Omitted property
Current law requires a taxation district clerk to annually submit to DOR a
listing of the taxes on property omitted from assessment in any of the previous two
years that are to be included in the next assessment. However, the clerk reports the
omitted taxes only if those taxes exceed $5,000. The bill modifies that $5,000
threshold so that the clerk reports the omitted taxes that are $250 or more for any
single description of property. The bill also provides that the clerk may not list an
omitted tax that was levied on property within a tax incremental district unless the
current value of the district is lower than the tax incremental base.
Current law requires a person who files an objection to the assessment of the
person's manufacturing property to pay a $45 fee. The bill increases the filing fee to
License fees
Current law imposes license fees instead of property taxes on certain public
utilities. The fees are based, generally, on the value of a utility's property. Utilities
that are subject to the fees include light, heat, and power companies, pipeline
companies, and railroad companies. Each such company, other than a railroad
company, must file a report with DOR on or before May 1 of each year. DOR
determines the value of the company's property on or before September 15. A
railroad company must file its report on or before April 15 and its value is determined
on or before August 1. The bill changes the filing and determination dates for a
railroad company so that those dates are the same as those for other public utilities.
The bill also decreases the interest rate paid on refunds of license fees paid by
public utilities from 9 percent to 3 percent.
Board of review
Current law requires that at least one member of the board of review attend
DOR training within the two-year period beginning on the date of the board's first
meeting. The bill requires one member of the board of review to complete the training
each year.

Assessor certification
Current law requires a person applying for an assessor certification
examination to submit a $20 fee with the application. A person applying for a
renewal of an assessor certification pays a $20 recertification fee with the
application. The bill allows DOR to determine the amount of the fee for an assessor
certification examination on the basis of DOR's estimate of the actual cost to
administer and grade the examination, but the fee may not exceed $75. The bill also
allows DOR to determine the recertification fee.
Levy limit; joint fire departments
The property tax levy limit under current law does not apply to the amount that
a city, village, or town levies to pay for charges assessed by a joint fire department
or joint emergency medical services district if the current year increase in such
charges is equal to or less than the percentage change in the U.S. consumer price
index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S.
Department of Labor, for the 12 months ending on September 30 of the year of the
levy, plus 2 percent. The bill modifies the consumer price index provision so that it
is for the 12 months ending on August 31 of the year of the levy.
Leasing property owned by a church or religious organization
Current law provides a property tax exemption for property owned by
educational associations and institutions, benevolent associations, churches,
religious associations, and certain nonprofit entities licensed by the Department of
Health Services. Leasing such property does not render the property taxable as long
as the lessor uses the leasehold income for maintenance or construction debt
retirement of the leased property. However, current law allows some leased property
to retain its exemption regardless of how the leasehold income is used. For example,
leasing a part of property that is owned and operated by a licensed nonprofit entity
as residential housing does not render the property taxable, regardless of how the
lessor uses the leasehold income.
Under this bill, leasing all or part of any property owned by a church or religious
organization to an educational association or institution that is also exempt from
taxation does not render the property taxable, regardless of how the lessor uses the
leasehold income.
Disability income subtraction
Current law allows an individual with less than $20,200 of federal adjusted
gross income to claim a disability income subtraction on the individual's state tax
return, if the individual is under 65 years of age and retired on disability, and, when
the individual retired, was permanently and totally disabled. For a married couple
filing a joint return, each spouse may claim the credit if they meet the criteria and
their combined income is less than $25,400. The bill replaces an obsolete reference
to the federal Internal Revenue Code with the language used to determine the
claimant's eligibility that existed under the obsolete reference.

Homestead credit
Under current law, an individual who is under the age of 62 and who does not
have a disability must have earned income in order to claim the homestead credit.
However, current law does not define earned income for purposes of claiming the
credit. The bill defines “earned income” for purposes of claiming the homestead
credit as wages, salaries, tips, and other employee compensation that may be
included in federal adjusted gross income for the taxable year, plus the amount of net
earnings from self-employment.
Current law also requires individuals who wish to claim the homestead credit
to add certain disqualified losses to homestead income in order to determine
eligibility to claim the credit. However, the requirement does not apply to an
individual whose primary income is from farming and whose farming operation
generates less than $250,000 in the year to which the claim relates. The bill clarifies
that an individual's primary income is from farming if the individual's gross income
from farming for the year in which the claim relates is greater than 50 percent of the
individual's total gross income from all sources for that year.
Final audit determinations
Under current law, a taxpayer who receives a final audit determination from
DOR has 90 days to report to DOR any changes or corrections related to that
determination. The bill increases the time for providing that report to 180 days.
Historic rehabilitation credit
The bill modifies the procedure for transferring the historic rehabilitation tax
credit so that the person transferring the credit may file a claim for more than one
taxable year.
Internal Revenue Code
The bill adopts for state income and franchise tax purposes various provisions
of the federal Internal Revenue Code, including provisions of the Consolidated
Appropriations Act of 2020 related to the earned income tax credit, the paycheck
protection program, the economic injury disaster loan program, payment assistance
for certain loan programs, and grants to shuttered venue operators.
Medical care insurance subtraction
The bill eliminates obsolete provisions related to the medical care insurance
subtraction for self-employed persons.
Payments from a retirement plan
Under current law, payments or distributions of $5,000 or less received each
year by an individual from a qualified retirement plan is exempt from income tax if
the individual is at least 65 years of age and has income of less than $15,000 if single
or filing a tax return as head of household or less than $30,000 if married. The bill
changes the exemption to a subtraction that the taxpayer can choose not to claim if
not claiming the subtraction would result in the taxpayer receiving a greater
homestead credit.

Sales tax
University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority
This bill provides a sales and use tax exemption for tangible personal property
sold to a construction contractor who transfers the property to the University of
Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority as part of constructing a facility for the
authority in this state. A similar exemption applies under current law to property
sold to a contractor who transfers the property to a local unit of government,
technical college district, or institution or campus of the University of Wisconsin
System. Under current law, a sale of tangible personal property directly to the
University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority is exempt from the sales
and use tax, but the exemption does not apply to a contractor who purchases tangible
personal property on the authority's behalf.
Property transferred with services
Current law provides that persons providing landscaping, printing,
fabricating, processing, or photographic services or performing services to tangible
personal property may purchase for resale, without paying the sales tax, items that
the person will transfer to a customer in conjunction with providing a service that
is subject to the sales tax. The bill provides that the exemption applies regardless
of whether the service is taxable.
Nonprofit organizations
The bill modifies the sales and use tax exemption for churches, religious
organizations, and certain nonprofit organizations to conform with DOR's current
practice with regard to the administration of the exemption. The bill provides that
the exemption applies to organizations that are exempt from federal taxation under
section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and have received a determination
letter for the Internal Revenue Service. The bill also provides that the exemption
applies to churches and religious organizations that meet the requirements of
section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, but are not required to apply for or
obtain tax-exempt status from the IRS.
Out-of-state retailer
Under current law, an out-of-state retailer that has annual gross sales into this
state in excess of $100,000 or 200 or more annual separate sales transactions into
this state must register with DOR and collect the sales tax on those sales and
transactions. The determination of the annual gross sales and transactions is based
on the retailer's taxable year for federal income tax purposes.
Under the bill, an out-of-state retailer that has annual gross sales into this
state in excess of $100,000 in the previous or current calendar year must register
with DOR and collect the sales tax on those sales.
Disclosure to state auditor
The bill allows the state auditor and Legislative Audit Bureau to examine sales
and use tax returns and related documents to the extent necessary for the LAB to
carry out its duties.

Payments from counties to towns
Under current law, during the period beginning on the third Monday of March
and ending 10 days after the annual town meeting, a county treasurer may not pay
to a town treasurer any money that belongs to the town and that is in the hands of
the county treasurer except upon a written order of the town board. The bill
eliminates this restriction.
Because this bill relates to an exemption from state or local taxes, it may be
referred to the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions for a report to be printed
as an appendix to the bill.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB2-ASA1,1 1Section 1. 48.561 (3) (a) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,7,32 48.561 (3) (a) 3. Through a deduction of $20,101,300 from any state payment
3due that county under s. 79.035, 79.04, or 79.08 79.02 (1), as provided in par. (b).
AB2-ASA1,2 4Section 2. 48.561 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,8,25 48.561 (3) (b) The department of administration shall collect the amount
6specified in par. (a) 3. from a county having a population of 750,000 or more by
7deducting all or part of that amount from any state payment due that county under
8s. 79.035, 79.04, or 79.08 79.02 (1). The department of administration shall notify
9the department of revenue, by September 15 of each year, of the amount to be
10deducted from the state payments due under s. 79.035, 79.04, or 79.08 79.02 (1). The
11department of administration shall credit all amounts collected under this
12paragraph to the appropriation account under s. 20.437 (1) (kw) and shall notify the
13county from which those amounts are collected of that collection. The department
14may not expend any moneys from the appropriation account under s. 20.437 (1) (cx)

1for providing services to children and families under s. 48.48 (17) until the amounts
2in the appropriation account under s. 20.437 (1) (kw) are exhausted.
AB2-ASA1,3 3Section 3 . 59.25 (3) (i) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,8,124 59.25 (3) (i) Make annually, on the 3rd Monday of March, a certified statement,
5and forward the statement to each municipal clerk in the county, showing the
6amount of money paid from the county treasury during the year next preceding to
7each municipal treasurer in the county. The statement shall specify the date of each
8payment, the amount thereof and the account upon which the payment was made.
9It shall be unlawful for any county treasurer to pay to the treasurer of any town any
10money in the hands of the county treasurer belonging to the town from the 3rd
11Monday of March until 10 days after the annual town meeting except upon the
12written order of the town board.
AB2-ASA1,4 13Section 4. 66.0602 (3) (h) 2. a. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,8,2014 66.0602 (3) (h) 2. a. The total charges assessed by the joint fire department or
15the joint emergency medical services district for the current year increase, relative
16to the total charges assessed by the joint fire department or the joint emergency
17medical services district for the previous year, by a percentage that is less than or
18equal to the percentage change in the U.S. consumer price index for all urban
19consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor, for the
2012 months ending on September 30 August 31 of the year of the levy, plus 2 percent.
AB2-ASA1,5 21Section 5. 66.0602 (6) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,8,2422 66.0602 (6) (a) Reduce the amount of county and municipal aid payments the
to the political subdivision under s. 79.035 79.02 (1) in the following year
24by an amount equal to the amount of the penalized excess.
AB2-ASA1,6 25Section 6. 66.0602 (6) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
166.0602 (6) (b) Ensure that the amount of any reductions in county and
2municipal aid
payments under par. (a) lapses to the general fund.
AB2-ASA1,7 3Section 7. 66.1105 (6m) (d) 4. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,9,114 66.1105 (6m) (d) 4. If an annual report is not timely filed under par. (c), the
5department of revenue shall notify the city that the report is past due. If the city does
6not file the report within 60 days of the date on the notice, except as provided in this
7subdivision, the department shall charge the city a fee of $100 per day for each day
8that the report is past due, up to a maximum penalty of $6,000 per report. If the city
9does not pay within 30 days of issuance, the department of revenue shall reduce and
10withhold the amount of the shared revenue payments to the city under subch. I of
11ch. 79
s. 79.02 (1), in the following year, by an amount equal to the unpaid penalty.
AB2-ASA1,8 12Section 8 . 70.11 (4) (b) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
AB2-ASA1,9,1613 70.11 (4) (b) 3. Leasing all or part of property described in par. (a) that is owned
14by a church or religious association or institution to an educational association or
15institution exempt under par. (a) does not render the property taxable, regardless of
16how the lessor uses the leasehold income.
AB2-ASA1,9 17Section 9. 70.46 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,9,2318 70.46 (4) No board of review may be constituted unless it includes at least one
19voting member who, within 2 years of the board's first meeting, has attended
at least
20one member completes in each year
a training session under s. 73.03 (55) and unless
21that member is the municipality's chief executive officer or that officer's designee
22The municipal clerk shall provide an affidavit to the department of revenue stating
23whether the requirement under this subsection has been fulfilled.
AB2-ASA1,10 24Section 10. 70.855 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
170.855 (4) (b) If the department of revenue does not receive the fee imposed on
2a municipality under par. (a) by March 31 of the year following the department's
3determination under sub. (2) (b), the department shall reduce the distribution made
4to the municipality under s. 79.02 (2) (b) (1) by the amount of the fee and shall
5transfer that amount to the appropriation under s. 20.566 (2) (ga).
AB2-ASA1,11 6Section 11. 70.995 (8) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,10,217 70.995 (8) (c) 1. All objections to the amount, valuation, taxability, or change
8from assessment under this section to assessment under s. 70.32 (1) of property shall
9be first made in writing on a form prescribed by the department of revenue that
10specifies that the objector shall set forth the reasons for the objection, the objector's
11estimate of the correct assessment, and the basis under s. 70.32 (1) for the objector's
12estimate of the correct assessment. An objection shall be filed with the state board
13of assessors within the time prescribed in par. (b) 1. A $45 $200 fee shall be paid when
14the objection is filed unless a fee has been paid in respect to the same piece of property
15and that appeal has not been finally adjudicated. The objection is not filed until the
16fee is paid. Neither the state board of assessors nor the tax appeals commission may
17waive the requirement that objections be in writing. Persons who own land and
18improvements to that land may object to the aggregate value of that land and
19improvements to that land, but no person who owns land and improvements to that
20land may object only to the valuation of that land or only to the valuation of
21improvements to that land.
AB2-ASA1,12 22Section 12. 70.995 (8) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,11,1023 70.995 (8) (d) A municipality may file an objection with the state board of
24assessors to the amount, valuation, or taxability under this section or to the change
25from assessment under this section to assessment under s. 70.32 (1) of a specific

1property having a situs in the municipality, whether or not the owner of the specific
2property in question has filed an objection. Objection shall be made on a form
3prescribed by the department and filed with the board within the time prescribed in
4par. (b) 1. If the person assessed files an objection and the municipality affected does
5not file an objection, the municipality affected may file an appeal to that objection
6within 15 days after the person's objection is filed. A $45 $200 filing fee shall be paid
7when the objection is filed unless a fee has been paid in respect to the same piece of
8property and that appeal has not been finally adjudicated. The objection is not filed
9until the fee is paid. The board shall forthwith notify the person assessed of the
10objection filed by the municipality.
AB2-ASA1,13 11Section 13 . 70.995 (14) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,11,1512 70.995 (14) (b) If the department of revenue does not receive the fee imposed
13on a municipality under par. (a) by March 31 of each year, the department shall
14reduce the distribution made to the municipality under s. 79.02 (2) (b) (1) by the
15amount of the fee.
AB2-ASA1,14 16Section 14 . 71.01 (6) (c), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) of the statutes are repealed.
AB2-ASA1,15 17Section 15 . 71.01 (6) (j) 3. m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB2-ASA1,11,1918 71.01 (6) (j) 3. m. Sections 101 (m), (n), (o), (p), and (q), 104 (a), and 109 of
19division U of P.L. 115-141.
AB2-ASA1,16 20Section 16 . 71.01 (6) (j) 3. n. of the statutes is created to read:
AB2-ASA1,11,2221 71.01 (6) (j) 3. n. Section 102 of division M and sections 110, 111, and 116 (b)
22of division O of P.L. 116-94.
AB2-ASA1,17 23Section 17 . 71.01 (6) (k) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,12,424 71.01 (6) (k) 3. For purposes of this paragraph, “Internal Revenue Code" does
25not include amendments to the federal Internal Revenue Code enacted after

1December 31, 2016, except that “Internal Revenue Code” includes sections 11024,
211025, and 13543 of P.L. 115-97; sections 40307 and 40413 of P.L. 115-123; sections
3101 (m), (n), (o), (p), and (q), 104 (a), and 109 of division U of P.L. 115-141; and section
4102 of division M and sections 110, 111, and 116 (b) of division O of P.L. 116-94
AB2-ASA1,18 5Section 18 . 71.01 (6) (L) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB2-ASA1,12,106 71.01 (6) (L) 1. For taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017, and
7before January 1, 2021,
for individuals and fiduciaries, except fiduciaries of nuclear
8decommissioning trust or reserve funds, “Internal Revenue Code" means the federal
9Internal Revenue Code as amended to December 31, 2017, except as provided in
10subds. 2. and 3. and s. 71.98 and subject to subd. 4.
AB2-ASA1,19 11Section 19. 71.01 (6) (L) 3. of the statutes is amended to read: