Finally, I am going to bring the fight for a nonpartisan redistricting process to the Legislature. The reason I am signing a budget that does not go far enough to fund our schools, that fails to accept federal funds to expand Medicaid, and leaves behind important priorities is because we have a comfortable Republican majority who consolidated power for themselves long before I took office, leaving minimal accountability for failing to listen to the people of Wisconsin. They got to pick their voters and draw their districts, and as a result, are able to ignore the 70 percent of Wisconsinites who support Medicaid expansion, the 74 percent of Wisconsinites who want to see a significant increase in special education funding, and the 83 percent of Wisconsinites who believe medical marijuana should be legal.
While many see the conclusion of our work on the budget as an ending, this budget is just the first step on the road ahead. There is much work to do and many Wisconsinites who are counting on us to work together to get things done.
As I was preparing this message, my office received a packet of letters from a class of fourth graders. While all the letters were thoughtful and creative, there was one that stood out. It said, “Please look outside and examine how cracked the roads are…I really believe that the roads need to be fixed because horrific accidents could happen…So please, fix our roads.”
“Maybe, just maybe, you could pay the schools more?” the student asked, because “the janitors, the teachers, the nurses and every other worker at a school work hard. They deserve a bit more money.” And “a bit more money for healthcare” she said, because “so many children fall ill with the flu and some families cannot afford the medication.”
Our kids understand what is important. And overall, this budget delivers on many of the important promises I made to the people of Wisconsin and makes progress toward fixing our roads, supporting schools, increasing funding for healthcare, and cutting taxes for working families. It is a budget that I hope will help countless families, businesses, and communities across Wisconsin. I remain optimistic about the future of our state. And I remain committed to working together to ensure that we do not let opportunities, like Medicaid expansion, pass us by. There is too much at stake to put politics first. We have much more work to do to ensure our state and our kids’ success in the future.
Respectfully submitted,
1. Establishment of a Correctional Facility
2. Type 1 Facility
3. Construction Projects
4. Center Bonding
5. Corrections Bonding
6. Assistant District Attorney Position Distribution
7. One Step Pay Progression
8. Diversion Pilot Program
9. Beat Patrol Program
10. Treatment Alternatives and Diversion
11. Chronic Wasting Disease Research
12. Repair of State Trails
13. Well Compensation Grant
14. Producer Led Watershed Grants
15. Per Pupil Aid
16. Supplemental Per Pupil Aid
17. Medical College of Wisconsin Cancer Research Facility
18. University of Wisconsin – Green Bay Cofrin Library Renovation
19. Health Professional Scholarship Program
20. University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point Paper Science Program
21. Safety and Building Operations Transfer
22. Grants for Training in County Jails from Wisconsin Fast Forward
23. Northcentral Technical College Earmark
24. Grants for Personal Care Worker Training from Wisconsin Fast Forward
25. Grants for Shipbuilders from Wisconsin Fast Forward
26. Youth Summer Jobs Programs
27. Approval of the Wisconsin History Museum and Reporting Requirement
28. Grants to Lakeland STAR Schools
29. Personal Electronic Computing Devices Grant Program
30. Grants for Robot-Assisted Educational Programs for Pupils with Autism
31. Report on Capitol Security
32. Capital Planning and Building Construction Balance Lapse
33. Discretionary Merit Compensation Awards for the Department of Corrections
34. Volkswagen Settlement Funds
35. Appropriation for Board of Commissioners of Public Lands Operations
36. Milwaukee County Shared Revenue Reduction for Child Welfare Services
37. Child Care YoungStar Bonuses
38. Elections Commission Materials and Services Lapse
39. Wisconsin Employment Relations Commission Program Revenue Lapse
40. FoodShare Employment and Training for Able-Bodied Adults with Dependents
41. FoodShare Employment and Training Drug Screening Funding
42. Disproportionate Share Hospital Payments
43. Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center
44. Medicaid Reestimate
45. Physician and Behavioral Health Funding
46. Crisis Intervention Services
47. Qualified Treatment Trainee Grants
48. Telehealth Expansion
49. Physical Health Service Provider Reimbursement
50. Hub-and-Spoke Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Model
51. Racine County Nursing Home Labor Region
52. Suicide Prevention Grant
53. FoodShare Employment and Training Administrative Funds
54. FoodShare Employment and Training Cost-to-Continue
55. Authority to Reallocate Positions
56. Birth to 3 Program
57. Nitrate Testing for Private Wells
58. Wisconsin Statewide Public Safety and Interoperable Communications System
59. Expansion of Auditing Activity
60. Defining Vapor Products
61. Tolling and Mileage-based Fee Study
62. Registration Fees by Weight Classification
63. Discretionary Supplement
64. Fuel Suppliers Administrative Allowance
65. Quarry Local Zoning Preemption
66. Supplemental Transportation Aids
67. Wheel Tax Fee Increase
68. Lieutenant Governor Security
69. Required Interchange for I-41 in Brown and Outagamie Counties
70. Initial Applicability of Registration Fee Increases
71. Noise Barrier in Milwaukee County
72. Passenger Rail
73. Direct Sale of Motor Vehicles from Manufacturer