Under current law, DOT administers the Local Roads Improvement Program
(LRIP) to assist political subdivisions in improving seriously deteriorating local
roads by reimbursing political subdivisions for certain improvements. LRIP
includes an entitlement component and a discretionary component. Under the
entitlement component, DOT distributes an appropriated amount to political
subdivisions according to statutorily prescribed allocation percentages. Under the
discretionary component, DOT allocates funds in fiscal year 2017-18 and each fiscal
year thereafter as follows: $5,393,400 to fund eligible county trunk highway
improvements, $5,923,600 to fund eligible town road improvements, and $3,850,400
to fund eligible municipal street improvements.
This bill increases DOT's allocations for the discretionary component of LRIP
for fiscal year 2019-20 as follows: $5,569,400 to fund eligible county trunk highway
improvements, $6,033,600 to fund eligible town road improvements, and $3,867,000
to fund eligible municipal street improvements. The bill increases the allocations for
fiscal year 2020-21 and each fiscal year thereafter as follows: $5,688,400 to fund
eligible county trunk highway improvements, $6,162,400 to fund eligible town road
improvements, and $3,950,300 to fund eligible municipal street improvements.
4. Transit capital assistance grants
This bill requires DOT to establish a transit capital assistance grant program,
under which DOT awards grants to eligible applicants for the replacement of public
transit vehicles.
Rail and air transportation
Increase bonding for passenger rail capital projects
Under current law, DOT administers a rail passenger route development
program under which DOT may fund the following:
a. Capital costs related to certain Amtrak service extension routes or certain
other rail service routes.
b. Railroad track or rail passenger station improvements related to an Amtrak
service extension route, or the establishment of commuter rail service, between the
city of Milwaukee and Waukesha County.
c. Rail passenger station improvements related to an existing rail passenger
Current law provides $79,000,000 in general obligation bonding authority for
the program but does not provide for other sources of program funding. However, not
more than $10,000,000 of the bonding proceeds may be used for the purposes
described in items b and c, above; no proceeds may be used without JCF approval;
and no proceeds may be used for the purposes described in items a and b, above,
unless DOT provides to JCF certain information.

This bill increases the general obligation bonding authority for the program
from $79,000,000 to $124,000,000 but does not modify any of these other program
funding limitations.
2. Freight rail preservation bonding
Under current law, the state may contract up to $250,300,000 in public debt for
DOT to acquire railroad property and to provide grants and loans for railroad
property acquisition and improvement. This bill increases the authorized general
obligation bonding limit for these purposes to $280,300,000.
General transportation
Eliminate general fund transfer to transportation fund
Under current law, the secretary of administration must annually transfer
from the general fund to the transportation fund 0.25 percent of estimated general
fund tax revenues for the fiscal year or $35,127,000, whichever amount is greater.
This bill repeals this requirement.
2. Next Generation 911 and WISCOM
Under current law, DMA is required to contract for the creation, operation, and
maintenance of an emergency services network capable of meeting certain standards
known collectively as Next Generation 911. DMA is also required to develop and
operate a statewide public safety interoperable communication system, commonly
referred to as WISCOM. To assist DMA in developing the ability of public safety
agencies to communicate with each other, there is an interoperability council with
a 911 subcommittee attached to DMA. This bill transfers the requirements relating
to Next Generation 911 and WISCOM from DMA to DOT and attaches the
interoperability council and 911 subcommittee to DOT. The bill also requires DOT
to issue a request for proposals for a statewide public safety interoperable
communications system to be deployed on existing tower sites and authorizes DOT
to spend up to $500,000 for professional consulting services related to the request for
3. Harbor assistance program bonding
Under current law, the state may contract up to $120,000,000 in public debt for
DOT to provide grants for harbor improvements. This bill increases the authorized
general obligation bonding limit to $159,000,000 for this purpose.
4. Harbor assistance grants priority
Under current law, DOT administers the harbor assistance program under
which eligible applicants may be awarded a grant to partially reimburse the
applicant for expenses incurred in making certain harbor improvements. Under this
bill, during the 2019-21 fiscal biennium, DOT must prioritize making grant awards

under the harbor assistance program to municipalities in which a shipbuilder in the
state is conducting operations.
Veterans outreach and recovery program
2017 Wisconsin Act 295 created a requirement that DVA administer a pilot
program that expires on June 30, 2019, to provide outreach, mental health services,
and support to certain individuals who are serving or who have served in the armed
forces, who reside in Wisconsin, and who may have a mental health condition or
substance use disorder. This bill continues the program on an ongoing basis.
2. Continuing appropriations
This bill changes the appropriations for the veterans home exchange program
and the veterans cemetery operations from sum certain annual appropriations to
continuing appropriations. An annual sum certain appropriation is expendable only
for the fiscal year for which the appropriation is made and only up to the dollar
amount shown in the schedule for that fiscal year. A continuing appropriation is
expendable until fully depleted, and the moneys held therein do not lapse. Therefore,
the effect of this change is to allow the moneys in the appropriations to continue to
be spent until depleted.
3. General fund supplement to veterans trust fund
This bill changes the appropriation for the general fund supplement to the
veterans trust fund from a sum certain annual appropriation to a sum sufficient
appropriation. An annual sum certain appropriation is expendable only for the fiscal
year for which the appropriation is made and only up to the dollar amount shown in
the schedule for that fiscal year; whereas, a sum sufficient appropriation is
expendable up to the amount that is necessary to accomplish the purpose specified.
The effect of this change is to allow the secretary of administration to determine the
amounts of money that may be expended for veterans programs by transferring
moneys from the general fund to the veterans trust fund.
4. Elimination of the veterans housing loan program
This bill eliminates the veterans housing loan program. Under current law,
DVA has authority to issue and service loans to veterans for certain housing related
5. Veterans Memorial Cemetery
This bill renumbers the appropriation for the Central Wisconsin Veterans
Memorial Cemetery to be appropriately grouped with the other appropriations for
the bureau of cemeteries.

6. Institutional appropriations
This bill repeals one of the appropriations that funds a program that provides
grants to counties and tribes for the improvement of veterans services.
Because this bill relates to an exemption from state or local taxes, it may be
referred to the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions for a report to be printed
as an appendix to the bill.
Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,
the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a
This proposal may contain a health insurance mandate requiring a social and
financial impact report under s. 601.423, stats.
Because this bill relates to public employee retirement or pensions, it may be
referred to the Joint Survey Committee on Retirement Systems for a report to be
printed as an appendix to the bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB56,1 1Section 1. 1.12 (3) (d) of the statutes is created to read:
AB56,93,32 1.12 (3) (d) Carbon-free electricity. It is the goal of the state that all electricity
3produced within the state is 100 percent carbon-free by January 1, 2050.
AB56,2 4Section 2 . 3.002 (intro.) and (1m) of the statutes are consolidated, renumbered
53.002 and amended to read:
AB56,93,9 63.002 Description of territory. In this chapter: (1m) Reference, reference
7to any county or municipality means that county or municipality as its boundaries
8exist on April 1 of the year of the federal decennial census on which the districting
9plan described under subch. II is based
AB56,3 10Section 3. 3.002 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
AB56,4 11Section 4 . 3.004 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB56,94,212 3.004 (2) “Ward" means a ward prescribed by a municipality based upon
13municipal boundaries in effect on April 1 of the year of the federal decennial census
14in accordance with the most recent revision of municipal wards under s. 5.15 upon

1which the districting plan described under subch. II is based
and used in preparing
2congressional and legislative redistricting plans as required under s. 4.005
AB56,5 3Section 5. Subchapter I of chapter 4 [precedes 4.001] of the statutes is repealed
4and recreated to read:
AB56,94,55 CHAPTER 4
AB56,94,66 subchapter i
AB56,94,87 general provisions
8and redistricting
AB56,94,9 94.001 Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context requires otherwise:
AB56,94,10 10(1) “Block" has the meaning given in s. 5.02 (1q).
AB56,94,12 11(2) “Commission" means the redistricting advisory commission established
12under s. 13.49.
AB56,94,14 13(3) “Plan" means a plan for legislative and congressional reapportionment
14prepared under this subchapter.
AB56,94,16 15(4) “Political subdivision" means a city, town, village, or county within this
AB56,94,17 17(5) “Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act" means 52 USC 10301.
AB56,94,20 18(6) “Ward" means a municipal ward in effect on April 1 of the year of the federal
19decennial census and used in preparing congressional and legislative redistricting
20plans as required under s. 4.005.
AB56,94,23 214.002 Political subdivision boundaries. In this chapter, reference to any
22political subdivision means that political subdivision as its boundaries exist on April
231 of the year of the federal decennial census.
AB56,95,2 244.003 Legislative districts established. This state is divided into 33 senate
25districts, each composed of 3 assembly districts. Each senate district may elect one

1member of the senate. Each assembly district may elect one representative to the
AB56,95,6 34.004 Preparations for redistricting. (1) The legislative reference bureau
4shall acquire appropriate information, review and evaluate available facilities, and
5develop programs and procedures in preparation for drawing congressional and
6legislative redistricting plans on the basis of each federal decennial census.
AB56,95,11 7(2) By December 1 of the year of the decennial federal census, the legislative
8reference bureau shall obtain from the U.S. bureau of the census information
9regarding geographic and political units in this state for which federal census
10population data has been gathered and will be tabulated. The legislative reference
11bureau shall use the information to do all of the following:
AB56,95,1412 (a) Prepare necessary descriptions of geographic and political units for which
13census data will be reported and that are suitable for use as components of legislative
AB56,95,1715 (b) Prepare maps of geographic and political units within the state which may
16be used to illustrate the locations of district boundaries proposed in plans prepared
17in accordance with s. 4.007.
AB56,96,2 18(3) As soon as possible after receiving from the U.S. bureau of the census the
19population data needed for legislative redistricting that the U.S. bureau of the
20census is required to provide this state under P.L. 94-171, the legislative reference
21bureau shall use that data to assign a population figure based upon certified federal
22census data to each geographic or political unit described under sub. (2) (b). The
23legislative reference bureau shall prepare and publish an analysis describing the
24population of current legislative and congressional districts and the extent to which
25the districts may violate the standards under s. 4.007. Upon satisfying these

1requirements, the legislative reference bureau shall begin the preparation of
2congressional and legislative redistricting plans as required under s. 4.006.
AB56,96,6 3(4) None of the 4 selecting authorities, as defined in s. 13.49 (1) (b), may assign
4or hire any person to work with the legislative reference bureau to prepare for
5redistricting under this section, to prepare plans under s. 4.006, or to oversee either
AB56,96,13 74.005 Use of municipal ward plans. After receipt of a division ordinance or
8resolution under s. 5.15 (4) (b), the legislative reference bureau shall use the data
9obtained from the U.S. bureau of the census under s. 4.004 (3) to assign a population
10figure based upon certified federal census data to each ward established in the
11division ordinance or resolution. The legislative reference bureau shall use each
12ward to which a population figure is assigned in preparing congressional and
13legislative redistricting plans as required under s. 4.006.
AB56,96,23 144.006 Preparation of redistricting plans. (1) Not later than January 1 of
15the 2nd year following the decennial federal census, the legislative reference bureau
16shall deliver to the majority leader of the senate and speaker of the assembly
17identical bills creating plans of legislative and congressional redistricting, prepared
18in accordance with s. 4.007. Either the assembly or the senate shall bring the bill to
19a vote expeditiously, but not less than 7 days after the commission report under s.
2013.49 (3) (d) 2. is received and made available to the members of the legislature. The
21vote shall be under a procedure or rule permitting no amendments. If the bill is
22approved by the first house in which it is considered, the bill shall expeditiously be
23brought to a vote in the 2nd house under a similar procedure or rule.
AB56,97,13 24(2) If neither of the bills delivered by the legislative reference bureau under
25sub. (1) is approved by both the assembly and the senate, the chief clerk of the house

1that failed to approve the bill shall immediately transmit to the legislative reference
2bureau information that the house may direct regarding reasons why the plan was
3not approved. The legislative reference bureau shall prepare identical bills
4embodying a 2nd plan of legislative and congressional redistricting prepared in
5accordance with s. 4.007, taking into account the reasons transmitted to the
6legislative reference bureau under this subsection insofar as it is possible to do so
7within the requirements of s. 4.007. The legislative reference bureau shall deliver
8the bills to the majority leader of the senate and the speaker of the assembly no later
9than 21 days after the date of the vote by which the senate or the assembly failed to
10approve the bill submitted under sub. (1). Any bill delivered by the legislative
11reference bureau under this subsection shall be expeditiously introduced and
12brought to a vote not less than 7 days after the date of introduction, in the same
13manner as prescribed for the bill required under sub. (1).
AB56,97,25 14(3) If neither of the bills delivered by the legislative reference bureau under
15sub. (2) is approved by both the assembly and the senate, the same procedure as
16prescribed by sub. (2) shall be followed. If a 3rd plan is required under this
17subsection, the legislative reference bureau shall deliver the bills to the majority
18leader of the senate and the speaker of the assembly no later than 21 days after the
19date of the vote by which the senate or the assembly failed to approve the bill
20submitted under sub. (2). Any bill delivered by the legislative reference bureau
21under this subsection shall be expeditiously introduced and brought to a vote not less
22than 7 days after the date of introduction and shall be subject to amendment in the
23same manner as other bills. Any bill delivered under this subsection, and any
24amendment to such a bill, may be passed only with the approval of three-fourths of
25all the members elected in each house.
1(4) Notwithstanding subs. (1) to (3):
AB56,98,112 (a) If certified federal census data that is sufficient to permit preparation of a
3congressional redistricting plan becomes available at an earlier time than the
4population data needed to permit preparation of a legislative redistricting plan in
5accordance with s. 4.007, the legislative reference bureau shall so inform the
6majority leader of the senate and the speaker of the assembly. If the majority leader
7of the senate and the speaker of the assembly jointly direct, the legislative reference
8bureau shall prepare a separate bill establishing congressional districts and deliver
9it separately from the bill establishing legislative districts. The legislature shall
10proceed to consider the congressional redistricting bill in substantially the manner
11prescribed by subs. (1) to (3).
AB56,98,2112 (b) If the population data for legislative redistricting that the U.S. bureau of
13the census is required to provide this state under P.L. 94-171 and, if used by the
14legislative reference bureau, the corresponding topologically integrated geographic
15encoding and referencing data file for that population data are not available to the
16legislative reference bureau on or before April 1 of the first year following the
17decennial federal census, the deadlines set forth in this section shall be extended by
18a number of days equal to the number of days after April 1 of the first year following
19the decennial federal census that the population data and the topologically
20integrated geographic encoding and referencing data file for legislative redistricting
21become available.
AB56,98,25 224.007 Redistricting standards. (1) Legislative and congressional districts
23shall be established on the basis of population requirements imposed under the
24Wisconsin Constitution and the U.S. Constitution and requirements imposed under
25Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.
1(2) Senate and assembly districts, respectively, shall satisfy the population
2standards established in this subsection. The quotient, obtained by dividing the sum
3of the absolute values of the deviations of all district populations from the applicable
4ideal district population by the number of districts established, may not exceed 1
5percent of the applicable ideal district population, unless necessary to maintain
6compliance with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. For purposes of this subsection,
7the ideal district population is determined by dividing the population of the state
8reported in the most recent federal decennial census by the number of districts to be
9established. No senate district may have a population that exceeds that of any other
10senate district by more than 10 percent and no assembly district may have a
11population that exceeds that of any other assembly district by more than 10 percent,
12unless necessary to maintain compliance with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act.
AB56,99,18 13(3) Congressional districts shall each have a population as nearly equal as
14practicable to the ideal district population, derived as prescribed in sub. (2), while
15maintaining compliance with Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act. No congressional
16district may have a population which varies by more than 1 percent from the
17applicable ideal district population, unless necessary to comply with Section 2 of the
18Voting Rights Act.
AB56,99,24 19(4) District boundaries shall coincide with ward boundaries and, to the extent
20consistent with sub. (1), shall coincide with the boundaries of political subdivisions.
21The number of political subdivisions divided among more than one district shall be
22as small as possible. When there is a choice among political subdivisions to divide,
23the more populous political subdivisions shall be divided before the less populous,
24except that this requirement does not apply to a legislative district boundary drawn

1along a county boundary which passes through a city with territory in more than one
AB56,100,4 3(5) Districts shall be composed of convenient contiguous territory. Areas which
4meet only at the points of adjoining corners are not contiguous.
AB56,100,8 5(6) Districts shall not be drawn with the intent or result of denying or abridging
6the equal opportunity of racial or language minorities to participate in the political
7process or diminishing their ability to elect representatives of their choice, whether
8by themselves or by voting in concert with other persons.
AB56,100,9 9(7) (a) In this subsection:
AB56,100,1810 1. “Geographic unit center" means that point within a population data unit
11approximately equidistant from the northern and southern extremities and also
12approximately equidistant from the eastern and western extremities of the
13population data unit. This point shall be determined by visual observation of a map
14of the population data unit, unless it is otherwise determined within the context of
15an appropriate coordinate system developed by the federal government or another
16source that the legislative reference bureau determines is qualified and objective and
17is obtained for use in this state with prior approval of the joint committee on
18legislative organization.
AB56,100,2219 2. “Population data unit" means a ward, census enumeration district, block, or
20other unit of territory having clearly identified geographic boundaries and for which
21a total population figure is included in or can be derived directly from certified
22federal census data.
AB56,101,323 3. “X-coordinate" means the relative location of a point along the east–west
24axis of the state. Unless otherwise measured within the context of an appropriate
25coordinate system obtained for use as permitted by subd. 1., the x-coordinate shall

1be measured along a line drawn due east from a due north and south line running
2through the point which is the western extremity of this state, to the point to be
AB56,101,94 4. “Y-coordinate" means the relative location of a point along the north–south
5axis of the state. Unless otherwise measured within the context of an appropriate
6coordinate system obtained for use as permitted by subd. 1., the y-coordinate shall
7be measured along a line drawn due south from a due east and west line running
8through the point which is the northern extremity of this state, to the point to be
AB56,101,1610 (b) To the extent consistent with subs. (1) to (3), districts shall be compact in
11form. Compact districts are those which are square, rectangular, or hexagonal in
12shape to the extent permitted by natural or political boundaries. When it is
13necessary to compare the relative compactness of 2 or more districts, or of 2 or more
14alternative redistricting plans, the tests prescribed by pars. (c) and (d) shall be used.
15Should the results of these 2 tests be contradictory, the standard under par. (c) shall
16be given greater weight than the standard under par. (d).