Senate Bill 329
Relating to: the practice of athletic training.
hist135417Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 347
Relating to: captive wildlife in facilities holding a U.S. Department of Agriculture exhibitor license.
hist135421Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 347?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 19; noes, 13; absent or not voting, 1; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 19.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roth, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 13.
Absent or not voting - Senator Kooyenga - 1.
Senate Bill 354
Relating to: participation in federal unemployment benefit programs and work search requirements for unemployment insurance.
hist135423Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that Senate Bill 354 be placed at the foot of the 11th order of business on today’s calendar. Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that all action be immediately messaged to the Assembly:
Second reading and amendments of assembly joint resolutions and assembly bills
Assembly Bill 59
Relating to: applications for the full-time open enrollment program in the 2020-21 and 2021-22 school years and the family income requirement for the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program in the 2021-22 school year.
hist135443Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Concurrence of Assembly Bill 59?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 20; noes, 12; absent or not voting, 1; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 20.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Absent or not voting - Senator Kooyenga - 1.
Concurred in.
Assembly Bill 173
Relating to: private resources used for election administration, appointment of election officials, and providing a penalty.
hist135447Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Concurrence of Assembly Bill 173?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 18; noes, 14; absent or not voting, 1; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bradley, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 18.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bernier, Bewley, Carpenter, Cowles, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 14.
Absent or not voting - Senator Kooyenga - 1.
Concurred in.
Assembly Bill 336
Relating to: participation in federal unemployment benefit programs and work search requirements for unemployment insurance.
hist136016Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that Assembly Bill 336 be placed at the foot of the 11th order of business on today’s calendar. _____________
Senator Bewley, with unanimous consent, asked that the Senate recess.
3:34 P.M.
4:09 P.M.
The Senate reconvened.
Senate President Kapenga in the chair.
Senate Bill 204
Relating to: absentee ballot applications, unsolicited mailing or transmission of absentee ballot applications and absentee ballots, canvassing absentee ballots, electronic voter registration, and providing a penalty.
Senator Carpenter removed his objection to Senate Bill 204 being read a third time.
Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 204?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 18; noes, 14; absent or not voting, 1; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bradley, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 18.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bernier, Bewley, Carpenter, Cowles, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 14.