AB1145,14,4 2446.538 Rural mental health research grants. From the appropriation
25under s. 20.435 (5) (cg), the department shall award $50,000 cumulatively in grants

1to entities or groups to perform research projects on mental health issues and access
2to mental health services in rural areas of the state. The department shall establish
3qualifications for entities and groups to be eligible to receive a grant under this
AB1145,22 5Section 22. 46.56 (14) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,14,246 46.56 (14) (a) In order to support the development of a comprehensive service
7system of coordinated care for children who are involved in 2 or more systems of care
8and their families, the department shall establish a state advisory committee with
9representatives of county departments and tribal governing bodies, the department
10of public instruction, educational agencies, the department of children and families,
11the department of corrections, the juvenile correctional system, professionals
12experienced in the provision of services to children who are involved in 2 or more
13systems of care and their families, advocates for such families and their children, the
14subunit of the department of workforce development that administers vocational
15rehabilitation, a representative of the local workforce development board
16established under 29 USC 2832 3122, a representative of the philanthropy
17community, the technical college system, health care providers, courts assigned to
18exercise jurisdiction under chs. 48 and 938, child welfare officials, and other
19appropriate persons as selected by the department. The department may use an
20existing committee for this purpose if it has representatives from the listed groups
21and is willing to perform the required functions. This committee shall establish
22principles and core values for administering initiatives, monitor the development of
23initiatives throughout the state, and support communication and mutual assistance
24among operating initiatives as well as those that are being developed.
AB1145,23 25Section 23. 49.143 (2) (a) 4m. e. of the statutes is amended to read:
149.143 (2) (a) 4m. e. Coordinate with local workforce development boards
2established under 29 USC 2832 3122 to ensure compatibility of purpose and no
3duplication of effort.
AB1145,24 4Section 24. 49.155 (1m) (c) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,15,165 49.155 (1m) (c) 1. (intro.) Except as provided in subds. 1d., 1g., 1h., 1m., 2., and
63., the gross income of the individual's family is at or below 185 percent of the poverty
7line for a family the size of the individual's family or, for an individual who is already
8receiving a child care subsidy under this section, the gross income of the individual's
9family is at or below
200 percent of the poverty line for a family the size of the
10individual's family. In calculating the gross income of the family, the department or
11county department or agency determining eligibility shall include court-ordered
12child or family support payments received by the individual, if those support
13payments exceed $1,250 per month, and income described under s. 49.145 (3) (b) 1.
14and 3., except that, in calculating farm and self-employment income, the
15department or county department or agency determining eligibility shall include the
16sum of the following:
AB1145,25 17Section 25. 49.163 (4) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,15,2318 49.163 (4) Contract for administration. (intro.) The department may
19contract with any person to administer the program under this section, including a
20Wisconsin Works agency; county department under s. 46.215, 46.22, or 46.23; local
21workforce development board established under 29 USC 2832 3122; or community
22action agency under s. 49.265. The department, or the agency or agencies with which
23the department contracts under this subsection, shall do all of the following:
AB1145,26 24Section 26. 49.1635 (1) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1145,27 25Section 27. 49.1635 (2) of the statutes is repealed.
1Section 28. 49.1635 (3) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1145,29 2Section 29. 49.1635 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
AB1145,30 3Section 30. 49.1635 (5) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 49.1635 (1m) and
4amended to read:
AB1145,16,95 49.1635 (1m) From the allocation under s. 49.175 (1) (j), the department shall
6make a grant of $500,000 $1,000,000 in each fiscal year to Wisconsin Trust Account
7Foundation, Inc., for distribution of annual awards of not more than $75,000 per year
8per program
to programs that provide legal services to persons who are eligible under
9par. (b) 2. sub. (2m) (b) if all of the following apply:
AB1145,16,1310 (a) Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc., submits a plan to the
11department detailing the proposed use of the grant; the proposed use of the grant
12conforms to the requirements under par. (b) sub. (2m); and the secretary of the
13department, or his or her designee, approves the plan.
AB1145,16,1714 (b) Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc., enters into an agreement with
15the department that specifies the conditions for the use of the grant proceeds, and
16the conditions conform to the requirements under par. (b) sub. (2m) and include
17training, reporting, and auditing requirements.
AB1145,16,2018 (c) Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc., agrees in writing to submit to the
19department the reports required under par. (c) sub. (3m) by the times required under
20par. (c) sub. (3m).
AB1145,31 21Section 31. 49.1635 (5) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 49.1635 (2m), and
2249.1635 (2m) (a), (b) and (c), as renumbered, are amended to read:
AB1145,16,2523 49.1635 (2m) (a) Subject to subd. 3. par. (c), the grant may be used only to
24provide legal services in civil matters related to eviction, domestic abuse, or sexual
25abuse, or to restraining orders or injunctions for individuals at risk under s. 813.123.
1(b) The recipients of the legal services under a grant under this subsection
2section shall be individuals who are eligible for temporary assistance for needy
3families under 42 USC 601 et seq. and whose gross incomes are at or below 200
4percent of the poverty line. For purposes of this subdivision paragraph, gross income
5shall be determined in the same way as gross income is determined for purposes of
6eligibility for a Wisconsin Works employment position, as defined in s. 49.141 (1) (r),
7including the exclusion of any payments or benefits made under any federal law that
8exempts those payments or benefits from consideration in determining eligibility for
9any federal means-tested program.
AB1145,17,1210 (c) The legal services provided by a grant under this subsection section shall
11be provided only in matters for which federal temporary assistance for needy families
12block grant funds under 42 USC 601 et seq. may be used.
AB1145,32 13Section 32. 49.1635 (5) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 49.1635 (3m) and
14amended to read:
AB1145,17,2315 49.1635 (3m) For each fiscal year in which the department makes a grant
16under this subsection sub. (1m), Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc., shall
17submit to the department, within 3 months after spending the full amount of that
18grant, a report detailing how the grant proceeds were used. The department may not
19make a grant in a subsequent fiscal year unless Wisconsin Trust Account
20Foundation, Inc., submits the report under this paragraph subsection within the
21time required and the department determines that the grant proceeds were used in
22accordance with the approved plan under par. (a) 1. sub. (1m) (a), the agreement
23under par. (a) 2. sub. (1m) (b), and the requirements under par. (b) sub. (2m).
AB1145,33 24Section 33. 49.168 of the statutes is created to read:
149.168 Internet assistance program. (1) The department shall establish
2an Internet assistance program under which it shall, from the appropriation under
3s. 20.437 (2) (eg) and the allocation under s. 49.175 (1) (x), make payments to Internet
4service providers on behalf of low-income individuals to assist with paying for
5Internet service. Assistance under this program may be provided only after other
6assistance program options have been exhausted. The department may contract for
7the administration of the program.
AB1145,18,10 8(2) The department shall promulgate rules to implement the program under
9this section and shall include a financial eligibility requirement that the family
10income of a recipient not exceed 200 percent of the poverty line.
AB1145,34 11Section 34. 49.175 (1) (j) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,18,1512 49.175 (1) (j) Grants for providing civil legal services. For the grants under s.
1349.1635 (5) (1m) to Wisconsin Trust Account Foundation, Inc., for distribution to
14programs that provide civil legal services to low-income families, $500,000
15$1,000,000 in each fiscal year.
AB1145,35 16Section 35. 49.175 (1) (k) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB1145,18,2018 49.175 (1) (k) Transform Milwaukee and Transitional Jobs programs. For
19contract costs under the Transform Milwaukee Jobs program and the Transitional
20Jobs program under s. 49.163, $9,500,000 $10,500,000 in each fiscal year.
AB1145,36 21Section 36. 49.175 (1) (x) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1145,18,2322 49.175 (1) (x) Internet assistance program. For the Internet assistance
23program under s. 49.168, $10,000,000 in each fiscal year.
AB1145,37 24Section 37. 49.265 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
149.265 (1) (b) “Poor person" means a resident of a community served by a
2community action agency whose income is at or below 125 200 percent of the poverty
AB1145,38 4Section 38. 49.265 (3) (b) 11. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,19,95 49.265 (3) (b) 11. Provide, to individuals who work at least 20 hours per week
6and whose earned income is at or below 150 200 percent of the poverty line, a program
7of skills enhancement that shall include access to transportation, child care, career
8counseling, job placement assistance, and financial support for education and
AB1145,39 10Section 39. 49.265 (4) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,19,1511 49.265 (4) (a) The department shall distribute the federal community services
12block grant funds received under 42 USC 9903 and credited to the appropriation
13account under s. 20.437 (2) (mg). From the appropriation account under s. 20.437
14(2) (cs), the department shall distribute funds in an amount equal to 25 percent of
15the amounts received under 42 USC 9903.
AB1145,40 16Section 40. 49.265 (4) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,19,1917 49.265 (4) (b) The department shall allocate at least 90 percent of the funds
18received under 42 USC 9903 and the state matching funds under par. (a) to
19community action agencies and organizations.
AB1145,41 20Section 41. 49.265 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,19,2321 49.265 (4) (c) The department may not allocate more than 5 percent of the funds
22received under 42 USC 9903 and the state matching funds under par. (a) for state
23administrative expenses.
AB1145,42 24Section 42. 49.45 (31m) of the statutes is created to read:
149.45 (31m) Nonemergency medical transportation services for nursing
2home residents.
The department shall determine and apply a reimbursement rate
3for nonemergency medical transportation services under s. 49.46 (2) (b) 3. for
4Medical Assistance recipients who are nursing home residents that is the same as
5the prevalent brokerage reimbursement rate applied to other nonemergency medical
6transportation services for Medical Assistance recipients under this subchapter.
AB1145,43 7Section 43. 49.675 of the statutes is created to read:
AB1145,20,10 849.675 Community action opioid response grant program. (1) In this
9section, “community action agency” means an eligible entity as defined under 42
10USC 9902
(1) (A).
AB1145,20,17 11(2) The department shall establish a grant program to enable community
12action agencies to respond to the needs of communities and low-income families and
13individuals in crisis resulting from the opioid addiction epidemic. Through the
14program under this section, the department shall endeavor to expand and support
15effective community efforts to identify and respond to causes and consequences of
16opioid misuse and addiction experienced by low-income individuals, families, and
AB1145,20,20 18(3) Any community action agency is eligible to apply for a grant under this
19section by submitting an application in the form and manner specified by the
AB1145,20,23 21(4) A recipient of a grant under this section may use the moneys to support one
22or more of the following activities, which may be conducted in coordination or
23partnership with other community organizations:
1(a) Enhanced public education to improve individual and community
2awareness, with respect to the opioid misuse or addiction, including for children and
AB1145,21,64 (b) Outreach and identification of individuals at risk of or experiencing opioid
5misuse or addiction, and referral of such individuals to appropriate treatment,
6recovery, or other resources in the community.
AB1145,21,77 (c) Direct services to prevent, treat, or recover from opioid addiction.
AB1145,21,98 (d) Services to stabilize the education, employment, housing, transportation,
9or other needs of addicted or at-risk individuals and their family members.
AB1145,21,1110 (e) Services to address and mitigate the impact of opioid addiction on children
11in the household.
AB1145,21,1412 (f) Support and assistance to children who are in foster care or at risk of
13placement in foster care because of the opioid addiction of their parents and to the
14caregivers for these children.
AB1145,21,1915 (g) Development of partnerships with entities such as local health care
16providers, substance abuse treatment organizations, schools, child welfare agencies,
17social service organizations, police departments, prosecutors, courts, prisons, local
18governments, businesses, and religious institutions, in order to coordinate or expand
19resources available to addicted or at-risk individuals and their family members.
AB1145,21,2220 (h) Training for agency personnel on issues related to opioid addiction,
21including early identification of at-risk individuals and administration of overdose
22prevention medications.
AB1145,21,24 23(5) Each grant awarded by the department under this section shall be at least
24$25,000 and not more than $250,000 each fiscal year.
1(6) A grant awarded by the department under this section may not be more
2than 3 years in duration unless approved by the secretary based on outcome data or
3extenuating circumstances.
AB1145,22,14 4(7) Each grant recipient shall submit an annual report to the department
5detailing goals, interventions, outcomes, and expenditures related to the recipient's
6program funded by a grant under this section. Each grant recipient shall make each
7report under this subsection publicly available on the recipient's Internet site. The
8department shall publish each report submitted under this subsection on the
9department's Internet site and coordinate with the department of children and
10families to provide additional public access to the reports through the Internet site
11of the department of children and families. Annually, the department shall compile
12reports submitted under this subsection and submit the compilation with a report
13containing a summary of the information in the recipients' reports to the chief clerk
14of each house of the legislature for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2).
AB1145,22,18 15(8) The department shall publish on its Internet site the application process
16and criteria for grants under this section. In order to be eligible for a grant under
17this section, the department shall require each application submitted to include all
18of the following items:
AB1145,22,2319 (a) A description of the objectives of the program and activities to be funded by
20the grant and how the grant will be used to achieve these objectives, including
21specific activities and services to be conducted, and specific populations or areas to
22be served, including any targeted subgroups, such as incarcerated or homeless
AB1145,22,2524 (b) A description of innovative approaches to be used and evidence of likely
1(c) A plan for measuring progress in achieving the objectives identified under
2par. (a), including a strategy to collect data that can be used to measure the project's
AB1145,23,64 (d) Identification of relevant community or other organizations with which the
5applicant will coordinate or partner and a description of the proposed coordination
6or partnership.
AB1145,23,107 (e) Sufficient affirmation, as determined by the department, that the applicant
8has conducted an assessment of community needs related to opioid misuse and
9addiction among low-income individuals and families, and that the proposed uses
10of the grant funds will address unmet needs identified by the assessment.
AB1145,23,1311 (f) Confirmation that any funds awarded through the grant program under this
12section will not supplant other programs or resources in the community with similar
AB1145,23,1514 (g) Confirmation that the recipient will use evidence-based approaches to the
15maximum extent practicable.
AB1145,23,18 16(9) In considering applications for grants under this section, the department
17shall consider and give priority to applications that demonstrate one or more of the
18following characteristics:
AB1145,23,2019 (a) Evidence of coordination and partnership with agencies or entities with
20experience or expertise in addressing opioid-related issues.
AB1145,23,2221 (b) Evidence of leveraging nonstate funds or in-kind resources to extend the
22reach or duration of the program proposed by the application.
AB1145,23,2523 (c) Quality of methodology proposed to monitor the outcomes of the program
24proposed by the application and effectiveness in achieving the goals of the program
25and mitigating the harmful health and socioeconomic impacts of opioid addiction.
1(d) Evidence of capacity-building and strengthening of community responses
2to the opioid crisis.
AB1145,24,43 (e) Efforts to minimize the trauma and negative impact of foster care on
4children of addicted individuals.
AB1145,24,55 (f) Demonstrated knowledge of opioid-related needs in the target community.
AB1145,24,86 (g) Use of innovative or evidence-based approaches to address unmet opioid
7needs, including to promote self-sufficiency and well-being for families with
8children impacted by opioid addiction.
AB1145,44 9Section 44. 49.79 (9) (a) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,24,1810 49.79 (9) (a) 1. The department shall administer an employment and training
11program for recipients under the food stamp program and may contract with county
12departments under ss. 46.215, 46.22, and 46.23, multicounty consortia, local
13workforce development boards established under 29 USC 2832 3122, tribal
14governing bodies, or other organizations to carry out the administrative functions.
15A county department, multicounty consortium, local workforce development board,
16tribal governing body, or other organization may subcontract with a Wisconsin
17Works agency or another provider to administer the employment and training
18program under this subsection.
AB1145,45 19Section 45. 51.44 (5) (bm) of the statutes is created to read:
AB1145,24,2220 51.44 (5) (bm) Ensure that any child with a level of lead in his or her blood that
21is 5 or more micrograms per 100 milliliters of blood, as confirmed by one venous blood
22test, is eligible for services under the program under this section.
AB1145,46 23Section 46. 60.85 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,25,624 60.85 (7) (a) Any person who operates for profit and is paid project costs under
25sub. (1) (h) 1. a., d., i., and j. in connection with the project plan for a tax incremental

1district shall notify the department of workforce development and the local
2workforce development board established under 29 USC 2832 3122 of any positions
3to be filled in the county in which the town that created the tax incremental district
4is located during the period commencing with the date the person first performs work
5on the project and ending one year after receipt of its final payment of project costs.
6The person shall provide this notice at least 2 weeks prior to advertising the position.
AB1145,47 7Section 47. 60.85 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,25,158 60.85 (7) (b) Any person who operates for profit and buys or leases property in
9a tax incremental district from a town for which the town incurs real property
10assembly costs under sub. (1) (h) 1. c. shall notify the department of workforce
11development and the local workforce development board established under 29 USC
122832 3122 of any position to be filled in the county in which the town creating the tax
13incremental district is located within one year after the sale or commencement of the
14lease. The person shall provide this notice at least 2 weeks prior to advertising the
AB1145,48 16Section 48. 66.1103 (6m) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB1145,25,2417 66.1103 (6m) Notification of position openings. A municipality or county may
18not enter into a revenue agreement with any person who operates for profit unless
19that person has agreed to notify the department of workforce development and the
20local workforce development board established under 29 USC 2832, 3122 of any
21position to be filled in that municipality or county within one year after issuance of
22the revenue bonds. The person shall provide this notice at least 2 weeks before
23advertising the position. The notice required by this subsection does not affect the
24offer of employment requirements of sub. (4s).
AB1145,49 25Section 49. 66.1105 (6c) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
166.1105 (6c) (a) Any person who operates for profit and is paid project costs
2under sub. (2) (f) 1. a., d., j. and k. in connection with the project plan for a tax
3incremental district shall notify the department of workforce development and the
4local workforce development board established under 29 USC 2832, 3122 of any
5positions to be filled in the county in which the city which created the tax incremental
6district is located during the period commencing with the date the person first
7performs work on the project and ending one year after receipt of its final payment
8of project costs. The person shall provide this notice at least 2 weeks prior to
9advertising the position.