Offered By
Legislative Committees
Period ending December 30, 2022
Table of Contents
2275Government Operations, Legal Review and Consumer Protection, Committee on
Timeline for local redistricting following the 2020 federal decennial census - SB385
2279Labor and Regulatory Reform, Committee on
DWD authorized FTE positions increased re Division of Worker’s Compensation - SB896
UI law changes re financial outlook statement, Council on Unemployment Insurance report submission, Governor’s special committee, effect of criminal convictions, reimbursable employer debt assessment, waiver of overpayments, excluded employment, work-share programs, collection of debt by DOR, fiscal agent election of employer status, and changes to clarify and update provisions - SB897
UI law changes to clarify and update provisions and out-of-date or erroneous cross-references; segregated fund created - SB899
WC law changes re claims and payments, coverage, liability, program administration, and DWD duties - SB898
2290Administrative Rules, Joint Committee for Review of
Certification of new child support debt for the child support lien docket: DCF prohibited from preventing by suspending threshold for certification (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(e), Wis.Stats.) - AB10
Certification of new child support debt for the child support lien docket: DCF prohibited from preventing by suspending threshold for certification (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(e), Wis.Stats.) - SB36
Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: DNR prohibited from promulgating rules meeting specified criteria (introduced per s. 227.26 (2)(f), Wis.Stats.) - AB13
Fire fighting foam containing PFAS: DNR prohibited from promulgating rules meeting specified criteria (introduced per s. 227.26 (2)(f), Wis.Stats.) - SB34
Landlords charging tenants a fee for nonpayment or late payment of rent during a declared emergency: DATCP prohibited from promulgating rule that would prohibit (introduced per s. 227.26 (2)(j), Wis.Stats.) - AB8
Landlords charging tenants a fee for nonpayment or late payment of rent during a declared emergency: DATCP prohibited from promulgating rule that would prohibit (introduced per s. 227.26 (2)(j), Wis.Stats.) - SB33
LTE paid administrative leave: DPM prohibited from providing for hours not worked during 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(e), Wis.Stats.) - AB9
LTE paid administrative leave: DPM prohibited from providing for hours not worked during 2019 novel coronavirus pandemic (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(e), Wis.Stats.) - SB37
Nutritional counseling certification: Chiropractic Examining Board to approve postgraduate nutrition programs and administrative rules revised [Admin.Code Chir 12.03] (introduced per s. 277.19 (5)(g), Wis.Stats.) - AB11
Nutritional counseling certification: Chiropractic Examining Board to approve postgraduate nutrition programs and administrative rules revised [Admin.Code Chir 12.03] (introduced per s. 277.19 (5)(g), Wis.Stats.) - SB32
Statewide immunization program: DHS prohibited from taking certain actions (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(e), Wis.Stats.) - AB12
Statewide immunization program: DHS prohibited from taking certain actions (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(e), Wis.Stats.) - SB35
UI work search requirement: DWD prohibited from suspending for reasons related to COVID-19 [introduction required by s. 227.26 (2)(f), Wis.Stats.] - AB380
UI work search requirement: DWD prohibited from suspending for reasons related to COVID-19 [introduction required by s. 227.26 (2)(f), Wis.Stats.] - SB378
Unprofessional conduct of marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and social workers: Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board prohibited from promulgating certain rules (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(g), Wis.Stats.) - AB14
Unprofessional conduct of marriage and family therapists, professional counselors, and social workers: Marriage and Family Therapy, Professional Counseling, and Social Work Examining Board prohibited from promulgating certain rules (introduced per s. 227.19 (5)(g), Wis.Stats.) - SB31
2292Employment Relations, Joint Committee on
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2020-2021 contract ratification - AB875
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2020-2021 contract ratification - SB815
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2020-2021 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - AB879
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2020-2021 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - SB816
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2020-2021 contract ratification between UW Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - AB880
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2020-2021 contract ratification between UW Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - SB817
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2021-2022 contract ratification - AB878
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2021-2022 contract ratification - SB818
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2021-2022 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - AB877
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2021-2022 contract ratification between UW Board of Regents and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - SB819
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2021-2022 contract ratification between UW Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - AB876
Building trades crafts bargaining unit: 2021-2022 contract ratification between UW Madison and the Wisconsin State Building Trades Negotiating Committee - SB820
Public safety collective bargaining unit: 2019-21 contract ratification - AB881
Public safety collective bargaining unit: 2019-21 contract ratification - SB871
2293Finance, Joint Committee on
Budget bill - AB68
Budget bill - SB111
Legislative Human Resources Office created - AB407
Legislative Human Resources Office created - SB427
Metropolitan sewerage commission for a sewerage district including a first class city: financing and construction of dredged material management facility for the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern authorized; levy increase set with exemption provision - AB408
Metropolitan sewerage commission for a sewerage district including a first class city: financing and construction of dredged material management facility for the Milwaukee Estuary Area of Concern authorized; levy increase set with exemption provision - SB425
UI contribution rates: Schedule D to be in effect to set date; 2021-23 budget provision - AB406
UI contribution rates: Schedule D to be in effect to set date; 2021-23 budget provision - SB426
UI law: transactions between employer and DWD by electronic means made mandatory; funding for modernization of UI information technology systems - Jr1 AB1
UI law: transactions between employer and DWD by electronic means made mandatory; funding for modernization of UI information technology systems - Jr1 SB1
2296Joint Legislative Council,
Annual child abuse and neglect report from DCF: requirements modified; hearing by appropriate legislative standing committee required - AB425
Annual child abuse and neglect report from DCF: requirements modified; hearing by appropriate legislative standing committee required - SB418
Battery or threats to cause bodily harm to a person or family member of a person who is an advocate re tribal court proceedings made a felony - AB427
Battery or threats to cause bodily harm to a person or family member of a person who is an advocate re tribal court proceedings made a felony - SB420
Child abuse: DCF to transmit citizen review panel annual reports and responses to appropriate legislative standing committee - AB424
Child abuse: DCF to transmit citizen review panel annual reports and responses to appropriate legislative standing committee - SB417
HEAB membership expanded to include representatives of state's tribal colleges - AB428
HEAB membership expanded to include representatives of state's tribal colleges - SB421
Sexual abuse of children in out-of-home care: report requirements modified - AB423
Sexual abuse of children in out-of-home care: report requirements modified - SB416
Sexually violent person on supervised release: notification to tribal chairs and tribal law enforcement requirements - AB426
Sexually violent person on supervised release: notification to tribal chairs and tribal law enforcement requirements - SB419
2297Legislative Organization, Joint Committee on
Floorperiods for the 2021-22 session established; budget deadline extended - SJR1
2320Law Revision Committee,
Correction bill - AB1020
Correction bill - AB1021
Correction bill - AB1022
Correction bill - SB989
Correction bill - SB990
Correction bill - SB991
DETF administered programs: various changes re WRS, abandoned retirement accounts, domestic relations orders, and other corrections (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) - AB1027
DETF administered programs: various changes re WRS, abandoned retirement accounts, domestic relations orders, and other corrections (remedial legislation suggested by DETF) - SB996
DOA management of information technology, outdated terminology, and certain technology purchases clarifications (remedial legislation suggested by DOA) - AB1032
DOA management of information technology, outdated terminology, and certain technology purchases clarifications (remedial legislation suggested by DOA) - SB1019