paper industryPaper industry, see Forestry
Individuals pardoned or released before completing their sentences: DOC report required - AB1070
Individuals pardoned or released before completing their sentences: DOC report required - AB1073
Individuals pardoned or released before completing their sentences: DOC report required - SB884
Individuals pardoned or released before completing their sentences: DOC report required - SB887
parkPark, see also State park
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore: DNR to establish an open season for hunting deer with muzzle-loading firearms - AB626
Apostle Islands National Lakeshore: DNR to establish an open season for hunting deer with muzzle-loading firearms - SB508
park _ countyPark — County
Sleeping or camping in a county park overnight: local ordinance prohibiting authorized under certain conditions and law enforcement authority to arrest someone limited; forfeiture provision - AB38
White Mound County Park: DNR to sell to Sauk County for recreational purposes - AB372
White Mound County Park: DNR to sell to Sauk County for recreational purposes - SB276
parochial and private schoolsParochial and private schools
Background checks of teachers and administrators of private schools participating in a parental choice program [Sec. 1593, 1613; original bill only] - AB64
Background checks of teachers and administrators of private schools participating in a parental choice program [Sec. 1593, 1613] - SB30
Children with disabilities enrolled in private schools: DPI to designate an ombudsman to monitor federal special education laws and identify private school fiscal agent to receive federal funding; federal waiver provision [Sec. 1484, 1486; original bill only] - AB64
Children with disabilities enrolled in private schools: DPI to designate an ombudsman to monitor federal special education laws and identify private school fiscal agent to receive federal funding; federal waiver provision [Sec. 1484, 1486] - SB30
Civics assessment requirement for high school graduation: passing score increased [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1528m] - AB64
Concealed weapon licensee may possess a firearm on school grounds but not in a school building unless the school adopts a policy to allow it; penalty provisions - AB1026
Directional signs for Shoreland Lutheran High School: DOT to erect and maintain, contributions from interested parties provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1227d, em, p, t] - AB64
DPI cannot require certain private schools participating in a parental choice program to submit an annual operating budget [Sec. 1592, 1594, 1612, 1614; original bill only] - AB64
DPI cannot require certain private schools participating in a parental choice program to submit an annual operating budget [Sec. 1592, 1594, 1612, 1614] - SB30
DPI to make payments to schools that increase spending on school counselors, social workers, psychologists, and nurses - AB1054
Driver education courses: DPI to reimburse school districts, independent charter schools, and private schools participating in parental choice programs; conditions set - AB1036
Dual enrollment programs in high schools: Office of Educational Opportunity in UW System to award grants to high school teachers in meeting minimal qualifications; sunset provision - AB851
Dual enrollment programs in high schools: Office of Educational Opportunity in UW System to award grants to high school teachers in meeting minimal qualifications; sunset provision [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, HEAB to award grants, private, nonprofit colleges added; S.Amdt.1: DPI issuance of lifetime licenses revised] - SB711
Early College Credit Program: excluding certain college-level courses offered to high school pupils [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, private and tribal school provisions added; A.Amdt.1: teacher certification provisions revised] - AB805
Emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons appearing to overdose: civil liability for school bus operator and employees and volunteers of public, private, and tribal schools; calling 911 provision [A.Amdt.1: college residence hall director added] - Jr7 AB1
Emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons appearing to overdose: civil liability for school bus operator and employees and volunteers of public, private, and tribal schools; calling 911 provision - Jr7 SB1
Mandatory reporting by certain professionals of suspicion that a person intends to commit an act of violence involving dangerous weapons or explosives in or targeting a school; training, penalties, immunity from liability, and confidentiality exemptions provisions - AB1030
Mandatory reporting by certain professionals of suspicion that a person intends to commit an act of violence involving dangerous weapons or explosives in or targeting a school; training, penalties, immunity from liability, and confidentiality exemptions provisions - Mr8 AB3
MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, and statewide parental choice program changes [Sec. 1577-1580, 1582, 1584-1591, 1595-1598, 1602, 1604-1611, 1615-1618; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 1580, 1584-1591, 1595-1598, 1602, 1604-1611, 1615-1618] - AB64
MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, and statewide parental choice program changes [Sec. 1577-1580, 1582, 1584-1591, 1595-1598, 1602, 1604-1611, 1615-1618] - SB30
MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, statewide parental choice program, and Special Needs Scholarship Program changes - AB383
MPCP, Racine Parental Choice Program, statewide parental choice program, and Special Needs Scholarship Program changes [S.Amdt.3: financial audit provisions modified] - SB293
Nonresident hunting and fishing approvals: surcharge added, use specified; grant programs established re purchase of emergency rescue equipment and instructional programming in schools - AB955
Open enrollment program expired provision eliminated; 2017 WisAct 107 tuberculosis screening requirement correction; expired or outdated DPI reporting requirements eliminated (remedial legislation) [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Office of School Safety created in DOJ, school safety plan provisions including on-site assessment by law enforcement and annual drills, mandatory reporting of threats of violence, DOJ grants for school safety, reports and penalty provisions] - AB843
Parental choice program: family income does not need to be verified under certain condition [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1580g, 1598at, 1602d, 9335 (4d)] - AB64
Parental choice programs: pupils may not attend and private schools may not participate in 2020-21 school year unless they attended or participated in the 2019-20 school year; Special Needs Scholarship Program sunsetted - AB968
Personal electronic computing devices grant program created for schools to provide devices for pupil use, sunset provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208e, 1482f] - AB64
Private schools participating in a parental choice program must have been in operation for at least two school years and maximum percentage of enrollment from the program set; exceptions provision - AB980
Pupil examination required by state or federal law, grades 3 to 12: parent or guardian may request their pupil be excused; civics test exemption - AB304
Pupil examination required by state or federal law, grades 3 to 12: parent or guardian may request their pupil be excused; civics test exemption - SB234
Racine and statewide parental choice program attendance criteria when a non-participating private school shares a governing body with a participating private school [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1580k, 1598b] - AB64
Robotics league participation grants: sunset removed, annual appropriation and private schools may apply [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 215g, 1482m] - AB64
School conference and activities leave: employers must allow, conditions specified - AB858
School district requirements eliminated re minimum number of hours of direct pupil instruction, monthly school board meetings, common and union high school districts' default annual meeting time and date, school administrator contract exceeding two years, and statement on school district's indebtedness to the Secretary of State [Sec. 983, 997, 1461, 1526-1528, 1530, 1531, 1533, 1583, 1600, 1603, 1619, 1621, 1622, 1630-1634, 1636, 1637; original bill only] - AB64
School district requirements eliminated re minimum number of hours of direct pupil instruction, monthly school board meetings, common and union high school districts' default annual meeting time and date, school administrator contract exceeding two years, and statement on school district's indebtedness to the Secretary of State [Sec. 983, 997, 1461, 1526-1528, 1530, 1531, 1533, 1583, 1600, 1603, 1619, 1621, 1622, 1630-1634, 1636, 1637] - SB30
School mental health program aids: DPI to award re hiring and retaining social workers [Sec. 211, 1470, 1599; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, private school participating in a parental choice program added] - AB64
School safety grants from DOJ created; DPI duties - AB1028
School safety grants from DOJ created; DPI duties - Mr8 AB1
School safety plans required of all public and private schools; requirements revised to include on-site assessment by local law enforcement and annual drills to respond to a school violence event; schools required to submit plans to DOJ - AB1032
School safety plans required of all public and private schools; requirements revised to include on-site assessment by local law enforcement and annual drills to respond to a school violence event; schools required to submit plans to DOJ - Mr8 AB5
School safety teams: school boards and governing bodies of private schools required to establish; school safety plan, comprehensive security site assessment, and minimum standards established by DPI provisions - AB1057
Special Needs Scholarship Program eligibility: prior year open enrollment and prior year public school enrollment requirements repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1486c, em, 9335 (5d)] - AB64
Special Needs Scholarship Program: method and amount revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208m, 1486ap, b, d, e, 1487g-1492f, i-k, n] - AB64
Special Needs Scholarship Program: requirements for participating private schools modified; individualized education program (IEP) and Superintendent of Public Instruction provisions [Sec. 1487-1493; original bill only] - AB64
Special Needs Scholarship Program: requirements for participating private schools modified; individualized education program (IEP) and Superintendent of Public Instruction provisions [Sec. 1487-1493] - SB30
Special Needs Scholarship Program summer school payments [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 208m, 1492g, h, 1492L-1493r, 9335 (3q)] - AB64
Statewide private school choice program: additional prior year attendance criterion [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1580p] - AB64
Summer school: prorated payment to private school participating in school choice program if pupil attends for at least 15 days [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1598c-e, 1619m-s, 9335 (3p)] - AB64
Superintendent of Public Instruction may revoke a license for immoral conduct, definition revised re pornographic material; governing bodies of schools (public, private, charter) prohibited from aiding an employee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job if there is reason to believe child sexual abuse has been committed - AB329
Superintendent of Public Instruction may revoke a license for immoral conduct, definition revised re pornographic material; governing bodies of schools (public, private, charter) prohibited from aiding an employee, contractor, or agent in obtaining a new job if there is reason to believe child sexual abuse has been committed [S.Amdt.1: new job in a school or educational agency specified] - SB253
Teacher development program grants: DWD to award to school districts re partnership with UW Flexible Options or UW System to implement [Sec. 1407, 1524; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, Flexible Options and UW System requirement removed, partner with educator preparation program approved by DPI, expand to include private schools and charter management organization, bachelor's degree not required to enroll in program] - AB64
Teacher rights and protections re certain pupil behaviors; DPI and law enforcement duties, civil liability immunity, and records and reporting provisions - AB693
Teacher rights and protections re certain pupil behaviors; DPI and law enforcement duties, civil liability immunity, and records and reporting provisions - SB821
Timing of state aid payments to school districts and payments to independent charter schools and private schools participating in a choice program or the Special Needs Scholarship Program changed - AB471
Timing of state aid payments to school districts and payments to independent charter schools and private schools participating in a choice program or the Special Needs Scholarship Program changed - SB383
Youth Options Program modified and renamed Early College Credit Program; part-time Open Enrollment Program restored with some exceptions [Sec. 209, 210, 400, 599, 629, 630, 631, 633, 642, 1396, 1465, 1471, 1473, 1536-1576, 1635; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, private schools may participate and conditions set, DPI duties, 1554d-p, 1556m, 1560g, r, 1561m, 1564m, 1566g, r, 1570b-y, 1572m, 9135 (1p), 9435 (1p), (1q), deletes 599, 642, 1555, 1557, 1562, 1570] - AB64
parole or probationParole or probation
Aiding a person suffering from an overdose or adverse reaction and immunity from controlled substance prosecution: revisions to 2017 WisAct 33 re initial applicability clause, bail jumping immunity, and sunset the bail jumping changes [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 2251xg-xs, 2265r, 9452 (2x)] - AB64
Aiding a person suffering from an overdose or adverse reaction: immunity from prosecution for controlled substance possession or having probation, parole, or extended supervision revoked provisions created for the person being aided and the aider [A.Amdt.2: ``aider" definition revised] - Jr7 AB3
Aiding a person suffering from an overdose or adverse reaction: immunity from prosecution for controlled substance possession or having probation, parole, or extended supervision revoked provisions created for the person being aided and the aider - Jr7 SB3
Alternative sentencing for certain second or third OWI-related offenses and certain controlled substance offenses - AB1040
DOC to recommend revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision if person is charged with a crime while on parole, probation, or extended supervision - AB94
DOC to recommend revocation of parole, probation, or extended supervision if person is charged with a crime while on parole, probation, or extended supervision - SB54
Eligibility and condition for release prior to conviction re serious felonies and consideration and imposition of bail changes: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - AJR93
Eligibility and condition for release prior to conviction re serious felonies and consideration and imposition of bail changes: constitutional amendment (1st consideration) - SJR95
Huber release permitted for probationers confined in county jail or county house of correction on probation violation, conditions set - AB424
Huber release permitted for probationers confined in county jail or county house of correction on probation violation, conditions set [S.Amdt.1: tribal jail added] - SB339
Illegal possession of a firearm: mandatory minimum incarceration period modified - AB89
Illegal possession of a firearm: mandatory minimum incarceration period modified - SB56