State trails council, 15.347 (16)
Technical preparation program council, 118.34
Tourism council:
Duties, 41.41
Membership, creation, 15.447 (1)
Trauma advisory council, 15.197 (25), 256.25
Unemployment insurance council, 15.227, 108.14 (5)
Uniform dwelling code council:
Creation, membership, 15.407 (10)
Powers and duties, 101.72
Uniformity of traffic citations and complaints, 15.467 (4)
Veterans employment council:
Creation, membership, 14.017 (6)
Duties, 230.042 (2)
Veterans programs council:
Creation, membership, 15.497 (2)
Powers and duties, 45.03 (3)
Wetland study council, 15.347 (22)
Wind siting council:
Creation, membership, 15.797
Powers and duties, 196.378 (4g)
Wisconsin apprenticeship council, 15.227 (13)
Women's council, 15.107 (11), 16.01
Worker's compensation council, 15.227, 102.14
state_11. documents, printing and distribution 11. Documents, Printing and Distribution
Administrative code and register, 35.93
Attorney general, opinions, number, 35.29 (2)
Authority of administration department, 35.52
Advertising, 35.57
Wisconsin, only, exceptions, 35.012
Bills, itemized, filing, 35.61 (2)
Blue Book, 35.24
Distribution, 35.84
Price, 35.91 (2)
Printing specifications, 35.50
Book printing, 35.44
Breach of contracts, forfeiture, 35.59
By state or state printer, 16.82
Camera-ready copies for notices provided, rates, 35.36 (1)
Charging for booklets and pamphlets, 20.908
Classes, 35.01
Subdivision, solicitation of bids, 35.03 (8)
How let, IV, 25; 35.03
Reletting, 35.60
Cost calculation, 35.80
Costs and charges, 35.035
County distributees lists, 35.89
Definitions and classifications, 35.001, 35.01
Delivery, 35.61 (1)
Depository libraries:
Definitions, 35.81
Designation of libraries, 35.82
Duties, 35.825
Historical society duties, 44.06
Librarian, 43.05 (5)
Dictionary of geographic names, 23.25
Documents distributed to state and local government remain public property, 35.88
Election laws, Wisconsin Reports, 16.79
Interstate and international exchanges, 35.86
Programs authorized, 35.85 (13)
Publications, 35.91
Sale, cost calculation, 35.80
To whom, 35.84, 35.85
Editing of printer's copy, 35.55
English language, 35.35
Exchange of documents authorized, 35.86
Exempt printing, 35.015
Expense, how charged, 35.63
Forms, by prison industries, 16.75 (3t)
Increase or diminution of editions, 35.52
Inventory, officers at Madison, return of unused printing, 35.90
Job and unclassified printing, cost, how charged, 35.34
Justice department, briefs, 165.26
Laws, publication, 35.095 (3)
Laws of Wisconsin, 35.15
Legislative, IV, 25; 35.05 to 35.17
Limited to Wisconsin bidders, exceptions, 35.012
Maps, charts, pictures and exhibits, 35.64
Notices, publication fees, how charged, 35.36
Orders, form, payment, 35.53
Pamphlets and magazines, 35.29
Furnished to contract printers, 35.03 (9)
Purchase, 35.65
Recycled materials, 16.72, 16.75 (8)
Prices, base, 35.56