2019 - 2020 LEGISLATURE
February 18, 2020 - Offered by Representative Horlacher.
SB511-ASA1,1,6 1An Act to renumber and amend 102.17 (4) and 102.58; to amend 102.04 (2m),
2102.13 (2) (a), 102.29 (6m) (a) 3., 102.315 (1) (c), 102.315 (2), 102.42 (1), 102.49
3(5) (b), 102.49 (5) (c) and 102.49 (5) (e); and to create 102.04 (2g), 102.17 (9),
4102.29 (6m) (a) 1m., 102.315 (2e), 102.315 (2m), 102.315 (2s), 102.42 (1p),
5102.44 (7) and 102.49 (5) (cm) of the statutes; relating to: various changes to
6the worker's compensation law.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill makes various changes to the worker's compensation law, as
administered by the Department of Workforce Development and the Division of
Hearings and Appeals in the Department of Administration (DHA).
Payment of benefits; other payments
Liability for public safety officers
This bill makes changes to the conditions of liability for worker's compensation
benefits for a law enforcement officer or a fire fighter (public safety officer) who is
diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The bill provides that if a public safety officer is diagnosed with PTSD by a
licensed psychiatrist or psychologist and the mental injury that resulted in that

diagnosis is not accompanied by a physical injury, that public safety officer can bring
a claim for worker's compensation benefits if the conditions of liability are proven by
a preponderance of the evidence and the mental injury is not the result of a good-faith
employment action by the person's employer. Under the bill, such an injured public
safety employee is not required to demonstrate a diagnosis based on unusual stress
of greater dimensions than the day-to-day emotional strain and tension experienced
by all employees as required under School District No. 1 v. DILHR, 62 Wis. 2d 370,
215 N.W.2d 373 (1974).
The bill also limits liability for treatment for a mental injury that is
compensable under the bill's provisions to no more than 32 weeks after the injury is
first reported. Under the bill, a public safety officer is restricted to compensation for
a mental injury that is not accompanied by a physical injury and that results in a
diagnosis of PTSD three times in his or her lifetime irrespective of a change of
employer or employment.
Payments in cases of injuries resulting in death
Current law provides that, in each case of an injury resulting in death leaving
no person dependent for support or leaving one or more persons partially dependent
for support, the employer or insurer must pay into the work injury supplemental
benefit fund (WISBF) the amount of the death benefit otherwise payable. This bill
does the following:
1. Allows such amounts due to be paid in advance of when they would otherwise
be due, including as a single, lump-sum payment. If an employer or insurer makes
an advance or lump-sum payment, the bill requires DWD to give the employer or the
insurer an interest credit, computed as otherwise provided under current law.
Current law requires, in the case of a death leaving no dependents, that the
payments be made in five equal annual installments.
2. Provides that, in the case of a violation of an employer policy against drug
or alcohol use that is causal to an employee's injury resulting in death who leaves no
person dependent for support or leaving one or more persons partially dependent for
support, no payment is required to be made to WISBF. Current law provides that,
in the case of such a violation, then neither the employee nor the employee's
dependents may receive any compensation under the worker's compensation law for
that injury, other than costs for treating the injury, but does not exempt the employer
or insurer from the payment to WISBF.
Furnishing of billing statements
This bill requires a health care provider to furnish to the representative or
agent of a worker's compensation insurer a complete billing statement for treatment
of an injury for which an employee claims compensation upon request. The bill
removes DHA as an entity that may request to receive information from a health care
provider regarding a worker's compensation claim.
Coverage; liability
Leased employees
Under current law, employee leasing companies are generally liable for injuries
to their leased employees under the worker's compensation law. This bill provides

that a client of an employee leasing company may instead assume the liability for
leased employees under an employee leasing agreement. The bill also provides that
if a client terminates or otherwise does not provide worker's compensation insurance
coverage for the leased employees, the employee leasing company is liable for
injuries to those leased employees under the worker's compensation law.
Statute of limitations
This bill clarifies that for worker's compensation claims the statute of
limitations applies to an individual's employer, the employer's insurance company,
and any other named party.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
SB511-ASA1,1 1Section 1 . 102.04 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB511-ASA1,3,42 102.04 (2g) Liability under s. 102.03 with respect to a leased employee, as
3defined in s. 102.315 (1) (g), shall be determined as provided in s. 102.315 (2) or (2m)
4(c), whichever is applicable.
SB511-ASA1,2 5Section 2 . 102.04 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB511-ASA1,3,166 102.04 (2m) A Except as otherwise provided in an employee leasing agreement
7that meets the requirements of s. 102.315 (2m), a
temporary help agency is the
8employer of an employee whom the temporary help agency has placed with or leased
9to another employer that compensates the temporary help agency for the employee's
10services. A Except as provided in s. 102.315 (2m) (c), a temporary help agency is
11liable under s. 102.03 for all compensation and other payments payable under this
12chapter to or with respect to that employee, including any payments required under
13s. 102.16 (3), 102.18 (1) (b) 3. or (bp), 102.22 (1), 102.35 (3), 102.57, or 102.60. Except
14as permitted under s. 102.29, a temporary help agency may not seek or receive
15reimbursement from another employer for any payments made as a result of that
SB511-ASA1,3 17Section 3 . 102.13 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1102.13 (2) (a) An employee who reports an injury alleged to be work-related
2or files an application for hearing waives any physician-patient,
3psychologist-patient, or chiropractor-patient privilege with respect to any condition
4or complaint reasonably related to the condition for which the employee claims
5compensation. Notwithstanding ss. 51.30 and 146.82 and any other law, any
6physician, chiropractor, psychologist, dentist, podiatrist, physician assistant,
7advanced practice nurse prescriber, hospital, or health care provider shall, within a
8reasonable time after written request by the employee, employer, worker's
9compensation insurer, or department, or division, or its representative, provide that
10person with any information or written material reasonably related to any injury for
11which the employee claims compensation. If the request is by a representative of a
12worker's compensation insurer for a billing statement, the physician, chiropractor,
13psychologist, dentist, podiatrist, physician assistant, advanced practice nurse
14prescriber, hospital, or health care provider shall, within 30 days after receiving the
15request, provide that person with a complete copy of an itemized billing statement
16or a billing statement in a standard billing format recognized by the federal
SB511-ASA1,4 18Section 4 . 102.17 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 102.17 (4) (a) and amended
19to read:
SB511-ASA1,5,220 102.17 (4) (a) Except as provided in this subsection and s. 102.555 (12) (b), in
21the case of occupational disease, the right of an employee, the employee's legal
22representative, or a dependent, the employee's employer or the employer's insurance
23company, or other named party
to proceed under this section shall not extend beyond
2412 years after the date of the injury or death or after the date that compensation,
25other than for treatment or burial expenses, was last paid, or would have been last

1payable if no advancement were made, whichever date is latest, and in the case of
2traumatic injury, that right shall not extend beyond 6 years after that date.
SB511-ASA1,5,15 3(b) In the case of occupational disease; a traumatic injury resulting in the loss
4or total impairment of a hand or any part of the rest of the arm proximal to the hand
5or of a foot or any part of the rest of the leg proximal to the foot, any loss of vision,
6or any permanent brain injury; or a traumatic injury causing the need for an
7artificial spinal disc or a total or partial knee or hip replacement, there shall be no
8statute of limitations, except that benefits or treatment expense for an occupational
9disease becoming due 12 years after the date of injury or death or last payment of
10compensation, other than for treatment or burial expenses, shall be paid from the
11work injury supplemental benefit fund under s. 102.65 and in the manner provided
12in s. 102.66 and benefits or treatment expense for such a traumatic injury becoming
13due 6 years after that date shall be paid from that fund and in that manner if the date
14of injury or death or last payment of compensation, other than for treatment or burial
15expenses, is before April 1, 2006.
SB511-ASA1,5,19 16(c) Payment of wages by the employer during disability or absence from work
17to obtain treatment shall be considered payment of compensation for the purpose of
18this section if the employer knew of the employee's condition and its alleged relation
19to the employment.
SB511-ASA1,5 20Section 5 . 102.17 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
SB511-ASA1,5,2121 102.17 (9) (a) In this subsection:
SB511-ASA1,5,2422 1. “Fire fighter" means any person employed on a full-time basis by the state
23or any political subdivision as a member or officer of a fire department, including the
24first class cities and state fire marshal and deputies.
12. “Post-traumatic stress disorder” means that condition, as described in the
25th edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders by the
3American Psychiatric Association.
SB511-ASA1,6,84 (b) Subject to par. (c), in the case of a mental injury that is not accompanied by
5a physical injury and that results in a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder in
6a law enforcement officer, as defined in s. 23.33 (1) (ig), or a fire fighter, the claim for
7compensation for the mental injury, in order to be compensable under this chapter,
8is subject to all of the following:
SB511-ASA1,6,99 1. The mental injury must satisfy all of the following conditions:
SB511-ASA1,6,1110 a. The diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder is made by a licensed
11psychiatrist or psychologist.
SB511-ASA1,6,1312 b. The conditions of liability under s. 102.03 (1) are proven by the
13preponderance of the evidence.
SB511-ASA1,6,1514 2. The mental injury may not be a result of any of the following actions taken
15in good faith by the employer:
SB511-ASA1,6,1616 a. A disciplinary action.
SB511-ASA1,6,1717 b. A work evaluation.
SB511-ASA1,6,1818 c. A job transfer.
SB511-ASA1,6,1919 d. A layoff.
SB511-ASA1,6,2020 e. A demotion.
SB511-ASA1,6,2121 f. A termination.
SB511-ASA1,6,2422 3. The diagnosis does not need to be based on unusual stress of greater
23dimensions than the day-to-day emotional strain and tension experienced by
24similarly situated employees.
1(c) No individual may receive compensation for a claim of mental injury under
2this subsection more than 3 times in his or her lifetime. The limitation under this
3paragraph applies irrespective of whether the individual becomes employed by a
4different employer or in a different position with the same employer.
SB511-ASA1,6 5Section 6 . 102.29 (6m) (a) 1m. of the statutes is created to read:
SB511-ASA1,7,76 102.29 (6m) (a) 1m. The employee leasing company that employs the leased
SB511-ASA1,7 8Section 7 . 102.29 (6m) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB511-ASA1,7,159 102.29 (6m) (a) 3. Any employee of the client , the employee leasing company
10that employs the leased employee,
or of that other an employee leasing company
11described in subd. 2., unless the leased employee who has the right to make a claim
12for compensation would have a right under s. 102.03 (2) to bring an action against
13the employee of the client, the employee leasing company that employs the leased
or the leased employee of the other employee leasing company described
15in subd. 2.,
if the employees and leased employees were coemployees.
SB511-ASA1,8 16Section 8 . 102.315 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB511-ASA1,7,2017 102.315 (1) (c) “Divided workforce" means a workforce in which some of the
18employees of a client are leased employees and some of the employees of the client
19are not leased employees, but does not include a workforce with respect to a client
20that has elected to provide insurance coverage for leased employees under sub. (2m)
SB511-ASA1,9 21Section 9 . 102.315 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB511-ASA1,8,922 102.315 (2) Employee leasing company liable. An Except as otherwise
23provided in an employee leasing agreement that meets the requirements of sub.
24(2m), an
employee leasing company is liable under s. 102.03 for all compensation
25payable under this chapter to a leased employee, including any payments required

1under s. 102.16 (3), 102.18 (1) (b) 3. or (bp), 102.22 (1), 102.35 (3), 102.57, or 102.60.
2If a client that makes an election under sub. (2m) (a) terminates the election, fails
3to provide the required coverage, or allows coverage to lapse, the employee leasing
4company is liable under s. 102.03 as set forth in this subsection.
Except as permitted
5allowed under s. 102.29, an employee leasing company may not seek or receive
6reimbursement from another employer for any payments made as a result of that
7liability. An employee leasing company is not liable under s. 102.03 for any
8compensation payable under this chapter to an employee of a client who is not a
9leased employee.
SB511-ASA1,10 10Section 10 . 102.315 (2e) of the statutes is created to read:
SB511-ASA1,8,1711 102.315 (2e) Termination of employee leasing agreement. If an employee
12leasing company terminates an employee leasing agreement with a client that has
13made an election under sub. (2m) (a), the company shall provide notice of the
14termination of an employee leasing agreement to the department and the client, on
15a form prescribed by the department, at least 30 days before the termination of the
16employee leasing agreement. The notice provided under this subsection must
17contain all of the following information:
SB511-ASA1,8,1918 (a) The name, mailing address, and federal employer identification number of
19the employee leasing company.
SB511-ASA1,8,2120 (b) The name, mailing address, and federal employer identification number of
21the client.
SB511-ASA1,8,2222 (c) The effective date of the termination of the employee leasing agreement.
SB511-ASA1,8,2423 (d) The signatures of the authorized representatives of the client and the
24employee leasing company.
SB511-ASA1,11 25Section 11 . 102.315 (2m) of the statutes is created to read:
1102.315 (2m) Client election to provide insurance coverage. (a) A client
2may elect to provide insurance coverage under this chapter for leased employees.
3Such an election must be provided in an employee leasing agreement, and the leased
4employees must be insured in the voluntary market and not under a mandatory
5risk-sharing plan under s. 619.01.
SB511-ASA1,9,106 (b) The client shall provide notice of an election or termination of an election
7under par. (a) to the department and the employee leasing company on a form
8prescribed by the department at least 30 days before the effective date of the election
9or termination of the election. The notice provided under this subsection must
10contain all of the following information: