Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
hist153216Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 939?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 19; noes, 14; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bradley, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 19.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bernier, Bewley, Carpenter, Cowles, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 14.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Senate Bill 940
Relating to: comparison of voter information on the state's official voter registration list with information maintained by the Department of Transportation.
hist153221Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 940?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 21; noes, 12; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 21.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Senate Bill 941
Relating to: overseeing the administration of elections.
hist153246Senator LeMahieu moved that Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 941 be rejected. The question was: Rejection of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 941?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 21; noes, 12; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 21.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
hist153248Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 941?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 21; noes, 12; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 21.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Senate Bill 942
Relating to: state agency compliance with election laws.
hist153253Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 942?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 19; noes, 14; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 19.
Noes - Senators Agard, Ballweg, Bernier, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 14.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Senate Bill 943
Relating to: requiring the Elections Commission to send guidance documents to the Joint Committee for Review of Administrative Rules.
hist153257Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 943?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 21; noes, 12; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 21.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Senate Bill 945
Relating to: notifications to local elections officials and the elections commission regarding certain prospective jurors.
hist153260The question was: Adoption of Senate Amendment 1 to Senate Bill 945? Adopted.
hist153262Senator LeMahieu, with unanimous consent, asked that the rules be suspended and the bill be given its third reading. Read a third time.
The question was: Passage of Senate Bill 945?
The ayes and noes were demanded and the vote was: ayes, 21; noes, 12; absent or not voting, 0; as follows:
Ayes - Senators Ballweg, Bernier, Bradley, Cowles, Darling, Felzkowski, Feyen, Jacque, Jagler, Kapenga, Kooyenga, LeMahieu, Marklein, Nass, Petrowski, Roth, Stafsholt, Stroebel, Testin, Wanggaard and Wimberger - 21.
Noes - Senators Agard, Bewley, Carpenter, Erpenbach, Johnson, Larson, Pfaff, Ringhand, Roys, Smith, L. Taylor and Wirch - 12.
Absent or not voting – None - 0.
Senate Bill 946
Relating to: whistleblower protection for municipal clerks who witness and report election fraud or irregularities.