Highway, not in the STH system, damaged by disaster: DOT aid to counties and municipalities for constructing improved facilities increased - SB899
Homestead tax credit: maximum income threshold increased - AB295
Local exposition district created by the City of Superior not subject to legislative finding re serving a public purpose; definition, referendum, taxes, and local tourism entity provisions - AB167
Municipal flood control program: appropriation to DNR increased - AB1026
Municipal flood control program: appropriation to DNR increased - SB896
Municipal liquor license quota: additional ``Class B” license allowed for establishment satisfying public accommodation standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act, conditions set - AB385
Municipal liquor license quota: additional ``Class B” license allowed for establishment satisfying public accommodation standards under the Americans with Disabilities Act, conditions set - SB353
Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision - AB19
Ruffed grouse designated the state small game bird; Blue Book provision - SB21
Soil and water resource management program: bonding authority increased - AB1021
Student ID cards: contact information for suicide prevention and crisis support hotlines required - AB531
Suicide prevention programming grants from DHS; matching funds or in-kind services provision - AB530
Supplemental transportation aids to towns modified - AB486
Threat or false threat to use a dangerous weapon on school premises to injure or kill: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - AB338
U.S. census activities appropriation - AB326
Other proposals authored or co-authored by Meyers, Rep. Beth (74th Asm.Dist.; D)
Assembly Bills:21, 41, 42, 83, 76, 111, 114, 126, 147, 142, 176, 206, 214, 248, 242, 264, 270, 287, 300, 302, 303, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 335, 330, 337, 367, 382, 394, 396, 397, 422, 410, 411, 431, 435, 451, 452, 519, 533, 534, 535, 548, 527, 523, 525, 529, 572, 589, 661, 665, 685, 692, 695, 700, 701, 714, 735, 768, 800, 789, 786, 963, 1002, 1020
Assembly Joint Resolutions:3, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 28, 22, 18, 24, 30, 33, 39, 47, 43, 50, 52, 59, 67, 68, 69, 61, 71, 80, 81, 82, 83, 104, 115, 117, 124, 141, 153, 144
Assembly Resolutions:18
Senate Bills:38, 49, 93, 103, 107, 100, 118, 126, 135, 157, 159, 162, 188, 200, 225, 235, 247, 252, 253, 254, 262, 266, 267, 287, 288, 296, 297, 298, 299, 300, 304, 308, 309, 311, 340, 349, 361, 364, 366, 367, 380, 396, 419, 433, 446, 472, 473, 474, 477, 493, 496, 503, 504, 505, 506, 512, 519, 536, 543, 566, 572, 584, 607, 623, 628, 631, 632, 640, 722, 724, 734, 814, 846, 886, 900, 902, 903
Senate Joint Resolutions:5, 8, 10, 15, 19, 27, 32, 38, 37, 39, 47, 48, 51, 52, 61, 62, 63, 64, 67, 83, 85, 87, 97
1835Ballweg, Rep. Joan (41st Asm.Dist.; R)
100th Anniversary of ratifying the 19th Amendment celebrated June 10, 2019 - AJR30
100th Anniversary of ratifying the 19th Amendment celebrated June 10, 2019 - SJR37
Alcohol beverage operator’s license issuance: municipal governing body may delegate authority to a municipal official by ordinance - AB216
American Heart Month: February 2019 proclaimed as - AJR3
American Heart Month: February 2019 proclaimed as - SJR5
American Heart Month: February 2020 proclaimed as - AJR117
American Heart Month: February 2020 proclaimed as - SJR83
Animal-drawn vehicle: counties may enact an ordinance requiring registration; fee and town provisions - AB612
Beekeeping equipment of hobbyists: sales and use tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - AB580
Bow or crossbow: placing, possessing, or transporting in a vehicle, motorboat, ATV, or UTV revised - AB239
Bow or crossbow: placing, possessing, or transporting in a vehicle, motorboat, ATV, or UTV revised - SB231
Break time for employees to express breast milk: requirements created, accommodations specified, and employment discrimination provision - AB506
Career and technical education incentive grants: DWD appropriation increased - AB23
Career and technical education incentive grants: DWD appropriation increased - SB16
Certificate of self-insurance issued to a religious sect can be used in lieu of motor vehicle liability insurance re proof of financial responsibility and liability insurance requirements - AB140
Child Abuse and Neglect Prevention Month: April proclaimed as - AJR18
Child of a service member: legal custody and physical placement factors revised - AB672
College savings programs: income tax treatment for contributions and withdrawals modified; administrative rule revised [Admin.Code DFI-CSP 1.02] - AB769
College savings programs: income tax treatment for contributions and withdrawals modified; administrative rule revised [Admin.Code DFI-CSP 1.02] - SB704
Community health center grants: funding increased - AB726
Condominium association and unit owner dispute: pre-filing notice requirement created - AB685
Condominium documents requirements clarified and law changes re expanding, merger or consolidation, declarant rights, plat, correction instruments, and small condominiums - AB598
Condominium documents requirements clarified and law changes re expanding, merger or consolidation, declarant rights, plat, correction instruments, small condominiums, and local review of condominium instruments - SB550
Consolidated school districts: new aid program created, conditions set - AB223
Corn Promotion Board: DATCP grant - AB976
County snowmobile trails and area aids: appropriation increased - AB692
Cursive writing required to be incorporated into the model academic standards for English language arts - AB459
Discarded or abandoned major appliances: prohibition on abandoned refrigerators and freezers expanded, definition provision; JRCCP may report - AB448
Donate Life Month: April 2019 proclaimed as - AJR17
Donate Life Month: April 2019 proclaimed as - SJR16
Donate Life Month: April 2020 proclaimed as - AJR135
Donate Life Month: April 2020 proclaimed as - SJR95
Due dates for paying property taxes: clarifications re postmarks and weekends - AB141
Due dates for paying property taxes: clarifications re postmarks and weekends - SB146
Election inspector: pupils enrolled in a home-based private educational program may serve as; conditions specified - AB667
Family Navigator Program established in DWD, report required - AB375
Family Navigator Program established in DWD, report required - SB344
Fee waiver for veterans for certain licenses and certifications expanded to include spouse or unremarried surviving spouse - AB674
Fertilizers and soil or plant additives produced from converting manure into compost or vermicompost: distribution and labeling requirements - AB511
General transportation aids program: penalty revised for towns that file necessary documentation within 30 days past the deadline - AB184
General transportation aids program: penalty revised for towns that file necessary documentation within 30 days past the deadline - SB167
Good faith actions re child abuse and neglect reporting law: immunity from liability extended - AB749
Good faith actions re child abuse and neglect reporting law: immunity from liability extended - SB668
Health care records at recreational or educational camp: electronic maintenance allowed - AB437
Hunting and fishing approvals for persons with disabilities: physical therapists and licensed occupational therapists may certify disability of applicant - AB826
Interim psychologist license: Psychology Examining Board may issue - AB523
Joint programming between UW Green Bay and the Oneida Tribe: annual funding from gaming receipts - AB205
Laboratories that perform certain environmental testing: DNR to promulgate by rule a method to produce an annual schedule of fees - AB762
Laboratories that perform certain environmental testing: DNR to promulgate by rule a method to produce an annual schedule of fees - SB700
Law enforcement and fire fighter WRS annuitants who return to work with a WRS participating employer: exception to suspension of annuity payment requirement - AB157
MA reimbursement for mental health consultations for students up to age 21: communication with parent added and sunset eliminated - AB192
Money laundering: state criminal prohibition created; JRCCP may report - AB350
Motor carrier maximum hours for drivers: federal law exception re planting and harvesting period modified [Admin.Code Trans 325.01] - AB743
Motor vehicle manufacturer, importer, or distributor prohibited practice created re adverse action against a dealer of its motor vehicles - AB335
Motor vehicle manufacturer, importer, or distributor prohibited practice created re adverse action against a dealer of its motor vehicles - SB304
Municipal flood control grants from DNR: clarification on priority and eligibility criteria [Admin.Code NR 199.05, 199.07] - AB793
Musser, Terry: life and public service of former state representative commended - AJR109
Online notaries public and electronic notarizations provisions created, DFI duties; JRCCP may report - AB293
Online notaries public and electronic notarizations provisions created, DFI duties; JRCCP may report - SB317
Parent of a stillbirth: refundable individual income tax credit created - AB128
Parent of a stillbirth: refundable individual income tax credit created - SB114
Priority of certain mortgages: institution chartered by the federal Farm Credit Administration added - AB489
Priority of certain mortgages: institution chartered by the federal Farm Credit Administration added - SB438
Property used to provide broadband service to rural or underserved area exempt from the telephone company tax; JSCTE appendix report - AB344
Qualified residential treatment program for children and youth: DCF may certify a residential care center, group home, or shelter care facility to operate under certain conditions - AB643
Qualified residential treatment program for children and youth: DCF may certify a residential care center, group home, or shelter care facility to operate under certain conditions - SB609
Solids or hazardous waste facility owned by a municipality: alternative method to establish proof of financial responsibility; DNR duties - AB838