2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
June 22, 2021 - Offered by Committee on Regulatory Licensing Reform.
AB320-AA2,1,11 At the locations indicated, amend the bill as follows:
AB320-AA2,1,4 21. Page 1, line 5: delete the material beginning with “registration" and ending
3with “designers" and substitute “regulation, registration, and the scope of practice
4of interior designers”.
AB320-AA2,1,6 52. Page 2, line 1: delete the material beginning with that line and ending with
6page 6, line 9, and substitute:
AB320-AA2,1,7 7 Section 1m. 15.105 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB320-AA2,2,48 15.105 (5) State capitol and executive residence board. There is created a
9state capitol and executive residence board, attached to the department of
10administration under s. 15.03, consisting of the secretary of administration or the
11secretary's designee, the director of the historical society or the director's designee,
12an architect or engineer employed by the department of administration appointed
13by the secretary of administration, 3 senators and 3 representatives to the assembly

1appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses, and
27 citizen members appointed for staggered 6-year terms of whom at least 2 shall be
3architects registered under ch. 443, one shall be a landscape architect registered
4under ch. 443 and 2 shall be interior designers registered under s. 440.962 ch. 443.
AB320-AA2,2m 5Section 2m. 15.405 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB320-AA2,2,176 15.405 (2) Examining board of architects, landscape architects,
7professional engineers, designers,
and professional land surveyors, and
8registered interior designers
. (intro.) There is created an examining board of
9architects, landscape architects, professional engineers, designers, and professional
10land surveyors, and registered interior designers in the department of safety and
11professional services. Any professional member appointed to the examining board
12shall be registered or licensed to practice architecture, landscape architecture,
13professional engineering, the design of engineering systems, or professional land
14surveying, or interior design under ch. 443. The examining board shall consist of the
15following members appointed for 4-year terms: 3 architects, 3 landscape architects,
163 professional engineers, 3 designers, 3 professional land surveyors, 3 registered
17interior designers,
and 10 12 public members.
AB320-AA2,3m 18Section 3m. 15.405 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB320-AA2,2,2519 15.405 (2) (a) In operation, the examining board shall be divided into an
20architect section, a landscape architect section, a professional engineer section, a
21designer section, and a professional land surveyor section, and a registered interior
22designer section
. Each section shall consist of the 3 members of the named profession
23appointed to the examining board and 2 public members appointed to the section.
24The examining board shall elect its own officers and shall meet at least twice
1Section 4m. 15.405 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB320-AA2,3,62 15.405 (2) (b) All matters pertaining to passing upon the qualifications of
3applicants for and the granting or revocation of registration or licensure, and all
4other matters of interest to either the architect, landscape architect, engineer,
5designer, or professional land surveyor, or registered interior designer section shall
6be acted upon solely by the interested section.
AB320-AA2,5m 7Section 5m. Subchapter X of chapter 440 [precedes 440.96] of the statutes is
AB320-AA2,6m 9Section 6m. Chapter 443 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB320-AA2,3,1610 CHAPTER 443
AB320-AA2,7m 17Section 7m. 443.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB320-AA2,3,2018 443.01 (3) “Examining board" means the examining board of architects,
19landscape architects, professional engineers, designers, and professional land
20surveyors, and registered interior designers.
AB320-AA2,8m 21Section 8m. 443.01 (3c) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,3,2522 443.01 (3c) “Interior alteration or construction project” means a project for an
23interior space or area within a proposed or existing building or structure, including
24construction, modification, renovation, rehabilitation, or historic preservation, that
25involves changing or altering any of the following:
1(a) The design function or layout of rooms.
AB320-AA2,4,22 (b) The state of permanent fixtures or equipment.
AB320-AA2,4,53 (c) The interior space or area if the change or alteration requires verification
4of the compliance of the interior space or area with a building code, fire code, the
5federal Americans with Disabilities Act, or state or local regulations.
AB320-AA2,4,66 (d) Interior furnishings.
AB320-AA2,4,77 (e) Nonstructural elements of the interior space or area.
AB320-AA2,9m 8Section 9m. 443.01 (3e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,4,139 443.01 (3e) “Interior technical submission” means a design, drawing,
10specification, study, or other technical report or calculation that establishes the scope
11of an interior design project, including a description of standards of quality for
12materials, skilled labor, equipment, and construction systems, and that is signed and
13sealed by a Wisconsin registered interior designer in compliance with this chapter.
AB320-AA2,10m 14Section 10m. 443.01 (5m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,4,2215 443.01 (5m) (a) “Practice of interior design” means the design of interior spaces
16as a part of an interior alteration or construction project in conformity with public
17health, safety, and welfare requirements, including the preparation of documents
18relating to building code descriptions, egress plans requiring no increase in the
19number of exterior or fire stair exits, space planning, finish materials, furnishings,
20fixtures, and equipment and the preparation of interior technical submissions
21relating to interior construction that does not affect the structural systems of a
22building and that does not affect the mechanical systems of a building.
AB320-AA2,4,2323 (b) “Practice of interior design” does not include any of the following:
AB320-AA2,4,2424 1. Services that constitute the practice of professional engineering.
12. Services that constitute the practice of architecture, except as specifically
2provided in this chapter.
AB320-AA2,5,33 3. Engineering or designing of any of the following:
AB320-AA2,5,54 a. Foundations, beams, trusses, columns, or other primary structural framing
5members or seismic systems.
AB320-AA2,5,76 b. Structural concrete slabs, roof framing systems, or load-bearing or shear
AB320-AA2,5,88 c. Openings in a roof or exterior wall.
AB320-AA2,5,109 d. Exterior elements, including doors, windows, awnings, canopies, sunshades,
10signage, and other similar exterior building elements.
AB320-AA2,5,1511 e. Heating, ventilating, or air conditioning equipment or distribution systems;
12building management systems; high or medium voltage electrical distribution
13systems; standby or emergency power or distribution systems; plumbing; plumbing
14distribution systems; fire alarm systems; fire sprinkler systems; security or
15monitoring systems; or other related building systems.
AB320-AA2,11m 16Section 11m. 443.01 (9) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,5,1817 443.01 (9) “Wisconsin registered interior designer” means a person registered
18as a Wisconsin registered interior designer under this chapter.
AB320-AA2,12m 19Section 12m. 443.015 (1e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,5,2520 443.015 (1e) The rules promulgated under sub. (1) by the registered interior
21designer section of the examining board shall require a Wisconsin registered interior
22designer to complete at least 15 hours of continuing education during the 2-year
23period immediately preceding the renewal date specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a). At
24least 6 of the 15 hours shall be in subjects related to the practice of interior design
25which safeguard the public's health, safety, and welfare.
1Section 13m. 443.02 (5) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,6,62 443.02 (5) No person may use the title “Wisconsin registered interior designer,”
3use any title or description that implies that he or she is a Wisconsin registered
4interior designer, or represent himself or herself to be a Wisconsin registered interior
5designer unless the person is registered as a Wisconsin registered interior designer
6under this chapter.
AB320-AA2,14m 7Section 14m. 443.075 of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,6,12 8443.075 Registration requirements for interior designers. The
9registered interior designer section of the examining board shall register as a
10Wisconsin registered interior designer an individual who submits an application to
11the registered interior designer section on a form provided by the registered interior
12designer section and who satisfies one of the following requirements:
AB320-AA2,6,13 13(1) The individual does all of the following:
AB320-AA2,6,1614 (a) Passes an interior design examination approved by the registered interior
15designer section that is administered by an organization approved by the registered
16interior designer section.
AB320-AA2,6,1817 (b) Meets any other requirements established by the registered interior
18designer section by rule.
AB320-AA2,6,20 19(2) The individual is registered as an architect under s. 443.03 and submits
20evidence satisfactory to the registered interior designer section of all of the following:
AB320-AA2,6,2121 (a) That he or she is a graduate of a 4-year architecture program.
AB320-AA2,6,2322 (b) That he or she has at least 6 years of demonstrated practical experience in
23interior design of a character satisfactory to the registered interior designer section.
AB320-AA2,15m 24Section 15m. 443.08 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
1443.08 (title) Registration requirement and use of title: firms,
2partnerships and corporations.
AB320-AA2,16m 3Section 16m. 443.08 (7) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,7,94 443.08 (7) (a) A firm, partnership, or corporation may use the term “Wisconsin
5registered interior designer" or “Wisconsin registered interior designers," or may
6advertise or make representations that it provides the services of a Wisconsin
7registered interior designer, only if at least one principal, partner, or officer who is
8in responsible charge of the interior design services provided by the firm,
9partnership, or corporation is a Wisconsin registered interior designer.
AB320-AA2,7,1410 (b) No firm, partnership, or corporation may be relieved of responsibility for the
11conduct or acts of its agents, employees, or officers by reason of its compliance with
12this chapter, nor may any individual practicing interior design be relieved of
13responsibility for interior designing services performed by reason of his or her
14employment or relationship with the firm, partnership, or corporation.
AB320-AA2,17m 15Section 17m. 443.10 (1) (e) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,7,2316 443.10 (1) (e) The registered interior designer section may, upon application
17and payment of the required fee, grant a certificate of registration to use the title
18“Wisconsin registered interior designer" to a person who is not a resident of and has
19no established place of business in this state, or who has recently become a resident
20of this state, if the person holds an unexpired certificate of similar registration issued
21to the person by the proper authority in any state or territory or possession of the
22United States or in any country in which the requirements for the registration of
23interior designers are of a standard not lower than specified in this chapter.
AB320-AA2,18m 24Section 18m. 443.10 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1443.10 (2) (a) Applications for registration or for a certificate of record shall be
2on forms provided by the department and shall contain statements made under oath
3showing the applicant's education and detail summary of the applicant's technical
4work and not less than 5 references, of whom 3 or more shall have personal
5knowledge of the applicant's architectural, landscape architectural or engineering
6experience in the case of an application for registration or of the applicant's technical
7education or engineering work in the case of an application for a certificate of record.
8This paragraph does not apply to an application for registration as a Wisconsin
9registered interior designer.
AB320-AA2,19m 10Section 19m. 443.10 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB320-AA2,8,1411 443.10 (2) (e) The renewal date for certificates of registration for architects,
12landscape architects, and professional engineers , and Wisconsin registered interior
is specified under s. 440.08 (2) (a), and the fee for renewal of such
14certificates is determined by the department under s. 440.03 (9) (a).
AB320-AA2,20m 15Section 20m. 443.10 (4) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,8,2016 443.10 (4) (am) The registered interior designer section of the examining board
17shall prepare each year a list showing the names and business addresses of all
18persons registered as a Wisconsin registered interior designer under this chapter.
19Upon request, the registered interior designer section shall provide a list prepared
20under this paragraph to any person at cost.
AB320-AA2,21m 21Section 21m. 443.11 (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB320-AA2,8,23 22443.11 (title) Disciplinary proceedings against architects, landscape
and, engineers , and registered interior designers.
AB320-AA2,22m 24Section 22m. 443.11 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
1443.11 (1) (intro.) The appropriate section of the examining board may
2reprimand an architect, landscape architect, or professional engineer, or Wisconsin
3registered interior designer
or limit, suspend, or revoke the certificate of registration
4of any registrant, and the certificate of record of any engineer-in-training, who is
5found guilty of:
AB320-AA2,23m 6Section 23m. 443.11 (1) (dm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,9,87 443.11 (1) (dm) Any gross negligence or misconduct, or any gross incompetence,
8in the practice of interior design as a Wisconsin registered interior designer.
AB320-AA2,24m 9Section 24m. 443.16 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB320-AA2,9,18 10443.16 Change of name. No person may practice architecture, landscape
11architecture, or professional engineering, or interior design in this state under any
12other given name or any other surname than that under which the person was
13originally licensed or registered to practice in this or any other state, in any instance
14in which the examining board, after a hearing, finds that practicing under the
15changed name operates to unfairly compete with another practitioner or to mislead
16the public as to identity or to otherwise result in detriment to the profession or the
17public. This section does not apply to a change of name resulting from marriage or
AB320-AA2,25m 19Section 25m. 443.17 of the statutes is renumbered 443.17 (1).
AB320-AA2,26m 20Section 26m. 443.17 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,9,2321 443.17 (2) (a) The registered interior designer section of the examining board
22shall promulgate rules establishing specifications for seals and stamps used by
23Wisconsin registered interior designers.
1(b) No Wisconsin registered interior designer may impress his or her seal or
2stamp upon a document unless the seal or stamp satisfies the specifications
3established by rule under par. (a).
AB320-AA2,27m 4Section 27m. 443.17 (3) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,10,95 443.17 (3) A Wisconsin registered interior designer who is responsible for
6preparing an interior technical submission for delivery to any person or for a public
7record shall date, sign, and impress his or her seal or stamp upon the interior
8technical submission and any other related documents prepared by the Wisconsin
9registered interior designer.
AB320-AA2,28m 10Section 28m. 443.17 (4) of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,10,1411 443.17 (4) No Wisconsin registered interior designer may impress his or her
12seal or stamp upon a document that has not been prepared by the Wisconsin
13registered interior designer or knowingly permit his or her seal or stamp to be used
14by any other person.
AB320-AA2,29m 15Section 29m. 443.175 of the statutes is created to read:
AB320-AA2,10,19 16443.175 Submission of documents; interior designers. (1) Subject to s.
17443.17 (3), a Wisconsin registered interior designer may sign and seal interior
18technical submissions that are required for an interior alteration or construction
19project for public record.
AB320-AA2,10,24 20(2) If a city, village, town, or county requires a seal or stamp on interior
21technical submissions that are submitted for an interior alteration or construction
22project, the city, village, town, or county shall accept interior technical submissions
23impressed with the seal or stamp of a Wisconsin registered interior designer
24consistent with this chapter.