Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 21.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Question called.
The question was: Shall Senate Bill 409 be referred to the committee on Senate Organization?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 12; noes, 21; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Noes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 21.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Referral refused.
hist152970The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 409? The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 21; noes, 12; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 21.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Senator LeMahieu asked unanimous consent that all action be immediately messaged to the Assembly.
Senator Carpenter objected.
hist152974Senator LeMahieu moved reconsideration of the vote by which Senate Bill 409 was passed. The question was: Reconsideration of the vote by which Senate Bill 409 was passed?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 13; noes, 20; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Agard, Ballweg, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, Taylor and Wirch - 13
Noes - Senators Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger- 20.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Reconsideration refused.
Messaged, pursuant to Senate Rule 42 (1). Senate Bill 520
Relating to: a new juvenile correctional facility in Milwaukee County and granting bonding authority.
hist153040Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 520?
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 33; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Agard, Ballweg, Bernier, Bewley, Bradley, Carpenter, Cowles, Darling, Erpenbach, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Johnson, Kapenga, Kooyenga, Larson, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roth, Roys, Smith, Stafsholt, Stroebel, L. Taylor, Testin, Wanggaard, Wimberger and Wirch - 33.
Noes – None - 0.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Senate Bill 566
Relating to: adopting revisions to the state's uniform limited partnership law and the state's limited liability company law; making modifications to the state's uniform partnership law; procedures applicable to business corporations and nonstock corporations; certificates of authority of service insurance corporations; providing an exemption from emergency rule procedures; granting rule-making authority; and providing a penalty.
hist153044Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 566?
The ayes and noes were required and the vote was: ayes, 33; noes, 0; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Agard, Ballweg, Bernier, Bewley, Bradley, Carpenter, Cowles, Darling, Erpenbach, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Johnson, Kapenga, Kooyenga, Larson, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roth, Roys, Smith, Stafsholt, Stroebel, L. Taylor, Testin, Wanggaard, Wimberger and Wirch - 33.
Noes – None - 0.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Senate Bill 629
Relating to: a shovel-ready workforce housing development site program.
hist153047The question was: Adoption of Senate Substitute Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 629? Adopted.
hist153049Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 651
Relating to: designating and marking the Corporal Benjamin H. Neal Memorial Highway.
hist153053Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 694
Relating to: a property tax exemption for a community health center.
hist153057Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 695
Relating to: the number of independent charter schools authorized by the College of Menominee Nation or the Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwa Community College.
hist153060The question was: Adoption of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 695? Adopted.
hist153062Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time and passed.
Senate Bill 705
Relating to: liability exemption for motor vehicle sellers after sale.
hist153066Senator LeMahieu moved that Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Substitute Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 705 be rejected.