2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
February 12, 2021 - Introduced by Representatives Thiesfeldt, Brooks, Bowen,
Gundrum, Horlacher, Krug, Kurtz, Murphy, Rozar, Schraa, Skowronski,
Snyder, Spiros, Subeck, Tittl, Kuglitsch, Mursau and Duchow, cosponsored
by Senators Feyen, L. Taylor, Jacque, Felzkowski and Stroebel. Referred to
Committee on Local Government.
AB60,1,5 1An Act to renumber and amend 38.12 (4), 59.14 (2), 61.32, 62.11 (4) (a), 64.34
2(1) and 120.11 (4); to amend 985.05 (1); and to create 38.12 (4) (b), 59.14 (2)
3(b), 61.32 (2), 62.11 (4) (a) 2., 64.34 (1) (b) and 120.11 (4) (b) of the statutes;
4relating to: publication of proceedings of meetings held by certain
5governmental bodies.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
This bill authorizes city councils and the boards of villages, counties, school
districts, and technical college districts to satisfy their legal obligation to publish the
proceedings of regular and special meetings by posting a copy of the proceedings in
a public place, electronically placing a copy of the proceedings on the Internet site
maintained by the respective governmental unit, and transmitting a copy to the
newspaper designated by the governmental unit or likely to give notice in the
territory of the governmental unit. Generally, proceedings are defined as the
substance of every official action taken by a local governing body at any meeting of
the governing body. With some exceptions, current law requires each of these
governmental units to publish proceedings of meetings held by the council or board
in a newspaper published in the jurisdiction.
Under the bill, before the governmental unit may discontinue publication in a
newspaper, the governmental unit must do the following:
1. Provide 180 days' notice to the newspaper.
2. Publish two separate notices in the newspaper indicating that it will
discontinue publication in the newspaper and will instead post, electronically place,

and transmit the proceedings. The governmental unit may discontinue publication
of its proceedings 30 days after the second notice required under this provision.
3. Establish an electronic notification service to notify interested individuals
and organizations in the governmental unit each time the proceedings are posted,
electronically placed, and transmitted.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB60,1 1Section 1 . 38.12 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 38.12 (4) (a) and amended
2to read:
AB60,2,103 38.12 (4) (a) The Except as provided in par. (b), the proceedings of the district
4board meetings shall be published within 45 days after the meeting as a class 1
5notice, under ch. 985, in a newspaper published in the district. If no newspaper is
6published in the district, the proceedings may be publicized as the district board
7directs. The publication of the proceedings shall include a statement of receipts and
8expenditures in the aggregate. The district board shall make a detailed record of all
9receipts and expenditures available to the public for inspection at each district board
10meeting and upon request.
AB60,2 11Section 2 . 38.12 (4) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB60,2,1912 38.12 (4) (b) In lieu of publishing the proceedings in a newspaper published in
13the district, the district board may post the proceedings, including a statement of
14receipts and expenditures in the aggregate, in at least one public place, place the
15same proceedings electronically on an Internet site maintained by the district board,
16and transmit an electronic copy of the same proceedings to the official newspaper
17designated by the district under ch. 985 or, if there is no official newspaper, to a
18newspaper likely to give notice in the district. If the district board elects to act under
19this paragraph, the district board shall do all of the following:
11. If there is a newspaper published in the district or if the district board has
2designated an official newspaper, do all of the following:
AB60,3,43 a. Provide 180 days notice to the newspaper of its intention to act under this
AB60,3,95 b. Provide a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in the newspaper prior to first posting
6the proceedings in at least one public place and placing and transmitting the
7proceedings electronically as authorized under this paragraph. The district board
8may not begin posting and electronic placement under this paragraph until 30 days
9after the last insertion required under this subd. 1. b.
AB60,3,1210 c. Establish an electronic notification service to notify interested individuals
11and organizations in the district each time proceedings are posted in a public place
12and placed and transmitted electronically.
AB60,3,1413 2. Maintain the proceedings placed electronically on the district board's
14Internet site for at least 3 years.
AB60,3 15Section 3 . 59.14 (2) of the statutes is renumbered 59.14 (2) (a) and amended
16to read:
AB60,3,2117 59.14 (2) (a) The Except as provided in par. (b), the board shall, by ordinance
18or resolution, provide for publication in one or more newspapers in the county as a
19class 1 notice, under ch. 985, a certified copy of all its proceedings had at any meeting,
20regular or special; said publication to be completed within 60 days after the
21adjournment of each session.
AB60,4 22Section 4 . 59.14 (2) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB60,4,523 59.14 (2) (b) In lieu of publishing the proceedings in a newspaper published in
24the county, the board may, by ordinance or resolution, provide for posting within 60
25days after the adjournment of each session of a certified copy of all its proceedings

1in at least one public place, for placing the same proceedings electronically on an
2Internet site maintained by the board, and for transmitting an electronic copy of the
3same proceedings to the official newspaper designated by the county under ch. 985
4or, if there is no official newspaper, to a newspaper likely to give notice in the county.
5If the board elects to act under this paragraph, the board shall do all of the following:
AB60,4,86 1. Provide 180 days notice to the newspaper or newspapers designated by the
7board by ordinance or resolution for publication of its proceedings of its intention to
8act under this paragraph.
AB60,4,149 2. Prior to first posting the proceedings in at least one public place and placing
10and transmitting the proceedings electronically as authorized under this paragraph,
11provide a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in the newspaper or newspapers identified
12under subd. 1. The board may not begin posting and electronic placement and
13transmittal under this paragraph until 30 days after the last insertion required
14under this subdivision.
AB60,4,1715 3. Establish an electronic notification service to notify interested individuals
16and organizations in the county each time proceedings are posted in a public place
17and placed and transmitted electronically.
AB60,4,1918 4. Maintain the proceedings placed electronically on the board's Internet site
19for at least 3 years.
AB60,5 20Section 5 . 61.32 of the statutes is renumbered 61.32 (1) and amended to read:
AB60,5,2321 61.32 (1) The trustees of each village shall constitute a board designated the
22“Village Board of" (name of village) in which shall be vested all the powers of the
23village not specifically given some other officer. A majority of the members-elect
24shall constitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn from time to time. The
25president shall preside at all meetings when present. In the president's absence the

1board may select another trustee to preside. Regular meetings shall be held at such
2time as may be prescribed by their bylaws. Special meetings may be called by any
32 trustees in writing, filed with the clerk, who shall thereupon seasonably notify all
4the trustees of the time and place thereof in the manner directed by the bylaws. All
5meetings shall be open to the public. The board shall keep a record of all its
6proceedings, and, except as provided in sub. (2), if there is a newspaper published in
7any village, the board shall cause the proceedings to be published therein as a class
81 notice, under ch. 985. The proceedings for the purpose of publication shall include
9the substance of every official action taken by the governing body. If there is no
10newspaper published in the village, the board may cause the proceedings to be
11published in a newspaper having general circulation in the village, posted in several
12public places or publicized in some other fashion, in such manner as the board
13directs. Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring the republication of any
14proceeding, ordinance or other matter or thing which has already been published
15according to law, nor shall anything herein be construed to relieve any village from
16publishing any proceeding, ordinance or other matter or thing required by law to be
17published. Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 985.08 (4), the fee for any such
18publication shall not exceed the rates specified in s. 985.08 (1). The board has power
19to preserve order at its meetings, compel attendance of trustees and punish
20nonattendance and it shall be judge of the election and qualification of its members.
21The president and board of trustees of any village, whether operating under general
22or special law, may by a three-fourths vote of all the members of the village board
23determine that a salary be paid the president and trustees.
AB60,6 24Section 6 . 61.32 (2) of the statutes is created to read:
161.32 (2) If there is a newspaper published in the village, in lieu of publishing
2the proceedings in that newspaper, the village board may post the proceedings in at
3least one public place, place the same proceedings electronically on an Internet site
4maintained by the board, and transmit an electronic copy of the same proceedings
5to the official newspaper designated by the village under ch. 985 or, if there is no
6official newspaper, to a newspaper likely to give notice in the village. If the board
7elects to post the proceedings in a public place and place and transmit the
8proceedings electronically, the board shall do all of the following:
AB60,6,109 (a) Provide 180 days notice to the newspaper of its intention to act under this
AB60,6,1511 (b) Provide a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in the newspaper prior to first posting
12the proceedings in at least one public place and placing and transmitting the
13proceedings electronically as authorized under this subsection. The board may not
14begin posting and electronic placement and transmittal under this subsection until
1530 days after the last insertion required under this paragraph.
AB60,6,1816 (c) Establish an electronic notification service to notify interested individuals
17and organizations in the village each time proceedings are posted in a public place
18and placed and transmitted electronically.
AB60,6,2019 (d) Maintain the proceedings placed electronically on the board's Internet site
20for at least 3 years.
AB60,7 21Section 7 . 62.11 (4) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 62.11 (4) (a) 1. and
22amended to read:
AB60,7,523 62.11 (4) (a) 1. Proceedings Except as provided in subd. 2., proceedings of the
24council shall be published in the newspaper designated under s. 985.06 as a class 1
25notice, under ch. 985. The proceedings for the purpose of publication shall include

1the substance of every official action taken by the governing body. Except as provided
2in this subsection every ordinance shall be published either in its entirety, as a class
31 notice, under ch. 985, or as a notice, as described under par. (c) 2., within 15 days
4of passage, and shall take effect on the day after the publication or at a later date if
5expressly prescribed.
AB60,8 6Section 8 . 62.11 (4) (a) 2. of the statutes is created to read:
AB60,7,137 62.11 (4) (a) 2. In lieu of publishing the proceedings of the council as provided
8in subd. 1., the council may post the proceedings in at least one public place, place
9the same proceedings electronically on an Internet site maintained by the council,
10and transmit an electronic copy of the same proceedings to the official newspaper of
11the city as provided in s. 985.05 (2) or, if there is no official newspaper, to a newspaper
12likely to give notice in the city. If the council elects to act under this subdivision, the
13council shall do all of the following:
AB60,7,1514 a. Provide 180 days notice to the newspaper designated under s. 985.06 of its
15intention to act under this subdivision.
AB60,7,2016 b. Provide a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in the newspaper prior to first posting
17the proceedings in at least one public place and placing and transmitting the
18proceedings electronically as authorized under this subdivision. The council may not
19begin posting and electronic placement and transmittal under this subdivision until
2030 days after the last insertion required under this subd. 2. b.
AB60,7,2321 c. Establish an electronic notification service to notify interested individuals
22and organizations in the city each time proceedings are posted in a public place and
23placed and transmitted electronically.
AB60,7,2524 d. Maintain the proceedings placed electronically on the council's Internet site
25for at least 3 years.
1Section 9. 64.34 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 64.34 (1) (a) and amended
2to read:
AB60,8,173 64.34 (1) (a) The city comptroller shall each month prepare and present to the
4council a summary statement of the revenues and expenses of the city for the
5preceding month, detailed as to appropriations and funds, and arranged in standard
6form, together with a balance sheet statement of the current assets and current
7liabilities of such city at the close of such month. These summaries shall be
8accompanied by such detailed schedules as the council may by ordinance require.
9The Except as provided in par. (b), the full detailed acts and proceedings of the council
10at every general or special meeting thereof, including the full text of all reports filed
11and presented at such meeting, shall be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985,
12subsequent to the day of each such council meeting; and in. Except as provided in
13par. (b), in
the months of January, April, July, and October the council shall cause to
14be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, detailed schedules of the receipts and
15disbursements of moneys for the 3 calendar months next preceding the month of such
16publication. The compensation to be paid for such publications shall not exceed the
17rate provided by law for the publication of legal notices.
AB60,10 18Section 10 . 64.34 (1) (b) of the statutes is created to read:
AB60,9,719 64.34 (1) (b) In lieu of publishing the acts and proceedings of every general and
20special meeting of the council as provided under par. (a), the council may, subsequent
21to the day of the council meeting, post the acts and proceedings in at least one public
22place, place the same acts and proceedings electronically on an Internet site
23maintained by the council, and transmit an electronic copy of the same acts and
24proceedings to the official newspaper designated by the city under ch. 985 or, if there
25is no official newspaper, to a newspaper likely to give notice in the city. In lieu of

1publishing the detailed schedules as provided in par. (a), the council may, in the
2months of January, April, July, and October, post the detailed schedules in at least
3one public place, place the same detailed schedules electronically on an Internet site
4maintained by the council, and transmit an electronic copy of the same detailed
5schedules to the official newspaper designated by the city under ch. 985 or, if there
6is no official newspaper, to a newspaper likely to give notice in the city. If the council
7elects to act under this paragraph, the council shall do all of the following:
AB60,9,98 1. Provide 180 days notice to the newspaper in which the council publishes its
9proceedings of its intention to act under this paragraph.
AB60,9,1510 2. Provide a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in the newspaper in which the council
11publishes its proceedings prior to first posting the proceedings in at least one public
12place and placing and transmitting the proceedings electronically as authorized
13under this paragraph. The council may not begin posting and electronic placement
14and transmittal under this paragraph until 30 days after the last insertion required
15under this subdivision.
AB60,9,1816 3. Establish an electronic notification service to notify interested individuals
17and organizations in the city each time proceedings are posted in a public place and
18placed and transmitted electronically.