Noes: 0 - None.
Ayes: 9 - Senators Marklein, Petrowski, Testin, Jacque, Bernier, Smith, Ringhand, Risser and Larson.
Noes: 0 - None.
The committee on Local Government, Small Business, Tourism and Workforce Development reported and recommended:
Senate Bill 44
Relating to: grants to technical college students for apprenticeship expenses and making an appropriation.
Ayes: 5 - Senators Jacque, Bernier, Tiffany, Schachtner and Miller.
Noes: 0 - None.
Ayes: 5 - Senators Jacque, Bernier, Tiffany, Schachtner and Miller.
Noes: 0 - None.
The committee on Public Benefits, Licensing and State-Federal Relations reported and recommended:
Senate Bill 303
Relating to: registration and the scope of practice of interior designers and granting rule-making authority.
Ayes: 4 - Senators Kapenga, Craig, LeMahieu and Johnson.
Noes: 1 - Senator Hansen.
The committee on Sporting Heritage, Mining and Forestry reported and recommended:
DITTMAR, BEVERLY A., of Eagle River, as a Northern Area Representative on the Snowmobile Recreational Council, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2022.
Ayes: 5 - Senators Tiffany, LeMahieu, Stroebel, Wirch and Smith.
Noes: 0 - None.
ENKING, JOEL, of Hurley, as a Northern Area Representative on the Snowmobile Recreational Council, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2021.
Ayes: 5 - Senators Tiffany, LeMahieu, Stroebel, Wirch and Smith.
Noes: 0 - None.
VAN ZEELAND, LEE, of Appleton, as a Southern Area Representative on the Snowmobile Recreational Council, to serve for the term ending July 1, 2021.
Ayes: 5 - Senators Tiffany, LeMahieu, Stroebel, Wirch and Smith.
Noes: 0 - None.
Petitions and Communications
hist108512Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Spreitzer added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 383. hist108565Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Kitchens added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 496. hist108533Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Born added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 504. hist108534Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Born added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 505. hist108535Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Born added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 506. hist108566Pursuant to Senate Rule 17 (5), Representative Kitchens added as a cosponsor of Senate Bill 506. _____________
Legislative Reference Bureau Corrections
Corrections In:
2019 SENATE BILL 498
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(October 24, 2019)