hist152248Senate Amendment 2 to Senate Bill 937 offered by Senator Bernier. hist152452Senate Amendment 3 to Senate Bill 937 offered by Senator Bernier. hist152247Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1 to Assembly Bill 610 offered by Senator Feyen. _____________
Introduction, First Reading, and Reference of Proposals
Read and referred:
Relating to: proclaiming February 2022 as Black History Month.
By Senators Bradley, Cowles, Jacque and Kooyenga.
hist152240To the committee on Senate Organization. Read first time and referred:
Relating to: a parental opt-out from face covering requirements in school buildings and on school grounds and requiring school boards to offer pupils a full-time, in-person option.
By Senators Kapenga, Bernier, Jacque, Jagler, LeMahieu, Stafsholt, Stroebel and Testin; cosponsored by Representatives Vos, Steineke, Petersen, Vorpagel, Duchow, James, Born, Knodl, Cabral-Guevara, Zimmerman, Macco, Steffen, Kitchens, Tranel, Novak, Gundrum, Tusler, Thiesfeldt, Kuglitsch, Ramthun, Brandtjen, Summerfield, Dallman, Katsma, Tittl, Dittrich, J. Rodriguez, Oldenburg, VanderMeer, Magnafici, Edming, Pronschinske, Snyder, Brooks, Schraa, Swearingen, Wittke, Moses, Callahan, Rozar, Skowronski, Sortwell, Krug, Spiros, Tauchen, Plumer, Wichgers, Murphy, Loudenbeck, Behnke and Neylon.
Relating to: grants to public schools to purchase and implement high-quality curricular materials for teaching reading and language arts.
By Senators Bernier and Darling; cosponsored by Representatives Wittke and Thiesfeldt.
Report of Committees
The committee on Elections, Election Process Reform and Ethics reported and recommended:
Senate Bill 945
Relating to: notifications to local elections officials and the elections commission regarding certain prospective jurors.
Ayes: 3 - Senators Bernier, Darling and Stroebel.
Noes: 2 - Senators Smith and Roys.
Ayes: 3 - Senators Bernier, Darling and Stroebel.
Noes: 2 - Senators Smith and Roys.
Senate Bill 946
Relating to: whistleblower protection for municipal clerks who witness and report election fraud or irregularities.
Ayes: 3 - Senators Bernier, Darling and Stroebel.
Noes: 2 - Senators Smith and Roys.
The committee on Senate Organization reported:
Referred to, and withdrawn from, the Joint Committee on Finance, pursuant to Senate Rule 41 (1)(e): Ayes: 5 - Senators LeMahieu, Kapenga, Feyen, Bewley and Ringhand.
Noes: 0 - None.
Public hearing requirement waived, pursuant to Senate Rule 18 (1m): Assembly Bill 413
Assembly Bill 883
Assembly Bill 934
Ayes: 5 - Senators LeMahieu, Kapenga, Feyen, Bewley and Ringhand.
Noes: 0 - None.
Fiscal estimate requested from the Legislative Fiscal Bureau, pursuant to Senate Rule 96 (1): Placed the following appointments and proposals on the Senate Calendar of Tuesday, February 22, 2022: