AB897-AA2,13,109 (d) If the bound is a river or stream, it follows the center of the main channel
10of such river or stream.
AB897-AA2,13,1111 (e) If the bound follows a municipal boundary, it coincides with such boundary.
AB897-AA2,13,15 12(2) That the bill first applies, with respect to regular elections, to offices filled
13at the next occurring general election after the bill takes effect and, with respect to
14special or recall elections, to offices filled or contested on or after the date of that
15general election.
AB897-AA2,14,2 164.0085 Challenge based on population inequality; burden of proof. If
17an action is brought challenging a legislative redistricting plan under this
18subchapter on the basis of an excessive population variance among senate or
19assembly districts established in the plan, the legislature has the burden of
20justifying any variance in excess of 10 percent between the population of a senate or
21assembly district and the applicable ideal district population. If an action is brought
22challenging a congressional redistricting plan under this subchapter on the basis of
23an excessive population variance among congressional districts established in the
24plan, the legislature has the burden of justifying any variance in excess of 1 percent

1between the population of a congressional district and the applicable ideal district
AB897-AA2,14,3 33. Page 4, line 2: after that line insert:
AB897-AA2,14,4 4 Section 2m. 5.15 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB897-AA2,14,235 5.15 (4) (a) Except as provided in par. (c), the division ordinance or resolution
6shall number all wards in the municipality with unique whole numbers in
7consecutive order, beginning with the number one, shall designate the polling place
8for each ward, and shall describe the boundaries of each ward consistent with the
9conventions set forth in s. 4.003 4.008 (1). The ordinance or resolution shall be
10accompanied by a list of the block numbers used by the U.S. bureau of the census that
11are wholly or partly contained within each ward, with any block numbers partly
12contained within a ward identified, and a map of the municipality which illustrates
13the revised ward boundaries. If the legislature, in an act redistricting legislative
14districts under article IV, section 3, of the constitution, or in redistricting
15congressional districts, establishes a district boundary within a municipality that
16does not coincide with the boundary of a ward established under the ordinance or
17resolution of the municipality, the municipal governing body shall, no later than
18April 10 of the 2nd year following the year of the federal decennial census on which
19the act is based, amend the ordinance or resolution to the extent required to effect
20the act. The amended ordinance or resolution shall designate the polling place for
21any ward that is created to effect the legislative act. Nothing in this paragraph shall
22be construed to compel a county or city to alter or redraw supervisory or aldermanic
AB897-AA2,14,24 244. Page 5, line 3: after that line insert:
1 Section 4g. 13.49 of the statutes is created to read:
AB897-AA2,15,2 213.49 Redistricting advisory commission. (1) Definitions. In this section:
AB897-AA2,15,33 (a) “Chief election officer" means the elections commission administrator.
AB897-AA2,15,44 (b) “Four selecting authorities" means all of the following:
AB897-AA2,15,55 1. The majority leader of the senate.
AB897-AA2,15,66 2. The minority leader of the senate.
AB897-AA2,15,77 3. The speaker of the assembly.
AB897-AA2,15,88 4. The minority leader of the assembly.
AB897-AA2,15,99 (c) “Partisan public office" means any of the following:
AB897-AA2,15,1110 1. The office of governor, lieutenant governor, secretary of state, state treasurer,
11attorney general, state senator, or state representative to the assembly.
AB897-AA2,15,1312 2. A county office that is filled by an election process involving nomination and
13election of candidates on a partisan basis.
AB897-AA2,15,1514 (d) “Political party office" means an elective office in a political party, as defined
15in s. 11.0101 (26), or in a national political party.
AB897-AA2,15,2116 (e) “Relative" means an individual who is related to the person in question as
17father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, uncle, aunt, first cousin, nephew, niece,
18husband, wife, grandfather, grandmother, father-in-law, mother-in-law,
19son-in-law, daughter-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, stepfather,
20stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother, stepsister, half brother, or half
AB897-AA2,16,5 22(2) General provisions. (a) Not later than February 15 of the first year
23following the decennial federal census, a temporary redistricting advisory
24commission is created consisting of 5 members. Each of the 4 selecting authorities
25shall certify to the chief election officer the selecting authority's appointment of a

1person to serve on the commission. Within 30 days after the last selecting authority
2has certified his or her appointment, but not later than February 15 of the first year
3following the decennial federal census, the 4 commission members so appointed shall
4select, by a vote of at least 3 members, and certify to the chief election officer the 5th
5commission member, who shall serve as chairperson.
AB897-AA2,16,76 (b) No individual may be appointed to the redistricting advisory commission
7who satisfies any of the following:
AB897-AA2,16,98 1. The individual is not an eligible elector of this state at the time of the
AB897-AA2,16,1010 2. The individual holds partisan public office or political party office.
AB897-AA2,16,1211 3. The individual is a relative of or is employed by a member of the legislature
12or of Congress or is employed directly by the legislature or Congress.
AB897-AA2,16,1913 (c) Members of the redistricting advisory commission appointed by a selecting
14authority shall be reimbursed from the appropriation account under s. 20.765 (1) (a)
15or (b), depending upon the house in which that member's appointing authority holds
16office, for actual and necessary expenses incurred in performance of duties as a
17commission member. The member who is not appointed by a selecting authority
18shall be reimbursed from the appropriation under s. 20.765 (1) (a) for actual and
19necessary expenses incurred in performance of duties as a commission member.
AB897-AA2,16,2120 (d) A vacancy on the redistricting advisory commission shall be filled as
21provided in s. 17.20 (1) within 15 days after the vacancy occurs.
AB897-AA2,16,2322 (e) Each redistricting advisory commission terminates upon complying with
23sub. (3).
AB897-AA2,16,24 24(3) Duties. The redistricting advisory commission shall do all of the following:
1(a) If requested to do so by the legislative reference bureau, provide direction
2to the legislative reference bureau concerning any decision the legislative reference
3bureau must make in preparing a redistricting plan under subch. I of ch. 4 for which
4no clearly applicable guideline is provided under s. 4.007.
AB897-AA2,17,115 (b) Oversee the work of legislative reference bureau employees engaged in
6preparing a redistricting plan under subch. I of ch. 4 and may enter into contracts
7for hiring experts to assist in the preparing of such plans. The commission may enter
8into a contract to retain experts for preparing a redistricting plan only with the
9approval of three-fourths of the members of the commission and may terminate a
10contract employee only with the approval of three-fourths of the members of the
AB897-AA2,17,1412 (c) Upon delivery by the legislative reference bureau of a bill embodying a
13redistricting plan as required under s. 4.006, make available to the public at the
14earliest feasible time all of the following information:
AB897-AA2,17,1515 1. Copies of the bill.
AB897-AA2,17,1616 2. Maps illustrating the plan.
AB897-AA2,17,1817 3. A summary of the standards prescribed under s. 4.007 for development of the
AB897-AA2,17,2019 4. A statement of the population of each district included in the plan and the
20relative deviation of each district population from the ideal district population.
AB897-AA2,17,2221 (d) Upon delivery by the legislative reference bureau of an initial bill
22embodying a redistricting plan as required under s. 4.006 (1), do all of the following:
AB897-AA2,18,223 1. As expeditiously as reasonably possible, schedule and conduct public
24hearings, in different geographic regions of the state, on the plan embodied in the
25bill. No more than one public hearing may be held in the city of Madison, and at least

1one public hearing shall be held in each congressional district of the state. The
2commission shall hold public hearings on weekends whenever it is practicable.
AB897-AA2,18,93 2. Following the hearings held under subd. 1., promptly prepare and submit
4to the legislature in the manner provided under s. 13.172 (2) a report summarizing
5information and testimony received by the commission in the course of the hearings.
6The report may include any comments and conclusions that the commission's
7members deem appropriate concerning the information and testimony received at
8the hearings or otherwise presented to the commission. The report shall be treated
9in the same manner as a report submitted under s. 13.172 (2).
AB897-AA2,18,13 10(4) Confidentiality. (a) Except as provided in par. (b), the redistricting
11advisory commission may establish policies limiting the information that the
12legislative reference bureau may provide to persons outside of the bureau staff
13concerning any redistricting plan prepared under subch. I of ch. 4.
AB897-AA2,18,2114 (b) Any policy established under par. (a) does not apply to a redistricting plan
15after a bill embodying that plan is delivered by the legislative reference bureau as
16required under s. 4.006 or to population data furnished to the legislative reference
17bureau by the U.S. bureau of the census. Notwithstanding s. 13.92 (1) (c), any draft
18maps, along with the data sets used to create them, that are produced by the
19legislative reference bureau in the course of its work in preparing a bill under s. 4.006
20shall be open to public inspection and copying under s. 19.35 (1) and made available
21on the Internet site of the legislative reference bureau as soon as they are produced.
AB897-AA2,4r 22Section 4r. Initial applicability.
1(1) The treatment of ch. 4 and ss. 3.002 (intro.), (1m) and (2), 3.004 (2), 5.15
2(4) (a), and 13.49 first applies to redistricting plans based on the 2020 decennial
3federal census.”.