Ranked-choice voting for the election of all local officials, exception for recall elections; Elections Commission duties - AB1010
Ranked-choice voting for the election of all local officials, exception for recall elections; Elections Commission duties - SB893
Right to vote of persons barred from voting re certain felony convictions restored after incarceration period ends; voter registration forms and voting procedure provisions - AB477
Right to vote of persons barred from voting re certain felony convictions restored after incarceration period ends; voter registration forms and voting procedure provisions - SB348
Special primary for national office modified; voting in person or by in-person absentee ballot after registering to vote electronically or by mail required; obtaining marked absentee ballots and failing to deliver to proper place prohibited; penalty increased for tampering with voting machines or equipment or ballots or ballot boxes; JRCCP may report - AB898
Stating name and address at polling place prior to voting: exception for voter unable to do so due to disability [A.Amdt.1: disability qualifier deleted] - AB168
Stating name and address at polling place prior to voting: exception for voter unable to do so due to disability - SB246
Suspension of voter ID requirement during a declared state of emergency - SB920
Voter ID card requirements and time period to complete in-person absentee ballots revised [Sec. 6, 13, 2013, 9112 (2); original bill only] - AB56
Voter ID card requirements and time period to complete in-person absentee ballots revised [Sec. 6, 13, 2013, 9112 (2)] - SB59
voting machineVoting machine
Electronic voting machine to cast in-person absentee ballot, called the efficiency option, authorized; municipal resolution, Elections Commission duties, challenged elector, and penalty provisions - AB203
Electronic voting machine to cast in-person absentee ballot, called the efficiency option, authorized; municipal resolution, Elections Commission duties, challenged elector, and penalty provisions - SB193
Special primary for national office modified; voting in person or by in-person absentee ballot after registering to vote electronically or by mail required; obtaining marked absentee ballots and failing to deliver to proper place prohibited; penalty increased for tampering with voting machines or equipment or ballots or ballot boxes; JRCCP may report - AB898
Cash tips paid to an employee by a customer: income tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - AB231
Cash tips paid to an employee by a customer: income tax exemption created; JSCTE appendix report - SB213
Employment matters: repeal preemption of local governments from enacting or enforcing ordinances related to [Sec. 774, 777, 1243, 1269, 1271, 1279, 1389, 2191; original bill only] - AB56
Employment matters: repeal preemption of local governments from enacting or enforcing ordinances related to [Sec. 774, 777, 1243, 1269, 1271, 1279, 1389, 2191] - SB59
Local government: filling town board vacancies and provision for member who is temporarily incapacitated; public notice of meeting of a governmental body; removal of any elective town officer; appeal of denial of temporary use permit application or extension; wages of town officer also serving as a town employee; town assessor term of appointment [A.Amdt.1: public notice provision modified] - AB661
Local government: filling town board vacancies and provision for member who is temporarily incapacitated; public notice of meeting of a governmental body; removal of any elective town officer; appeal of denial of temporary use permit application or extension; wages of town officer also serving as a town employee; town assessor term of appointment - SB584
Student teacher hourly wage: school boards required to pay and DPI to reimburse - SB849
Wage claim changes re filing, investigation, statute of limitations, interest, surcharge, costs, and attorney fees; employers required to provide written disclosure statement when employee is hired, conditions specified; licensing agency to deny issuance or renewal of licenses to applicants with unpaid wage claims - AB40
Wage claim changes re filing, investigation, statute of limitations, interest, surcharge, costs, and attorney fees; employers required to provide written disclosure statement when employee is hired, conditions specified; licensing agency to deny issuance or renewal of licenses to applicants with unpaid wage claims - SB40
wage _ minimumWage — Minimum
Counting tips of tipped employees: DWD to promulgate rules re employer use of electronic signature to acknowledge gratuities - AB840
Counting tips of tipped employees: DWD to promulgate rules re employer use of electronic signature to acknowledge gratuities - SB758
Employer of tipped employee: retain state sales taxes as incentive to pay employees minimum wage in addition to tips - AB483
Employer of tipped employee: retain state sales taxes as incentive to pay employees minimum wage in addition to tips - SB426
Minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated - AB928
Minimum wage ordinance prohibition eliminated - SB844
State minimum wage increased and DWD to annually revise using the consumer price index; provisions for tipped employees, meal and lodging allowances, and certain categories of employees modified; prohibition on local minimum wage ordinance eliminated - AB961
State minimum wage increased, consumer price index provision; DWD Secretary to establish a minimum wage study committee, report required [Sec. 1281-1323, 1827, 9150 (2); original bill only] - AB56
State minimum wage increased, consumer price index provision; DWD Secretary to establish a minimum wage study committee, report required [Sec. 1281-1323, 1827, 9150 (2)] - SB59
wage _ paymentWage — Payment
Prevailing wage: rate determination, enforcement and administration, applicability to local projects, violations, investigation, and elimination of certain exemption; repeal certain requirements re highway projects funded with federal moneys [Sec. 123, 773, 802-808, 1080, 1081, 1097, 1242, 1272-1278, 1280, 1324, 1388, 1401-1403, 1828, 1852, 1853, 2188, 2247, 9350 (1), (2); original bill only] - AB56
Prevailing wage: rate determination, enforcement and administration, applicability to local projects, violations, investigation, and elimination of certain exemption; repeal certain requirements re highway projects funded with federal moneys [Sec. 123, 773, 802-808, 1080, 1081, 1097, 1242, 1272-1278, 1280, 1324, 1388, 1401-1403, 1828, 1852, 1853, 2188, 2247, 9350 (1), (2)] - SB59
warren knowles_gaylord nelson stewardship programWarren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson Stewardship Program, see Natural resource
washington countyWashington County
Local professional baseball park district: distribution of excess sales and use tax revenues to certain counties and municipalities; conditions and DOR duties - SB176
Wisconsin 9/11 Memorial Highway: portion of STH 28 in Dodge and Washington counties designated as; directional signs for the Wisconsin 9/11 Memorial and Education Center and highway map provisions; DOT duties - AB451
Wisconsin 9/11 Memorial Highway: portion of STH 28 in Dodge and Washington counties designated as; directional signs for the Wisconsin 9/11 Memorial and Education Center and highway map provisions; DOT duties - SB433
water _ pollutionWater — Pollution
Clean water clearinghouse created re buying and selling water pollution credits; DOA and DNR duties - AB113
Clean water clearinghouse created re buying and selling water pollution credits; DOA and DNR duties [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, DNR to consult EPA re certain credits] - SB91
Clean Water Fund Program: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 295] - AB56
Clean Water Fund Program: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 295] - SB59
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO) annual fee increased; nutrient management plan established; groundwater monitoring re manure landspreading; well construction and pump installation rules updated; collaboration to update SnapPlus program; appropriations, State Laboratory of Hygiene, DNR, DHS, DATCP, UW, USDA, and PFAS provisions - AB867
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES annual permit fee increased, 5 year fee imposed, and deposit of fees provision [Sec. 181, 1971-1973; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, fee and appropriation revisions, DNR report requirement modified, 179m, 181d, 1973m, deletes 1971-1973] - AB56
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES annual permit fee increased, 5 year fee imposed, and deposit of fees provision [Sec. 181, 1971-1973] - SB59
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES permit fee revision - AB69
Concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO): WPDES permit fee revision - SB31
DNR financial assistance for nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects and to implement best management practices at animal feeding operations: bonding authority increased [Sec. 297] - AB56
DNR financial assistance for nonpoint source water pollution abatement projects and to implement best management practices at animal feeding operations: bonding authority increased [Sec. 297] - SB59
Environmental management moneys used for nonpoint source water pollution abatement [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 339d, f] - AB56
Groundwater Coordinating Council additional funding; funding for DHS positions re groundwater, drinking water, waterborne diseases, and harmful algae blooms; State Laboratory of Hygiene appropriation changes - AB916
Groundwater management area standards and process for designating established; high capacity well provisions re environmental review, approvals, mining operations, and groundwater management areas; DNR provisions re withdrawal fees, water conservation for certain approvals, eliminate certain hydrologic study, and groundwater study and enforcement standards at mining operations - SB732
Groundwater quality standards for specified contaminants: DHS required to establish - AB85
Groundwater quality standards for specified contaminants: DHS required to establish - SB109
Groundwater substances list compiled by DNR: public notice and comment period requirement; DHS provision - AB794
Groundwater substances list compiled by DNR: public notice and comment period requirement; DHS provision - SB708
Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan: efforts of the state and others in the Mississippi River Basin to reduce the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico supported - AJR54
Gulf Hypoxia Action Plan: efforts of the state and others in the Mississippi River Basin to reduce the hypoxic zone in the Gulf of Mexico supported - SJR44
Local levy limits: negative adjustment for covered services provision repealed [Sec. 790, 791; A.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, storm water management removed from covered services, 790m, 9330 (3t), deletes 790, 791; A.Amdt.1: deletes 790m, 9330 (3t)] - AB56
Nitrate testing grant program for private wells [A.Sub.Amdt.1: Sec. 189m, 1949m, 9119 (10f); deleted by A.Amdt.1] - AB56
PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision - AB843
PFAS standards established, proof of financial responsibility requirement, UW Board of Regents grant for research, municipal grant to address contamination, pilot program re blood testing and cancer cluster study in specified municipalities, laboratory certification criteria, and solid or hazardous waste site or facility investigation; DNR and DHS duties, segregated fund provision - SB772
Technical assistance to farmers re water quality, organic production, and soil health: DATCP duties and positions authorized; nonpoint source pollution abatement program cost-sharing and targeted runoff standards provisions, DNR duties - AB919
Technical assistance to farmers re water quality, organic production, and soil health: DATCP duties and positions authorized; nonpoint source pollution abatement program cost-sharing and targeted runoff standards provisions, DNR duties - SB856
Urban storm water and runoff, flood control, and riparian restoration projects: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 298] - AB56
Urban storm water and runoff, flood control, and riparian restoration projects: DNR bonding authority increased [Sec. 298] - SB59
Water quality management in state highway projects: DOT to encourage alternate plans - AB276
Water quality management in state highway projects: DOT to encourage alternate plans - SB275
Watersheds with total maximum daily load (TMDL) in effect: DNR grants to municipalities and counties for water pollution control infrastructure projects [Sec. 180, 300, 1956; original bill only] - AB56
Watersheds with total maximum daily load (TMDL) in effect: DNR grants to municipalities and counties for water pollution control infrastructure projects [Sec. 180, 300, 1956] - SB59
Well compensation grant program revisions re family income limit; bonding authority or funding increased for replacement of lead service lines, contaminated sediment removal, lake and river protection, local pollution control grants in certain watersheds, nonpoint source water pollution abatement, and soil and water resource management - AB866
WPDES permit violations: DNR required to notify counties; notification system provision - AB700
WPDES permit violations: DNR required to notify counties; notification system provision - SB632
water supplyWater supply, see also Wells
Continuous disinfection of water: municipal water systems required to provide - AB966