Ayes: 8 - Representatives Knodl, Brandtjen, Steffen, Thiesfeldt, Krug, Emerson, Drake and Neubauer.
Noes: 0.
Ayes: 5 - Representatives Knodl, Brandtjen, Steffen, Thiesfeldt and Krug.
Noes: 3 - Representatives Emerson, Drake and Neubauer.
Committee on Government Accountability and Oversight
Message from the Senate
From: Michael Queensland, Senate Chief Clerk.
Mr. Speaker:
I am directed to inform you that the Senate has
Adopted and asks concurrence in:
Passed and asks concurrence in:
Concurred in:
Action on the Senate Message
Senate Joint Resolution 10
Relating to: reaffirming Wisconsin's commitment to the strengthening and deepening of the sister ties between the State of Wisconsin and Taiwan; supporting Taiwan's signing of a Bilateral Trade Agreement (BTA) with the United States; and continued support for increasing Taiwan's international profile.
By Senators Marklein and Ballweg; cosponsored by Representatives Plumer, Tranel, Allen, Armstrong, Baldeh, Dallman, Edming, Kerkman, Kitchens, Krug, Magnafici, Moses, Murphy, Novak, Skowronski, Spiros, Summerfield, Tauchen, Tittl and Tusler.
Senate Joint Resolution 13
Relating to: celebrating March 25, 2021, as the 200th anniversary of Greek independence.
By Senators Kooyenga and Wanggaard; cosponsored by Representatives Spiros, Baldeh, Krug, Murphy, Skowronski, Steffen and Tusler.
Senate Bill 4
Relating to: prohibiting certain government officials from mandating vaccination against the 2019 novel coronavirus.
By Senators Jacque, Felzkowski, Kapenga, Marklein, Petrowski, Wanggaard, Wimberger, Stroebel, Bernier, Stafsholt, Nass, Ballweg and Bradley; cosponsored by Representatives Thiesfeldt, Horlacher, Brooks and Schraa.
Senate Bill 7
Relating to: closure of and forbidding gatherings in places of worship.
By Senators Jacque, Stroebel, Darling, Felzkowski, Kapenga, Marklein, Petrowski, Wanggaard, Testin, Wimberger, Stafsholt, Nass, Kooyenga, Ballweg and Bradley; cosponsored by Representatives Thiesfeldt, Horlacher, Brooks and Schraa.
Senate Bill 10
Relating to: educational qualifications for certified public accountants.
By Senators Kooyenga, Ballweg, Darling, Felzkowski, Marklein and Nass; cosponsored by Representatives Wittke, Dittrich, Gundrum, Knodl, Kuglitsch, Moses, Ramthun, Rozar, Skowronski, Tranel, VanderMeer and Zimmerman.
Senate Bill 38
Relating to: return to in-person work for state employees.
By Senators Stroebel, Felzkowski, Jacque, Marklein, Bradley and Stafsholt; cosponsored by Representatives Rozar, Dittrich, Brooks and Skowronski.
Senate Bill 39
Relating to: participation in interscholastic athletics and extracurricular activities and school district membership in an interscholastic athletic association in the 2021-22 school year.
By Senators Stroebel, Bernier, Felzkowski, Jacque, Nass and Marklein; cosponsored by Representatives Dittrich, Rozar, Magnafici, Brooks, Skowronski and Edming.
Senate Bill 79
Relating to: monitoring extension and outreach hours of certain University of Wisconsin System faculty and academic staff who provide extension services in applied agricultural research.
By Senators Marklein, Ballweg, Nass, Petrowski, Testin and Stroebel; cosponsored by Representatives Loudenbeck, Murphy, Novak, Tauchen, Tranel, VanderMeer, Oldenburg and Snyder.
Senate Bill 110
Relating to: applications for full-time open enrollment.
By Senator Ballweg; cosponsored by Representative Loudenbeck.
Senate Bill 116
Relating to: modifications to legal custody or physical placement contingent upon a future event.
By Senators Ballweg, Darling, Jacque, Stroebel, Wanggaard and Johnson; cosponsored by Representatives J. Rodriguez, Brooks, Armstrong, Billings, Brandtjen, Dittrich, Doyle, Duchow, James, Kitchens, Magnafici, Moses, Murphy, Mursau, Oldenburg, Rozar, Spiros, Steffen, Tusler and Skowronski.
Reference Bureau Corrections
Page 1, line 8: delete “line 13” and substitute “line 12”. _____________
Speaker’s Communications
March 17, 2021
Edward A. Blazel