Bonding, public debt bill passage (majority of elected
membership)   12 (2)(f)
Budget bill:
descriptive short title may be used for budget and
other long bills   52 (1)(e)
fiscal estimate not required for s. 16.47 budget bills   41 (1)(b)
Bulletin of proceedings:
administrative rules bulletin: legislative council
staff, legislative reference bureau, chief clerks
prepare jointly   77, 78
administrative rules review   78
biennial continuity   79
committee activities   75
constitution sections affected by amendments
ratified since last statute publication, shows
full text of   77 (7)
indexes prepared by legislative reference bureau   77, 78
proceedings, index part   77, 87 (3)(c)
publication during committee work periods   87 (3)(c)
required content of bill histories   32 (1)
senate and assembly parts prepared by chief clerks   76, 87 (3)
special sessions, actions shown as separate chapters   79 (5)
Calendar, definition   99 (8)
Calendars, daily, reproduction   72
Call of the house, definition   99 (9)
Catalog of sections affected (in bill title):
bill enrolled after passage, legislative reference
bureau revises   52 (7)
bill reproduced with all adopted amendments engrossed,
legislative reference bureau revises   52 (7)
simple amendment not to change   52 (7)
Certificate of “citation", definition   99 (10)
Certification to passage or adoption of proposals   32
Chair, definition   99 (11)
Chairperson of committee:
authorized to use LRB drafting services on behalf
of the committee   51 (1)
joint committee, who presides at meeting   22
joint hearing, may agree to hold   21
meetings of committees of conference, either
may call   3 (1)(a), (2)
Chief clerk, definition   99 (12)
Chief clerk:
acts in matters pertaining to retirement system   92
agreement with LRB for electronic transmission
of introduced proposals and amendments   44, 54, 79
authorized to use LRB drafting services for
requests pertaining to legislature's operations   51 (3)
clerical corrections in legislative measures   32 (1)(h), 56
committee records, maintains duplicate set   31 (4)
designs worksheet for citations   7 (4)
duties of the chief clerk after floorperiods and session   87
engrossed bill, joint resolution, or major
amendment, may order reproduced   63
enrolled bill, presents to office of the governor   34, 81 (4)
enrolled joint resolution, presents to secretary
of state   33 (2), 60 (1)
fiscal estimate, request for and receipt of, noted
in history file   45 (3)
history file, supervises recording of legislative
actions in   32 (1)
in publishing joint rules   98 (2)(a)
of assembly, acts as clerk of joint convention   1
of senate, assists at joint convention   1
prepares legislative manual   71, 98 (3)
reads fiscal estimate to members (if not provided)   49 (3)
vetoes pending, shows on first‐day calendar for
review session   82 (2)(a)
appropriateness reviewed in each house   7 (3)
approval governed by senate and assembly rules   7
authors, coauthors, and cosponsors on   55 (1)
Claims bill, ayes and noes (quorum of 3/5 of the
members elected required)   11 (2)
Clerical corrections in legislative measures   32 (1)(h), 52 (7), 56
Coauthors, authors, and cosponsors on bills, joint
resolutions, citations   55
Commendations (citations)   7
Committee activities:
hearings, executive sessions, open to public   27
interim work, hearings outside capitol   84 (1)
joint hearings   21, 27
members, reimbursement for interim expenses   85
minority report   31 (3)
proceedings, record of   31 (4)
report on proposal or administrative rule   31
schedule of, reproduction of report   31 (3)
Committee chairperson, definition   99 (13)
Committee executive action, definition   99 (14)
Committee of conference:
amendments or division not permitted   3 (3)
appointment of members to, one from minority required   3 (1)
meet on call of either cochairperson   3 (2)
minority report   31 (3)
provision of report   31 (3)
reconsideration motion not permitted on vote
adopting report   3 (1)(b)
report submitted to 2nd house (not house of
bill origin)   3 (1)(b)
vote on report completes action on bill   3 (1)(b)
Committee of conference, definition   99 (14m)
Committee of the whole, definition   99 (15)
Committee on legislative organization, joint   23
compensation and classification plan for legislative
employees   91
stationary, reproduction of materials   14, 62
Committee on organization (of either house):
compensation and classification plan for employees
of house   91
daily calendar, may change format of   72
display of text in reconciliation bills   64 (1)(a)