removed] - AB480
Electronic voting machine to cast an in-person absentee ballot authorized, municipal resolution or ordinance provision; Elections Commission duties - AB637
Electronic voting machine to cast an in-person absentee ballot authorized, municipal resolution or ordinance provision; Elections Commission duties - SB524
Family and medical leave requirement: eliminate prohibition on local ordinances - AB997
Family and medical leave requirement: eliminate prohibition on local ordinances - SB869
Floodplain determination and floodplain zoning ordinance required to conform to a letter of map amendment (LOMA) from FEMA; DNR provision - AB713
Floodplain determination and floodplain zoning ordinance required to conform to a letter of map amendment (LOMA) from FEMA; DNR provision [S.Amdt.1: exception added] - SB601
Frac sand mining provisions re agricultural use and residential use zoning ordinances; definition provided - SB332
Habitual parking violator: authority of county or municipality to enact an ordinance to immobilize, remove, impound, and dispose of motor vehicle - AB882
Habitual parking violator: authority of county or municipality to enact an ordinance to immobilize, remove, impound, and dispose of motor vehicle - SB712
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibit enforcement of federal or state law; authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence enforcement action, writ of mandamus provision; reduction of shared revenue payments; and political subdivision is liable for damage caused by an illegal alien - AB190
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibit enforcement of federal or state law; authorizing certain elective officeholders to commence enforcement action, writ of mandamus provision; reduction of shared revenue payments; and political subdivision is liable for damage caused by an illegal alien - SB275
Immigration status: prohibiting local ordinance, resolution, or policy that prohibits inquiries of individuals receiving public assistance or who were legally detained or arrested and reporting to or assisting other units of government re enforcement; writ of mandamus provision and reduction of shared revenue payments for failure to comply - AB127
Landlord and tenant regulations revised; political subdivision authority modified re historic properties, municipal dwelling inspection, levy limit reduction and garbage collection exception, and certain fees; public utility service to rental dwelling units; municipal utility arrearage collection; eviction action procedural changes; removing case management information from CCAP; open housing law re service, assistance, or emotional support animals; municipal administrative review; enforcement of rental unit energy efficiency program [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, habitability violation and rental property inspection program added] - AB771
Landlord and tenant regulations revised; political subdivision authority modified re historic properties, municipal dwelling inspection, levy limit reduction and garbage collection exception, and certain fees; public utility service to rental dwelling units; municipal utility arrearage collection; eviction action procedural changes; removing case management information from CCAP; open housing law re service, assistance, or emotional support animals; municipal administrative review; enforcement of rental unit energy efficiency program - SB639
Lead service line replacements: water public utility may provide financial assistance to customer solely for replacing service lines and is not unjust, unfairly discriminatory, or preferential; PSC duties [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, political subdivision authorized to make loans, ordinance provision added] - SB48
Local government ordinance authority re employment discrimination, wage claims and collections, employee hours and overtime, required employee benefits, and soliciting salary history of prospective employees preempted; political subdivision minimum wage exemptions eliminated and imposing occupational license requirements prohibited; state and local governments prohibited from requiring any person to accept certain collective bargaining provisions or waive rights under federal or state labor laws, penalty provision [A.Amdt.1: employment discrimination provision removed; A.Amdt.4: certain provisions do not apply to electronics and information technology manufacturing zone and local job training and apprenticeship programs; S.Amdt.1: removes A.Amdt.4 provisions] - AB748
Local government ordinance authority re employment discrimination, wage claims and collections, employee hours and overtime, required employee benefits, and soliciting salary history of prospective employees preempted; political subdivision minimum wage exemptions eliminated and imposing occupational license requirements prohibited; state and local governments prohibited from requiring any person to accept certain collective bargaining provisions or waive rights under federal or state labor laws, penalty provision - SB634
Lodging marketplace defined, required to register with DOR, and collect sales and room tax; limits on residential dwelling rental by political subdivisions prohibited, short-term rental provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 985L-r, 996g, 9331 (5t)] - AB64
Lower St. Croix riverway: DNR and counties may not enforce zoning ordinances that prohibit operation of certain property historically used as a recreational campground - AB399
Lower St. Croix riverway: DNR and counties may not enforce zoning ordinances that prohibit operation of certain property historically used as a recreational campground - SB309
Massage therapy or bodywork therapy license violations: municipal ordinance allowed; Massage Therapy and Bodywork Therapy Affiliated Credentialing Board may assess a forfeiture; state penalties revised - AB929
Minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated - AB998
Moratorium on evictions: repealing prohibition on political subdivisions from enacting or enforcing ordinances - AB971
Motorboat towing a person on water skis: restrictions on operating modified re mirror [A.Amdt.2: local ordinance provision added] - SB69
Municipal treasurer to execute surety bond for payment of property taxes to county treasurer unless ordinance obligating payment is enacted - AB169
Municipal treasurer to execute surety bond for payment of property taxes to county treasurer unless ordinance obligating payment is enacted - SB123
Outdoor advertising signs that do not conform to local ordinances and are affected by certain transportation-related projects: treatment revisions - AB594
Outdoor advertising signs that do not conform to local ordinances and are affected by certain transportation-related projects: treatment revisions - SB496
Professional credentials: prohibition on using specified titles without proper certification; businesses prohibited from representing services from specified professionals unless properly certified or registered; ordinance restricting use of specified titles prohibited; trademark, DATCP authority to bring court action, and penalty provisions - AB184
Professional credentials: prohibition on using specified titles without proper certification; businesses prohibited from representing services from specified professionals unless properly certified or registered; ordinance restricting use of specified titles prohibited; trademark, DATCP authority to bring court action, and penalty provisions - SB132
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, violation in transporting natural gas and other hazardous materials specified; S.Amdt.1: appropriation provision added; S.Amdt.2: charging ratepayers for advertising provision added] - AB532
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances - SB475
Quarry operations: limiting authority of political subdivisions to place limits or conditions on; definitions, permit, noise, and ordinance provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 982i-mf, q-qe, s, t, 984ig, ij, 1305p, 9431 (1i), (2i)] - AB64
Sale of foreclosed property: county ordinance requiring sheriff or referee to use an Internet-based auction authorized [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions to reflect changes made by 2017 WisAct 104, lien and registered auctioneer provisions added] - AB690
Sale of foreclosed property: county ordinance requiring sheriff or referee to use an Internet-based auction authorized - SB621
School levy, lottery and gaming, and first dollar property tax credits: allowing a municipal ordinance having DOA distribute amounts directly to the municipality rather than the county [Sec. 1211] - AB64
School levy, lottery and gaming, and first dollar property tax credits: allowing a municipal ordinance having DOA distribute amounts directly to the municipality rather than the county [Sec. 1211] - SB30
Sleeping or camping in a county park overnight: local ordinance prohibiting authorized under certain conditions and law enforcement authority to arrest someone limited; forfeiture provision - AB38
Stands operated by minors allowed without a food processing plant license or retail food establishment license; conditions, ordinance, and definition provisions - AB507
Stands operated by minors allowed without a food processing plant license or retail food establishment license; conditions, ordinance, and definition provisions - SB414
State minimum wage laws revised, consumer price index and emergency rules provisions, and DWD duties; minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated - AB814
Towns in counties of certain population size allowed to withdraw from county zoning: official map and timing requirements revised - AB109
Wind energy system: ordinance prohibiting or regulating placement within set distance of property line permitted - AB760
Workforce housing development TID creation authorized, fee provision; political subdivision authority revisions re expiration of local approvals, division of land by certified survey map, levy limit exception, contesting an imposed fee, sewerage system service changes, prohibiting weekend work, uniform dwelling code, building inspector and certain ordinances, inclusionary zoning ordinances, security required for plat approval, substantial completion of public improvements, subdivision approval conditions, construction banners, storm water management, eminent domain, local development-related regulation reports, rental housing units regulation, and zoning amendment protest [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions; A.Amdt.2: workforce housing development TID removed, prohibiting Saturday work, development report changed to new housing, and further revisions; S.Amdt.1: conditions on levy limit exception] - AB770
Workforce housing development TID creation authorized, fee provision; political subdivision authority revisions re expiration of local approvals, division of land by certified survey map, levy limit exception, contesting an imposed fee, sewerage system service changes, prohibiting weekend work, uniform dwelling code, building inspector and certain ordinances, inclusionary zoning ordinances, security required for plat approval, substantial completion of public improvements, subdivision approval conditions, construction banners, storm water management, eminent domain, local development-related regulation reports, rental housing units regulation, and zoning amendment protest - SB640
organ donationOrgan donation, see Transplant
Active shooter safety training for certain organizations: DEM program created - AB931
Addiction medicine consultation program: DHS to create and administer - Jr7 AB9
Addiction medicine consultation program: DHS to create and administer - Jr7 SB9
Artificial and nonfederal wetlands exempt from certain DNR permitting requirements; DNR to apply to EPA to be delegated the authority to administer permit program for the discharge of dredge or fill material into navigable waters; expending all moneys for the in lieu fee subprogram required [A.Sub.Amdt.3: further revisions, certain nonfederal wetlands exempted, wetland mitigation grant program with in lieu fee subprogram moneys established and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers provision, property development grant program established, Wetland Study Council created in DNR, reports required] - AB547
Bullying prevention: DPI grants to nonprofit organization for training and online curriculum [Sec. 217, 1464] - AB64
Bullying prevention: DPI grants to nonprofit organization for training and online curriculum [Sec. 217, 1464] - SB30
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI to award grants re text-based suicide prevention service - AB938
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI to award grants re text-based suicide prevention service - SB787
Charter school authorizers to consider National Association of Charter School Authorizer principles and standards of quality [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1532vr] - AB64
Child abuse and neglect prevention services: DCF to allocate certain TANF funding for grants to counties, nonprofit organizations, and tribes [A.Amdt.1: appropriation added] - AB785
Child abuse and neglect prevention services: DCF to allocate certain TANF funding for grants to counties, nonprofit organizations, and tribes - SB658
Commercial building code: not-for-profit facility that houses rehabilitating wildlife exempt from certain definitions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1305g, m] - AB64
Community-based services information and referrals: DHS to award grants to nonprofit organizations to operate Internet site and telephone-based system - AB779
Community-based services information and referrals: DHS to award grants to nonprofit organizations to operate Internet site and telephone-based system - SB672
Community institution security cost reimbursement grants created; definition and sunset provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1680b, c, 9428 (1q)] - AB64
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities - AB237
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities [Sec. 133, 452; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, county and preference provision added] - AB64
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities - SB206
Connecting homeless individuals with permanent employment: DOA grants to municipalities [Sec. 133, 452] - SB30
Curriculum for comprehensive firearm education as high school elective: Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop jointly with either DNR, a law enforcement agency, or firearms safety organization; live ammunition prohibition - AB427
Curriculum for comprehensive firearm education as high school elective: Superintendent of Public Instruction to develop jointly with either DNR, a law enforcement agency, or firearms safety organization; live ammunition prohibition - SB340
DCF grants to support foster parents and children created, report required - AB787
DCF grants to support foster parents and children created, report required - SB676
DVA appropriation structure changes re grants to nonprofit organizations that serve veterans and their families [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 414n-y, 739n-pm] - AB64
DVA grants to certain state veterans organizations: maximum amount increased [Sec. 739, 9349 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 739g-k, pm, deletes 739] - AB64
Fabrication laboratory grants: WEDC loan to nonprofit organizations to assist school districts to initiate [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 9150 (3i)] - AB64