Custodial parent meeting W-2 eligibility requirements: monthly grants for child up to 12 weeks old [Sec. 630; original bill only] -
AB56Custodial parent meeting W-2 eligibility requirements: monthly grants for child up to 12 weeks old [Sec. 630] -
SB59Down syndrome diagnostic tests: certain health care practitioners and genetic counselors required to deliver certain information to parents or guardians; DHS duties and grant program -
SB908Family and individual reinvestment income tax credit created; working families tax credit sunsetted [Sec. 883, 884, 895; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, removes reinvestment tax credit, deletes 884, 885; A.Amdt.1: deletes 883] -
AB56Family and individual reinvestment income tax credit created; working families tax credit sunsetted [Sec. 883, 884, 895] -
SB59Family and medical leave expansion [Sec. 1244-1248, 1250-1252, 1254-1268; original bill only] -
AB56Family and medical leave expansion [Sec. 1244-1248, 1250-1252, 1254-1268] -
SB59Family and medical leave law expanded and family and medical leave insurance program created; trust fund, income tax deduction, ordinance, and employer provisions; JSCTE appendix report -
AB666Family and medical leave law expanded and family and medical leave insurance program created; trust fund, income tax deduction, ordinance, and employer provisions; JSCTE appendix report -
SB596Family caregiver assisting a qualified family member: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created for qualified expenses; definition provisions -
AB126Family caregiver assisting a qualified family member: nonrefundable individual income tax credit created for qualified expenses; definition provisions -
SB126Family Navigator Program established in DWD, report required -
AB375Family Navigator Program established in DWD, report required -
SB344Guardian ad litem appointed in actions affecting the family re visitation rights of grandparent, stepparent, or person with similar parent-child relationship -
AB777Guardian ad litem appointed in actions affecting the family re visitation rights of grandparent, stepparent, or person with similar parent-child relationship -
SB694Health insurance premiums for surviving spouse and dependent children of law enforcement officer who dies in the line of duty: political subdivision and Marquette University required to pay, conditions set; reimbursement filed with PSC -
AB300Health insurance premiums for surviving spouse and dependent children of law enforcement officer who dies in the line of duty: political subdivision and Marquette University required to pay, conditions set; reimbursement filed with PSC [S.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, state and UW Board of Regents added as employers, fire fighters, and EMS practitioners added to covered spouses, report premiums to DOR for increase in county and municipal aid adjustments, PSC provision removed] -
SB266Household and dependent care services expenses: individual income tax credit based on federal tax credit created; current individual income tax deduction sunsetted; JSCTE appendix report -
AB642Household and dependent care services expenses: individual income tax credit based on federal tax credit created; current individual income tax deduction sunsetted; JSCTE appendix report -
SB622Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent and threats of harm; JRCCP may report -
AB198Intentional bodily harm to a probation, extended supervision, parole, community supervision, or aftercare agent: crime expanded to include family member of the agent and threats of harm; JRCCP may report -
SB185Judicial notice of court records re domestic violence or child abuse in a family law action -
AB100Local family and medical leave ordinances: prohibition eliminated -
AB927Local family and medical leave ordinances: prohibition eliminated -
SB833Loss of society and companionship of parent in medical malpractice cases: claim by minor or adult child -
AB940MA reimbursement for mental health consultations for students up to age 21: communication with parent added and sunset eliminated [A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, definition added, sunset provision removed] -
AB192MA reimbursement for mental health consultations for students up to age 21: communication with parent added and sunset eliminated -
SB177Minimum family and medical leave requirements: repeal prohibition on local ordinances to prescribe [Sec. 1249, 1253, 1789; original bill only] -
AB56Minimum family and medical leave requirements: repeal prohibition on local ordinances to prescribe [Sec. 1249, 1253, 1789] -
SB59Paternity: presumption and conclusive determination based on genetic tests established; court provisions -
AB166Paternity: presumption and conclusive determination based on genetic tests established; court provisions -
SB158Real estate transfer fee: exemption for conveyances between related members expanded -
AB500Real estate transfer fee: exemption for conveyances between related members expanded -
SB455Same-sex marriage and legal parentage for same-sex couples; statutory references to spouses and parentage made gender neutral; JSCTE appendix report -
AB337Same-sex marriage and legal parentage for same-sex couples; statutory references to spouses and parentage made gender neutral; JSCTE appendix report -
SB566Well compensation grant program changes re family income and nitrate contamination [Sec. 1962-1970; original bill only] -
AB56Well compensation grant program changes re family income and nitrate contamination [Sec. 1962-1970] -
SB59Well compensation grant program revisions re family income limit; bonding authority or funding increased for replacement of lead service lines, contaminated sediment removal, lake and river protection, local pollution control grants in certain watersheds, nonpoint source water pollution abatement, and soil and water resource management -
AB866Wisconsin Fatherhood Month observed in June 2019 -
AJR65Wisconsin Fatherhood Month observed in June 2019 -
SJR50Work experience program for noncustodial parents: DCF payments to county, tribal governing body, or W-2 agency [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 650m] -
AB56Child of a service member: legal custody and physical placement factors revised -
AB672Child of a service member: legal custody and physical placement factors revised -
SB586Child support custodial parent fee [Sec. 2117, 9406 (1); A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions] -
AB56Child support custodial parent fee [Sec. 2117, 9406 (1)] -
SB59Child support determination: consideration of a parent’s incarceration -
AB94Child support: excluding certain military allowances in determining gross income [Admin.Code DCF 150.02] -
AB102Child support formulas [Admin.Code DCF 150 (title), 150.02, 150.03, 150.035, 150.04] -
AB96Compliance with child support determinations and obligations to be eligible for MA: pre 2017 WisAct 268 requirements reinstated [Sec. 668, 670, 694; original bill only] -
AB56Compliance with child support determinations and obligations to be eligible for MA: pre 2017 WisAct 268 requirements reinstated [Sec. 668, 670, 694] -
SB59Family support repealed -
AB101FoodShare eligibility denial for noncompliance with child support orders or refusal to cooperate with paternity determination: 2017 WisAct 59 provisions repealed [Sec. 712-717; original bill only] -
AB56FoodShare eligibility denial for noncompliance with child support orders or refusal to cooperate with paternity determination: 2017 WisAct 59 provisions repealed [Sec. 712-717] -
SB59Legal custody or physical placement of a child: approval of stipulation for modifications contingent on a future event -
AB95Parent residing in residential family-based AODA treatment program: juvenile court has jurisdiction over the child; DCF to prepare permanency plan and may place child with parent, foster care funding provision [Sec. 491-501, 507, 508, 524, 525, 530-533; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 532c-e, deletes 533] -
AB56Parent residing in residential family-based AODA treatment program: juvenile court has jurisdiction over the child; DCF to prepare permanency plan and may place child with parent, foster care funding provision [Sec. 491-501, 507, 508, 524, 525, 530-533] -
SB59Parenting classes: in actions affecting the family involving minor children or paternity determination, court required to order parties to attend -
AB209Parenting classes: in actions affecting the family involving minor children or paternity determination, court required to order parties to attend -
SB250Parenting plan filed with court re legal custody and physical placement of child: requirements modified -
AB99Paternity: presumption and conclusive determination based on genetic tests established; court provisions -
AB166Paternity: presumption and conclusive determination based on genetic tests established; court provisions -
SB158Physical placement of child: factors modified -
AB98Physical placement schedule: involvement and cooperation of both parents presumed -
AB97Recovery of birth expenses: court cannot include in judgement or order relating to paternity [Sec. 669, 671, 726, 727, 2118, 2119, 9319 (2); original bill only] -
AB56Recovery of birth expenses: court cannot include in judgement or order relating to paternity [Sec. 669, 671, 726, 727, 2118, 2119, 9319 (2)] -
SB59Uniform Deployed Parents Custody and Visitation Act adopted -
AB93Broadband expansion grant program: PSC to give farms a priority -
AB955Broadband expansion grant program: PSC to give farms a priority -
SB834Dairy industry promotion: grants to local organizations that coordinate grazing and grant preference to small dairy processing plants [Sec. 129, 1099; original bill only] -
AB56Dairy industry promotion: grants to local organizations that coordinate grazing and grant preference to small dairy processing plants [Sec. 129, 1099] -
SB59Education and technical assistance re producing value-added agricultural products; organic farming assistance and grazing grants created; farm to fork program created; technical assistance on resource conservation program created; DATCP duties, funding, and FTE positions provisions -
Jr0 AB3Education and technical assistance re producing value-added agricultural products; organic farming assistance and grazing grants created; farm to fork program created; technical assistance on resource conservation program created; DATCP duties, funding, and FTE positions provisions -
Jr0 SB3Farm buildings and other improvements: income and franchise tax credit for property taxes created -
AB873Farm buildings and other improvements: income and franchise tax credit for property taxes created -
SB818Farm succession planning, financial and business consulting services, and farmer transition planning and coaching: DATCP to provide; funding, FTE positions, and UW Extension provisions -
Jr0 AB1Farm succession planning, financial and business consulting services, and farmer transition planning and coaching: DATCP to provide; funding, FTE positions, and UW Extension provisions -
Jr0 SB1Farm succession planning programs: creating positions within the UW System -
AB494Farm succession planning programs: creating positions within the UW System -
SB448Farm to school program: DATCP to give preference to districts with high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches -
Jr0 AB5Farm to school program: DATCP to give preference to districts with high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches -
Jr0 SB5Farm to school program: DATCP to give preference to districts with high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches [Sec. 1100, 1101; original bill only] -
AB56Farm to school program: DATCP to give preference to districts with high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunches [Sec. 1100, 1101] -
SB59Small farm diversity grant program created in DATCP; emergency rules provision -
Jr0 AB8Small farm diversity grant program created in DATCP; emergency rules provision -
Jr0 SB8Small Farm Diversity grant program created, matching funds provision -