AB1112,16,21 20(10) Notwithstanding the terms of any dealer agreement, all of the following
AB1112,17,522 (a) A warrantor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless its dealer against
23any losses or damages to the extent such losses or damages are caused by the
24negligence or willful misconduct of the warrantor. A dealer may not be denied
25indemnification or a defense for failing to discover, disclose, or remedy a defect in the

1design or manufacturing of the recreational vehicle. A dealer shall provide to the
2warrantor a copy of any suit in which allegations are made under this section within
310 days after receiving the suit. This paragraph shall continue to apply even after
4the recreational vehicle is titled. Indemnification shall include court costs,
5reasonable attorney fees, and expert witness fees incurred by the dealer.
AB1112,17,126 (b) A dealer shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless its warrantor against
7any losses or damages to the extent such losses or damages are caused by the
8negligence or willful misconduct of the dealer. The warrantor shall provide to the
9dealer a copy of any suit in which allegations are made under this section within 10
10days after receiving the suit. This paragraph shall continue to apply even after the
11recreational vehicle is titled. Indemnification must include court costs, reasonable
12attorney fees, and expert witness fees incurred by the warrantor.
AB1112,22 13Section 22. 218.165 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1112,17,19 14218.165 Inspection of recreational vehicles. (1) Whenever a new
15recreational vehicle is damaged prior to transit to the dealer or is damaged in transit
16to the dealer when the carrier or means of transportation has been selected by the
17manufacturer or distributor, the dealer shall notify the manufacturer or distributor
18of the damage within the time frame specified in the dealer agreement and do any
19of the following:
AB1112,17,2120 (a) Request from the manufacturer or distributor authorization to replace the
21components, parts, and accessories damaged or otherwise correct the damage.
AB1112,17,2222 (b) Reject the vehicle within the time frame set forth in sub. (4).
AB1112,18,2 23(2) If a manufacturer or distributor refuses or fails to authorize repair of
24damage described under sub. (1) within 10 days after receipt of notification under

1sub. (1) or if the dealer rejects the recreational vehicle because of damage, ownership
2of the new recreational vehicle reverts to the manufacturer or distributor.
AB1112,18,5 3(3) A dealer shall exercise due care in custody of a damaged recreational
4vehicle, but the dealer shall have no other obligations, financial or otherwise, with
5respect to that recreational vehicle.
AB1112,18,8 6(4) The time frame for inspection and rejection by the dealer shall be part of
7the dealer agreement and may not be less than 2 business days after the physical
8delivery of the recreational vehicle.
AB1112,23 9Section 23. 218.166 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1112,18,13 10218.166 Coercion. (1) In this section, “coerce” includes threatening to
11terminate, cancel, or not renew a dealer agreement without good cause or
12threatening to withhold product lines or delay product delivery as an inducement to
13amending the dealer agreement.
AB1112,18,15 14(2) A manufacturer or distributor may not coerce or attempt to coerce a dealer
15to do any of the following:
AB1112,18,1616 (a) Purchase a product that the dealer did not order.
AB1112,18,1717 (b) Enter into an agreement with the manufacturer or distributor.
AB1112,18,1818 (c) Take any action that is unfair or unreasonable to the dealer.
AB1112,18,2119 (d) Enter into an agreement that requires the dealer to submit its disputes to
20binding arbitration or otherwise waive rights or responsibilities provided under this
AB1112,18,2322 (e) Forego exercising a right authorized by a dealer agreement or any law
23governing the manufacturer-dealer relationship.
AB1112,18,25 24(3) A dealer bears the burden of proof regarding the prohibited acts described
25in sub. (2).
1Section 24. 218.167 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1112,19,9 2218.167 Dispute resolution. (1) A dealer, manufacturer, distributor, or
3warrantor injured by a violation of this subchapter by another dealer, manufacturer,
4distributor, or warrantor may bring a civil action in circuit court to recover actual
5damages. The court shall award attorney fees and costs to the prevailing party in
6an action under this section. Venue for any civil action authorized by this section
7shall be exclusively in the county in which the dealership is located. In an action
8involving more than one dealer, venue may be in any county in which a dealer who
9is party to the action is located.
AB1112,19,12 10(2) (a) Before bringing suit under this section, the party bringing suit for an
11alleged violation shall serve a written demand for mediation upon the offending
12party. This paragraph does not apply to a proceeding for injunctive relief.
AB1112,19,1813 (b) A demand for mediation under this subsection shall be served upon the
14offending party by certified mail at the address stated within the dealer agreement
15between the parties or, if the address is not contained in the agreement or the address
16is no longer valid, the address on the offending party's license filed with this state.
17In the event of a civil action between 2 dealers, the demand shall be mailed to the
18address on the dealer's license filed with this state.
AB1112,19,2019 (c) A demand for mediation under this subsection shall contain a brief
20statement of the dispute and the relief sought by the party filing the demand.
AB1112,20,221 (d) Within 20 days after the date a demand for mediation is served under par.
22(b), the parties shall mutually select an independent mediator and meet with the
23mediator for the purpose of attempting to resolve the dispute. The meeting place
24shall be in this state in a location selected by the mediator. The mediator may extend

1the date of the meeting for good cause shown by either party or upon stipulation of
2both parties.
AB1112,20,123 (e) The service of a demand for mediation under this subsection stays the time
4for the filing of any complaint, petition, protest, or action under this subchapter until
5representatives of both parties have met with a mutually selected mediator for the
6purpose of attempting to resolve the dispute. If a complaint, petition, protest, or
7action is filed before that meeting, the court shall enter an order suspending the
8proceeding or action until the meeting has occurred and may, upon written
9stipulation of all parties to the proceeding or action that they wish to continue to
10mediate under this subsection, enter an order suspending the proceeding or action
11for as long a period as the court considers appropriate. A suspension order issued
12under this paragraph may be revoked by the court.
AB1112,20,1413 (f) The parties to a mediation under this subsection shall bear their own costs
14for attorney fees and divide equally the cost of the mediator.
AB1112,20,24 15(3) In addition to the remedies provided in this section, and notwithstanding
16the existence of any additional remedy at law, a dealer or manufacturer may apply
17to a circuit court for the grant, upon a hearing and for cause shown, of a temporary
18or permanent injunction, or both, restraining any person from acting as a dealer,
19manufacturer, or distributor without being properly licensed under this chapter,
20from violating or continuing to violate any of the provisions of this subchapter, or
21from failing or refusing to comply with the requirements of this subchapter. An
22injunction under this subsection shall be issued without bond. A single act in
23violation of any of the provisions of this subchapter is sufficient to authorize the
24issuance of an injunction.
AB1112,25 25Section 25. 218.17 of the statutes is created to read:
1218.17 Penalties. The state may suspend or revoke any dealer, manufacturer,
2or distributor license upon a finding that any such party violated any provision of ss.
3218.161 to 218.167. The department may impose, levy, and collect by legal process
4fines, in an amount not to exceed $1,000 for each violation, against any person or
5entity if it finds that such person or entity has violated any provision of ss. 218.161
6to 218.167. A person against whom a fine is imposed under this section is entitled
7to an administrative hearing or other proceeding authorized under state law to
8contest the action or fine levied, or about to be levied, against the person or entity.
AB1112,21,99 (End)