WisEARNS retirement savings program for employees of private employers created and board attached to State Treasurer; small business income and franchise tax credits created - AB1113
Wolf hunt: DNR not required to allow, but may allow - AB1162
Other proposals authored or co-authored by Andraca, Rep. Deb (23rd Asm.Dist.; D)
Assembly Joint Resolutions:8, 10, 11, 21, 29, 26, 37, 38, 31, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 51, 52, 53, 48, 66, 68, 69, 70, 71, 73, 75, 78, 83, 82, 89, 96, 98, 99, 94, 101, 102, 104, 115, 126, 109, 125, 122, 140, 136, 129, 143, 142, 144, 146, 148, 150
Assembly Resolutions:28, 32
Senate Joint Resolutions:14, 15, 20, 50, 45, 23, 40, 29, 46, 51, 56, 59, 61, 70, 72, 73, 74, 77, 80, 86, 88, 92, 97, 99, 105, 106, 107, 110, 111, 113, 114
2268Armstrong, Rep. David (75th Asm.Dist.; R)
250th anniversary of the founding of the U.S.: Wisconsin commission for the United States Semiquincentennial Commission created - AB388
Adding a member to the Elections Commission; per diem for Elections Commission and Ethics Commission members increased - SB1077
Angel investment tax credit: sold or transferred to another taxpayer allowed - AB804
ATV and UTV appropriations combined - AB760
Battery to public officer: felony expanded to include threats and bodily harm or threats to harm family members - AB409
Bill of rights for victims of sexual assault created; DOJ duties specified - AB133
Board of fire and police commissioners (PFC boards) and protective services departments of first class or second class cities: changes to - AB114
Bodily substance thrown or expelled at a public safety officer or prosecutor: court to require testing of criminal defendant for communicable diseases, probable cause provision - AB91
Broadband mapping data reporting from service providers to PSC and grants to construct wireless broadband and cellular service infrastructure; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys - AB573
Career and Technical Education Month: February 2021 recognized as - AR10
Career and Technical Education Month: February 2022 recognized as - AR26
Careers in Construction Month: October 2021 recognized as - AJR86
Chinese People’s Liberation Army members: UW Regents to take measures to ensure they are not enrolled in or employed by UW System institutions - AB945
Choke hold by law enforcement officer: use prohibited in use of force policies - AB134
Community-oriented policing-house grant program for cities created in DOJ - AB258
Complaints filed with the Elections Commission re election law violations: resolution, report to the legislature and Governor; postelection audits of electronic voting systems; printing absentee ballot applications for recounts - AB1003
Concealed carry licensee may possess a firearm in a vehicle on school grounds - AB495
Consumer data protection requirements established; personal data rights of consumers and data controller responsibilities - AB957
Credit card transactions: prohibition on imposing certain fees - AB587
Cursive writing required to be incorporated into the model academic standards for English language arts - AB435
Deer carcass disposal grants created, landfill provision - AB151
Dental therapist licensure created, emergency rule provision - AB169
Determining lawful presence of person arrested for or charged with a crime or certain civil violations: law enforcement officer requirements and collection of data; report required - AB601
DHS to enforce FoodShare work and FSET requirements and drug testing - AB935
DOA grants to political subdivisions to combat crime re additional policing, strategic planning, uniformed beat patrol, and public safety goals; DOJ and report provisions; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys - AB777
Dog breeding or dealing establishments: inspector positions - AB288
DOT to establish programs to increase number of individuals with CDLs; sunset provision - AB941
Earned income from employment disregarded re eligibility for certain public assistance programs, conditions specified - AB930
Elder adults at risk and adults at risk: credentialed agency investigation requirements to reports of abuse, harm, neglect, exploitation, or death - AB400
Election fraud or misconduct reports to municipal clerks or board of election commissioners: reports required and DA duties - AB1046
Elections Commission and DOT agreement re matching personally identifiable information: verification of U.S. citizenship requirement; DOT to add “Not valid for voting purposes” on operator’s licenses and ID cards of noncitizens - AB998
Elections Commission grants to municipalities and counties for election administration - SB1076
Electric vehicle charging facility grant program established; reports and sunset provisions - AB695
“Environmental pollution” definition modified for purposes of an ERTID - AB517
“Environmental pollution” definition modified for purposes of an ERTID - SB518
Farmers and WEDC rural economic development programs: allocating certain federal moneys re COVID-19 pandemic - AB235
Farmers and WEDC rural economic development programs: allocating certain federal moneys re COVID-19 pandemic - SB280
Federal COVID recovery rebates received by incarcerated persons used to pay restitution - AB219
Federal pension benefits re U.S. Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS): exemption from taxation; JSCTE report - AB223
Federal pension benefits re U.S. Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS): exemption from taxation; JSCTE report - SB246
Fertilizers and soil or plant additives produced from converting manure into compost or vermicompost: distribution and labeling requirements - AB229
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids congratulated on their 25th anniversary - AJR62
Financial institutions: loans to payable-on-death (P.O.D.) account owner; compensation for losses of deposit of public moneys in failing financial institutions; rules on ATMs; access boxes on certain buildings; repaying promissory notes of certain public bodies [Admin.Code DFI-Bkg 14.03, DFI-CU 63.03, DFI-SB 12.03, DFI-SL 12.03] - AB596
Firearms, firearms accessories, and ammunition: civil liability limitation against manufacturers, distributors, importers, trade associations, sellers, and dealers - AB572
Foster parents’ bill of rights created - AB412
Gifted and talented pupils: school board report to DPI on programs for; DPI audit and DWD Fast Forward Program provisions - AB903
Grievous bodily harm to or death of an animal: felony penalty; hunting dog, definition, and court order provisions; JRCCP may report - AB368
Guardian ad litem appointed in actions affecting the family re visitation rights of grandparent, stepparent, or person with similar parent-child relationship - AB418
Human growth and development instruction: age appropriate animated video of abortion procedure required - AB823
Illegally passing a school bus: use of photographic or video information in issuance of traffic violation citations allowed; forfeiture and recording equipment provisions - AB1144
Judicial notice of court records re domestic violence or child abuse in a family law action - AB102
Labeling a food as a type of dairy product or dairy ingredient: prohibition created, DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision - AB73
Labeling a food product as milk: prohibition created; DATCP duties; enactment by other states provision - AB74
Law Enforcement Appreciation Month: May 2022 recognized as - AJR110
Law enforcement training reimbursement from LESB revised; Governor to allocate federal moneys, sunset provision - AB832
Law enforcement use of force incidents: DOJ annual report required - AB109
Local housing investment fund program: municipalities allowed to establish; DOA appendix report - AB609
Low-income housing tax credit changes - AB890
Low-income housing tax credit changes - SB830
Married individuals allowed to claim EITC under certain conditions - AB692
Mental health consultation program created from child psychiatry consultation program and additional services - AB952
Methamphetamine addiction treatment grants - AB844
Military income from the federal government for individuals on active duty exempt from income tax; armed forces member tax credit sunsetted - AB39
Motor carrier safety improvement used or deployed by motor vehicle operator for a motor carrier is not evidence of employment rather than independent contractor for WC, UI, minimum wage, wage claims, and income and franchise tax law purposes - AB691
Motor vehicle registration: DOT to use monthly series system of registration for certain vehicles; local government registration fee and transfer of certain vehicle registration plates provisions - AB928
"Multijurisdictional" definition revised for lottery purposes - AB28
Multiple thefts committed, in concert, by 5 or more persons are considered one crime; JRCCP may report - AB827
Municipal utility arrearage paid by owner on behalf of a tenant: income tax deduction created - AB252
Municipal workforce housing incentive program: political subdivisions to use certain federal moneys; DOA appendix report - AB605
Newspaper compensation for publication of legal notices: criteria to be eligible and requirements re publication revised - AB47
Original impounded birth record: access to expanded - AB502
Overnight recreation or education camp inspection requirement for license renewal: DATCP or local health department may waive under set conditions - AB155
Oversight of elections in this state: changes re federal funds, federal election guidance, registration and voting statistics, Elections Commission legal counsel, and archived copy of the registration list; reports and LAB duties - AB996
Payday loan: maximum interest rate limited - AB213
Peer recovery coach services re 2019 WisAct 122: “coach” changed to “specialist” and certain training requirement modified - AB976
"Pen register" and "trap and trace device" definitions expanded; application by AG and DA for an order for the devices modified - AB253
Personal property tax eliminated; DOA duties re payments to taxing jurisdiction equal to property taxes levied on set date; JSCTE appendix report - AB191
Personal property tax eliminated; state payments to taxing jurisdictions and technical changes provisions; JSCTE appendix report - AB1048
Pharmacist services: MA reimbursement - AB290
Poitier, Sidney: legend of the Golden Age of Hollywood, diplomat, and activist honored - AJR123