12.14 Venue. Notwithstanding s. 12.60 (4), in an action for a violation of chs.
55, 6, 7, 8, 9, or 12, venue is proper in the county where the conduct alleged to be a
6violation occurred or, if no action or proceeding is commenced in that county within
760 days after the conduct occurred, in any county contiguous to that county.”.
124. Page 2, line 19: on page 1, line 11, of the material inserted by senate
13amendment 2, delete “chs.” and substitute “
chs. ch.".
36. Page 3, line 4: on page 2, line 3, of the material inserted by senate
4amendment 2, delete “chs.
5 to 12 10 and 11,” and substitute “
chs. 5 to 12 ch. 10 or
67. Page 3, line 7: on page 2, line 6, of the material inserted by senate
7amendment 2, delete “chs.
5 to 12 10 and 11” and substitute “
chs. 5 to 12
ch. 10 or 11”.