Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(March 11, 2022)
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
Page 1, line 4: delete “chs.” And substitute “ch.”. 22.
Page 1, line 9: delete “ch.”. 33.
Page 1, line 11: delete “”and”” and substitute “”10 and””. 44.
Page 1, line 11: delete “”or”” and substitute “”ch. 10 or””. 55.
Page 1, line 13: delete “ch.”. 66.
Page 2, line 2: delete “”and”” and substitute “”10 and””. 77.
Page 2, line 2: delete “”or”” and substitute “”ch. 10 or””. 2021 SENATE BILL 392
Prepared by the Legislative Reference Bureau
(March 11, 2022)
In enrolling, the following corrections were made:
2. Page 2, line 5: after “(2) (e)," insert “455.06 (1) (b),".
****NOTE: Adds cross-reference added by Act 22.
4. Page 7, line 19: after “449," insert “to practice as a physician assistant under subch. VIII,".
****NOTE: Adds phrase inserted by Act 23. Subchapter VIII is created in that act and takes effect on April 1, 2022.
5. Page 7, line 20: before “or as" insert “to practice naturopathic medicine under ch. 466,". ****NOTE: Adds phrase inserted by Act 130.
7. Page 8, line 6: delete “449," and substitute “449, to practice naturopathic medicine under ch. 466,". ****NOTE: Adds phrase inserted by Act 130.