Technical college scholarships funded through participation in an auction of digital broadcast spectrum; trust and investment provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 632m, 985h, k] - AB64
Wisconsin Grant formula modifications, JCF provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 600m, 628m, 704n-nr] - AB64
technology for educational achievement _teach_ programTechnology for Educational Achievement (TEACH) program, see Telecommunications
teenagerTeenager, see Youth
Advertisement of broadband services and Internet speed requirements and standardized consumer label based on FCC template; penalties and unfair trade practice provisions - SB846
Broadband Expansion Grant Program: funding and priority criteria; PSC duties - SB26
Broadband expansion grant program revisions, reports and LAB provisions; eliminated requirement that local governments prepare a report before holding a public hearing on an ordinance or resolution authorizing a telecommunications, video, or broadband service facility; manufacturing and agricultural tax credit cannot be claimed on income over set amount - SB847
Broadband grants for infrastructure in underserved areas revised; TEACH program eligibility and sunset modified; DNR and DOT provisions [Sec. 175, 198, 199, 208, 218-220, 223, 441-446, 527, 1226, 1227, 1532, 1692, 1693, 1695-1699, 9237 (1), (2), 9333 (1), 9401 (2), 9437 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, universal service fund provisions added, 199m, 526g, r, 1226m, 1691d-t, 1695e-s, 1699g, r, deletes 1696, 1697, 1699, 9437 (1)] - AB64
Broadband grants for infrastructure in underserved areas revised; TEACH program eligibility and sunset modified; DNR and DOT provisions [Sec. 175, 198, 199, 208, 218-220, 223, 441-446, 527, 1226, 1227, 1532, 1692, 1693, 1695-1699, 9237 (1), (2), 9333 (1), 9401 (2), 9437 (1)] - SB30
Broadband infrastructure: PSC grant revisions; DNR and DOT prohibited from charging certain fees; sunset of information technology block grants under the TEACH program delayed and other revisions - AB123
Broadband infrastructure: PSC grant revisions; DNR and DOT prohibited from charging certain fees; sunset of information technology block grants under the TEACH program delayed and other revisions - SB49
Broadband Internet access service (BIAS): state contracting requirements and prohibitions - AB908
Broadband Internet access service (BIAS): state contracting requirements and prohibitions - SB740
Broadband Internet access service provider: prohibition on using, disclosing, or permitting access to customer’s proprietary information without approval; sensitive and non-sensitive information distinction; security measures, penalties, and DATCP provisions - AB788
Broadband Internet access service provider: prohibition on using, disclosing, or permitting access to customer’s proprietary information without approval; sensitive and non-sensitive information distinction; security measures, penalties, and DATCP provisions - SB233
Broadband Internet service provider (BIAS): requirements and prohibited practices established; DATCP duties - AB909
Broadband Internet service provider (BIAS): requirements and prohibited practices established; DATCP duties - SB743
Critical access hospital grant re behavioral health crisis management system, conditions specified; involuntary commitment for treatment hearings held by videoconferencing permitted under certain conditions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 379f, g, 978f, k, 979k, 9120 (6d), 9420 (6d)] - AB64
DLT authorized to collect and maintain certain public library data; rural public libraries serving certain sized municipalities are eligible to receive TEACH grants - AB572
DLT authorized to collect and maintain certain public library data; rural public libraries serving certain sized municipalities are eligible to receive TEACH grants - SB491
Information technology or telecommunications contract by executive branch agency over certain amount: DOA approval required [Sec. 152; original bill only] - AB64
Information technology or telecommunications contract by executive branch agency over certain amount: DOA approval required [Sec. 152] - SB30
Interactive electronic devices: using while driving prohibited; exceptions and penalty provisions - AB463
Interactive electronic devices: using while driving prohibited; exceptions and penalty provisions - SB380
Internet access services: sales tax repealed [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1177t, 1182n, 9438 (4w)] - AB64
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, violation in transporting natural gas and other hazardous materials specified; S.Amdt.1: appropriation provision added; S.Amdt.2: charging ratepayers for advertising provision added] - AB532
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances - SB475
Services performed by an electric cooperative to another or by a telecommunications utility to another during a declared state of emergency: sales and use tax exemption created [A.Amdt.1: ``declared" removed and ``state of emergency" defined] - AB583
Services performed by an electric cooperative to another or by a telecommunications utility to another during a declared state of emergency: sales and use tax exemption created - SB501
Shareholders’ meetings of business corporations remote communication participation allowance created; electronic network provision - SB285
Shareholders’ meetings of business corporations remote communication participation allowance created; electronic network provision - AB357
Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes - AB140
Tax administration changes; interest on unclaimed U.S. savings bonds; ticket courier prohibited from selling lottery tickets; background investigation of lottery employees; reporting lottery winnings re child support; police and fire protection fee; ``restaurant” definition for license and regulation of alcohol beverage establishment purposes - SB89
Telecommunications, cable television or video service, or broadband service facilities: eliminates requirement that local governments prepare a report before holding a public hearing on an authorizing ordinance or resolution; local governments can apply for broadband expansion grant without a partner - SB845
Telecommunications provider of last-resort obligations: sunset eliminated and PSC authority to grant waivers eliminated, incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) exception - SB426
Telecommunications relay service administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 418, 1701, 1702, 9101 (4)] - AB64
Telecommunications relay service administration transferred from DOA to PSC [Sec. 418, 1701, 1702, 9101 (4)] - SB30
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - AJR100
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - SJR96
Wireless equipment and facilities regulatory framework created and setback requirements for mobile service support structures authorized; rights-of-way, collocation of small wireless facilities, access to government structures, local authority and dispute resolution, indemnification, and contract provisions - AB348
Wireless equipment and facilities regulatory framework created and setback requirements for mobile service support structures authorized, conditions specified; rights-of-way, collocation of small wireless facilities, access to government structures, local authority and dispute resolution, indemnification, and contract provisions - SB425
telephoneTelephone, see also Telecommunications
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI to award grants re text-based suicide prevention service - AB938
Center for Suicide Awareness, Inc.: DPI to award grants re text-based suicide prevention service - SB787
Community-based services information and referrals: DHS to award grants to nonprofit organizations to operate Internet site and telephone-based system - AB779
Community-based services information and referrals: DHS to award grants to nonprofit organizations to operate Internet site and telephone-based system - SB672
CPR instruction to bystander: public safety answering points required to provide telephonic assistance on administering, dispatcher training and quality assurance provisions; DMA grants [A.Amdt.1: DHS replaces DMA, liability exemption added; A.Amdt.2: grants changed to moneys] - AB654
CPR instruction to bystander: public safety answering points required to provide telephonic assistance on administering, dispatcher training and quality assurance provisions; DMA grants - SB549
Driving while using a cellular phone or other wireless telephone prohibited, exceptions and penalty provisions - AB662
Driving while using a cellular phone or other wireless telephone prohibited, exceptions and penalty provisions - SB608
Emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons appearing to overdose: civil liability for school bus operator and employees and volunteers of public, private, and tribal schools; calling 911 provision [A.Amdt.1: college residence hall director added] - Jr7 AB1
Emergency administration of opioid antagonist to pupils and other persons appearing to overdose: civil liability for school bus operator and employees and volunteers of public, private, and tribal schools; calling 911 provision - Jr7 SB1
Hotline for reports of hate crimes established - AB101
Hotline for reports of hate crimes established - SB64
Inattentive driving or composing a text or email while driving: minimum forfeiture increased [Sec. 1898, 1899, 9345 (2); original bill only] - AB64
Inattentive driving or composing a text or email while driving: minimum forfeiture increased [Sec. 1898, 1899, 9345 (2)] - SB30
Interactive electronic devices: using while driving prohibited; exceptions and penalty provisions - AB463
Interactive electronic devices: using while driving prohibited; exceptions and penalty provisions - SB380
Interoperability Council and statewide public safety interoperable communications system functions transferred to DMA; 911 Subcommittee created; Next Generation 911 and interagency and intra-agency appropriations; Director of Emergency Communications position created and transfer of positions from DOT to DMA; obsolete Wireless 911 grant program references repealed; report required [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 34m, 39m, 169e-s, 198m, 408e, n, s, 411e-s, 416m, 480m, 527m, 547m, 1187p, 1673d-t, 1799c-w, 1892c-x, 9128 (1w), 9132 (1w)-(1yy)] - AB64
Mobile service support structure (cell tower): political subdivision granted limited authority to impose setback requirement - AB161
Mobile service support structure (cell tower): political subdivision granted limited authority to impose setback requirement - SB219
Mobile service support structure (cell towers): political subdivisions may restrict placement re residential zoning districts, density provision - AB130
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances [A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, violation in transporting natural gas and other hazardous materials specified; S.Amdt.1: appropriation provision added; S.Amdt.2: charging ratepayers for advertising provision added] - AB532
PSC duties re state energy policy and regulation of public utilities; settlements in PSC dockets requirements; procedure for handling complaints of violations of the one-call system created and other revisions, PSC duties and forfeiture provisions; treatment of certain utility facilities under county construction site erosion control and storm water management zoning ordinances - SB475
Reports of mismanagement, abuse, or neglect at state veterans homes: LAB to maintain a toll-free telephone number and investigate or refer the report for investigation, confidentiality provision - AB591
Reports of mismanagement, abuse, or neglect at state veterans homes: LAB to maintain a toll-free telephone number and investigate or refer the report for investigation, confidentiality provision - SB471
Safe Digging Month: April 2017 proclaimed as - AJR24
Safe Digging Month: April 2017 proclaimed as - SJR25
Telecommunications provider of last-resort obligations: sunset eliminated and PSC authority to grant waivers eliminated, incumbent local exchange carrier (ILEC) exception - SB426
Text-message based hotline for veterans in crisis: DVA to award grants to establish, sunset provision - SB818
Text message-based intervention for early education pilot program: DCF to allocate TANF funds; sunset provision [Sec. 770, 900; original bill only] - AB64
Text message-based intervention for early education pilot program: DCF to allocate TANF funds; sunset provision [Sec. 770, 900] - SB30
Text message-based intervention pilot program for higher education aimed at college-intending high school seniors: DCF and DPI to cooperate on grant program [Sec. 393, 771; original bill only] - AB64
Text message-based intervention pilot program for higher education aimed at college-intending high school seniors: DCF and DPI to cooperate on grant program [Sec. 393, 771] - SB30
UI benefits claims filed by telephone: DWD to allow - SB772
Wireless equipment and facilities regulatory framework created and setback requirements for mobile service support structures authorized; rights-of-way, collocation of small wireless facilities, access to government structures, local authority and dispute resolution, indemnification, and contract provisions - AB348
Wireless equipment and facilities regulatory framework created and setback requirements for mobile service support structures authorized, conditions specified; rights-of-way, collocation of small wireless facilities, access to government structures, local authority and dispute resolution, indemnification, and contract provisions - SB425
Apportionment for broadcasters re income and franchise taxes, definition provision, DOR duties [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1002m, 1013d-i, 1057d, 1076d-k] - AB64
Broadband expansion grant program revisions, reports and LAB provisions; eliminated requirement that local governments prepare a report before holding a public hearing on an ordinance or resolution authorizing a telecommunications, video, or broadband service facility; manufacturing and agricultural tax credit cannot be claimed on income over set amount - SB847
Commercial radio and television station property: sales and use tax exemption modified, motor vehicle provision - AB301
Commercial radio and television station property: sales and use tax exemption modified, motor vehicle provision [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1187d-f, 9438 (2i)] - AB64
Commercial radio and television station property: sales and use tax exemption modified, motor vehicle provision - SB167
Technical college scholarships funded through participation in an auction of digital broadcast spectrum; trust and investment provisions [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 632m, 985h, k] - AB64
Telecommunications, cable television or video service, or broadband service facilities: eliminates requirement that local governments prepare a report before holding a public hearing on an authorizing ordinance or resolution; local governments can apply for broadband expansion grant without a partner - SB845
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - AJR100
Television white space technology: use encouraged to deliver broadband Internet to all Americans - SJR96