Homeless shelter grants: eligibility and implementation revisions [Admin.Code Adm 86.03, 86.05] [A.Amdt.1: funding modified; A.Amdt.3: MA waiver for assistance in obtaining housing; S.Amdt.1: transfer from WHEDA surplus fund to general fund] -
AB119Homeless shelter grants: eligibility and implementation revisions [Admin.Code Adm 86.03, 86.05] -
SB122Housing and associated supportive services to homeless individuals and families: additional grant moneys -
AB123Housing and associated supportive services to homeless individuals and families: additional grant moneys -
SB119Housing assistance program funding for homeless and low or moderate income families; Interagency Council on Homelessness duties; DPI and WHEDA reports; workforce development and job and income support programs; federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) references; community action agencies grants; public assistance advisory committee created in DHS; sober living residence networks encouraged, grant provision; reimbursement for nonemergency medical transportation services for MA recipients; nonrefundable individual income tax credit for household and dependent care services; urban mass transit aid; children in out-of-home-care and adverse experiences report; funding for Institute for Research on Poverty annual report on poverty in the state -
AB508Housing assistance program funding for homeless and low or moderate income families; Interagency Council on Homelessness duties; DPI and WHEDA reports; workforce development and job and income support programs; federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) references; community action agencies grants; public assistance advisory committee created in DHS; sober living residence networks encouraged, grant provision; reimbursement for nonemergency medical transportation services for MA recipients; nonrefundable individual income tax credit for household and dependent care services; urban mass transit aid; children in out-of-home-care and adverse experiences report; funding for Institute for Research on Poverty annual report on poverty in the state -
SB467Housing navigators: grants for Continuum of Care organizations to hire -
AB121Housing navigators: grants for Continuum of Care organizations to hire -
SB120LIEAP applications may be submitted any time in calendar year 2020 [Sec. 105 (19)] -
AB1038LIEAP applications may be submitted any time in calendar year 2020 [Sec. 105 (19)] -
SB932Marijuana: recreational use and medical use permitted; excise tax, labor peace agreement, registry ID cards, compassion centers, operating a motor vehicle under the influence, fair employment law, insurance, UI, and public assistance provisions; DATCP, DHS, and DOR duties; JRCCP may report -
AB220Marijuana: recreational use and medical use permitted; excise tax, labor peace agreement, registry ID cards, compassion centers, operating a motor vehicle under the influence, fair employment law, insurance, UI, and public assistance provisions; DATCP, DHS, and DOR duties; JRCCP may report -
SB377Minors 17 years of age may contract for admission to a shelter facility or transitional living program, conditions specified -
AB52Minors 17 years of age may contract for admission to a shelter facility or transitional living program, conditions specified -
SB61Qualified treatment trainee program grants [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 187m, 1763m] -
AB56Suicide prevention: continuing education requirement for physicians, psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists -
AB526Suicide prevention: continuing education requirement for physicians, psychologists, school psychologists, social workers, marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, substance abuse counselors, and prevention specialists -
SB520TANF allocations [Sec. 643, 644, 647; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, 644c, 9101 (3m), deletes 647] -
AB56TANF allocations [Sec. 643, 644, 647] -
SB59TANF schedule reallocation approval changed from JCF to DOA [Sec. 645, 646; original bill only] -
AB56TANF schedule reallocation approval changed from JCF to DOA [Sec. 645, 646] -
SB59Transform Milwaukee Jobs program and Transitional Jobs program: eligibility age modified [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 640m] -
AB56Volunteer Health Care Provider Program: allowing nonprofit agencies providing volunteer health care services to MA recipients who are primarily homeless to participate -
SB155Wisconsin Shares: TANF allocation and child care provider rates increased -
AB996Wisconsin Shares: TANF allocation and child care provider rates increased -
SB889World Homeless Day: October 10, 2019 proclaimed as -
AR11Art in state buildings program established [Sec. 18, 182, 183, 423-426; original bill only] -
AB56Art in state buildings program established [Sec. 18, 182, 183, 423-426] -
SB59Diaper changing stations: installation in publicly accessible restrooms in public buildings and identification required for public restrooms in commercial buildings -
AB697Diaper changing stations: installation in publicly accessible restrooms in public buildings and identification required for public restrooms in commercial buildings -
SB625Hearing loop technology: installation in new or renovated buildings owned, leased, or occupied by the state required; DOA duties and exemption and report provisions -
AB615Hearing loop technology: installation in new or renovated buildings owned, leased, or occupied by the state required; DOA duties and exemption and report provisions -
SB601Local exposition district created by the City of Superior not subject to legislative finding re serving a public purpose; definition, referendum, taxes, and local tourism entity provisions -
AB167Local exposition district created by the City of Superior not subject to legislative finding re serving a public purpose; definition, referendum, taxes, and local tourism entity provisions -
SB157Local exposition districts: special debt service reserve funds revisions [A.Amdt.1 to A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 1850qe-qi] -
AB56Menstrual products provided at no charge in restroom facilities in state and local buildings and school buildings -
AB381Private event venue permit created, exceptions and liability insurance provisions; alcohol beverage permits for racetrack grounds and state fair park vendors; caterer may make retail sales of alcohol beverages on racetrack grounds; closing hour exception for July 13-17, 2020 if authorized by municipality; closing hour for wineries changed; brewer hours of sale modified; DOR duties and JRCCP may report -
AB869Proceeds from sale or lease of state-owned real property: deposit into the capital improvement fund provisions [Sec. 19-26, 68-75, 315; original bill only] -
AB56Proceeds from sale or lease of state-owned real property: deposit into the capital improvement fund provisions [Sec. 19-26, 68-75, 315] -
SB59Radon-resistant construction materials and techniques in new construction: DSPS to promulgate rules requiring -
AB828Radon-resistant construction materials and techniques in new construction: DSPS to promulgate rules requiring -
SB875Restrooms in public buildings: designated for use by both sexes under set conditions -
AB261Restrooms in public buildings: designated for use by both sexes under set conditions -
SB220Assistant state public defender pay progression plan funding -
AB501Assistant state public defender pay progression plan funding -
SB468Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created; Public Defender Board authority re private bar attorneys, student loan payment pilot project provision; funding for deputy and assistant DAs, circuit courts, and state crime laboratory analysts; FTE positions provisions -
AB145Prosecutor Board and State Prosecutors Office created; Public Defender Board authority re private bar attorneys, student loan payment pilot project provision; funding for deputy and assistant DAs, circuit courts, and state crime laboratory analysts; FTE positions provisions -
SB127Public Defender Board: authority to promulgate rules expanded re private bar attorneys representing indigent clients -
AB514Public Defender Board: authority to promulgate rules expanded re private bar attorneys representing indigent clients -
SB462Public Defender Board to establish a student loan payment pilot program for private bar attorneys who accept public defender appointments in certain counties -
AB512Public Defender Board to establish a student loan payment pilot program for private bar attorneys who accept public defender appointments in certain counties -
SB461Public defender private attorney rate increased [Sec. 2244-2246; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, deletes 2246] -
AB56Public defender private attorney rate increased [Sec. 2244-2246] -
SB59DOA document sales services appropriation moved [Sec. 267, 268] -
AB56DOA document sales services appropriation moved [Sec. 267, 268] -
SB59English as state’s official language; written expression by state and local governments required to be in English, some exceptions; precludes units of state and local government from prohibiting or restricting proficiency or use of any language for nongovernmental purposes -
SB739Washington Island Observer newspaper eligible to receive compensation for publishing legal notices -
AB112Washington Island Observer newspaper eligible to receive compensation for publishing legal notices -
SB147Alzheimer’s disease and dementia issues: DHS required to coordinate state’s response, coordinator position authorized -
AB613Alzheimer’s disease and dementia issues: DHS required to coordinate state’s response, coordinator position authorized -
SB602Billboards used to recruit DOC employees: prohibition repealed -
AB191Billboards used to recruit DOC employees: prohibition repealed -
SB172Break time for employees to express breast milk: requirements created, accommodations specified, and employment discrimination provision -
AB506Break time for employees to express breast milk: requirements created, accommodations specified, and employment discrimination provision -
SB513Circuit court: additional branches allocated by the Director of State Courts [A.Amdt.1: dates revised, FTE positions removed, biennial budget request provision modified] -
AB470Civil service grievance procedures: employee does not waive right to appeal and in-person requirement waived during 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 85] -
AB1038Civil service grievance procedures: employee does not waive right to appeal and in-person requirement waived during 2020 public health emergency [Sec. 85] -
SB932Civil service system changes re hiring process, probation, reinstatement, restoration, layoffs, just cause, and discipline -
AB946Civil service system changes re hiring process, probation, reinstatement, restoration, layoffs, just cause, and discipline -
SB855County-based agriculture positions created in UW Madison, Division of Extension to advise farmers -
Jr0 AB4County-based agriculture positions created in UW Madison, Division of Extension to advise farmers -
Jr0 SB4County jailers classified as protective occupation participant status for WRS purposes, MERA provision -
AB5County jailers classified as protective occupation participant status for WRS purposes, MERA provision -
SB5DATCP grants and programs: grazing coordinator position created; water stewardship certification grant program created; cooperate with USDA on crop insurance rebates for planting cover crops; producer-led watershed protection grant revisions; soil and water resource conservation grant allocation plan factors to consider; producer-led group eligible for DNR lake protection grants -
AB795DATCP grants and programs: grazing coordinator position created; water stewardship certification grant program created; cooperate with USDA on crop insurance rebates for planting cover crops; producer-led watershed protection grant revisions; soil and water resource conservation grant allocation plan factors to consider; producer-led group eligible for DNR lake protection grants -
SB715Disaster assistance payments from AG modified re matching funds, hazard mitigation, and emergency work and permanent work designated by FEMA; appropriation and DEM FTE positions provisions -
AB1027Disaster assistance payments from AG modified re matching funds, hazard mitigation, and emergency work and permanent work designated by FEMA; appropriation and DEM FTE positions provisions -
SB901Discretionary merit award program: DOT to develop -
AB284Discretionary merit award program: DOT to develop -
SB283Discretionary merit compensation for DOC employees revised [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 315p, 1854d, f] -
AB56DNR appropriation renumberings re position transfers [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 176m, 178m-179i, 181m] -
AB56DOA authorized to transfer employees from one executive branch agency to another during the 2020 public health emergency, report to JCF required [Sec. 105 (8)] -