Thresholds for certain contracts requiring gubernatorial approval
Current law requires gubernatorial approval of certain DOT contracts
involving expenditures over specified thresholds. The bill increases these thresholds
as follows:
1. Engagement of engineering or related services, from $3,000 to $100,000.
2. Contracts for highway improvement, from $1,000 to $250,000.
3. Non-bid contracts with counties for highway improvements, from $5,000 to

4. Non-bid contracts with railroads or public utilities for highway
improvements, from $5,000 to $100,000.
5. Emergency non-bid contracts for highway improvements, from $10,000 to
Transportation aids
General transportation aids
The bill increases the amount of aid DOT may provide to counties and
municipalities under the general transportation aids program. Under current law,
DOT makes aid payments to counties based on a share-of-costs formula and to
municipalities based on the greater of a share-of-costs formula or an aid rate per
mile. Under the bill, the aid rate per mile is increased to $2,681 for calendar year
2022 and $2,734 for calendar year 2023 and thereafter. The maximum amount of aid
that may be paid to counties under the program is increased to $124,647,300 for
calendar year 2022 and $127,140,200 for calendar year 2023 and thereafter. The
maximum amount of aid that may be paid to municipalities under the program is
increased to $391,173,300 for calendar year 2022 and $398,996,800 for calendar year
2023 and thereafter.
Penalty for late submission of reports related to general transportation aids
Under the general transportation aids program, counties and municipalities
with a population of 25,000 or more are required to file certain financial reports with
DOR by July 31 each year. If a county or municipality fails to file the necessary
reports by the deadline, but does file the reports within 30 days after the deadline,
the amount of aid payable to that county or municipality for the following year is
reduced by 1 percent for each day late, up to a maximum 10 percent reduction. If a
county or municipality fails to file the necessary reports within 30 days of the
deadline, the amount of aid payable to that county or municipality for the following
year is reduced by 10 percent.
Under the bill, if a county or municipality fails to file the necessary reports by
the specified deadline, but does provide the reports within 30 days after the deadline,
the amount of aid payable to the county or municipality may not be reduced by more
than $100 for each day that the necessary reports are late.
Mass transit aids amounts
Under current law, DOT provides state aid payments to local public bodies in
urban areas served by mass transit systems to assist the local public bodies with the
expenses of operating those systems. There are five classes of mass transit systems,
and the total amount of state aid payments to four of these classes is limited to a
specified amount in each calendar year. The fifth class consists of certain commuter
or light rail systems, and no state aid amounts are specified for this class.
The bill increases the total amount of state aid payments to the four classes of
mass transit systems for which state aid amounts are specified as follows:
1. For mass transit systems having annual operating expenses of $80,000,000
or more, the bill maintains the current limit of $65,477,800 in calendar year 2021 and
increases the limit to $67,114,700 in calendar year 2022 and $68,792,600 in calendar
year 2023 and thereafter.

2. For mass transit systems having annual operating expenses of over
$20,000,000 but less than $80,000,000, the bill maintains the current limit of
$17,205,400 in calendar year 2021 and increases the limit to $17,635,500 in calendar
year 2022 and $18,076,400 in calendar year 2023 and thereafter.
3. For mass transit systems serving urban areas having a population of at least
50,000 but having annual operating expenses of no more than $20,000,000, the bill
maintains the current limit of $24,976,400 in calendar year 2021 and increases the
limit to $25,600,800 in calendar year 2022 and $26,240,800 in calendar year 2023
and thereafter.
4. For mass transit systems serving urban areas having a population of less
than 50,000, the bill maintains the current limit of $5,292,700 in calendar year 2021
and increases the limit to $5,425,000 in calendar year 2022 and $5,560,600 in
calendar year 2023 and thereafter.
Transit capital assistance grants
The bill requires DOT to establish a transit capital assistance grant program,
under which DOT awards grants to eligible applicants for the replacement of public
transit vehicles.
Local infrastructure grant program
The bill establishes a local road aids for critical infrastructure grant program
within the DOT. Under the program, DOT makes grants to political subdivisions for
the reconstruction to a higher standard durability of a culvert or bridge. Bridges and
culverts eligible for grants under the program must be owned by the political
subdivision and must be at risk of being damaged by future extreme storm water
events. Grants under the program may cover up to 50 percent of the cost of the
reconstruction project. The bill also authorizes the issuance of $15,000,000 in public
debt for the purpose of making grants under this program.
Local supplement grant program
The bill creates a local supplement grant program under which DOT provides
discretionary grants to political subdivisions for projects related to bridge
construction or reconstruction or local road improvement or to local governments for
projects related to transportation alternatives, including construction of pedestrian
and bicycle facilities and environmental mitigation of highway construction.
Tribal elderly transportation grants
Current law requires DOA to transfer a portion of Indian gaming receipts to a
DOT appropriation that funds tribal elderly transportation grants. The bill
eliminates the requirement to make this transfer and replaces the DOT
appropriation that funds tribal elderly transportation grants using transferred
Indian gaming receipts with an appropriation from the transportation fund.
Town of Milton project
The bill requires DOT to award a grant of $75,000 to the town of Milton in Rock
County for the Clear Lake Road project.

Rail and air transportation
Freight rail preservation bonding
Under current law, the state may contract up to $280,300,000 in public debt for
DOT to acquire railroad property and to provide grants and loans for railroad
property acquisition and improvement. The bill increases the authorized general
obligation bonding limit for these purposes by $20,000,000 to $300,300,000.
Airport sound mitigation grant program
The bill requires DOT to develop and administer an airport sound mitigation
grant program. Under the program, DOT must award grants for projects that
mitigate the impact of airport sound on structures located near airports that include
a military base or installation. DOT is required to give highest priority in awarding
these grants to projects involving schools and child care centers and secondary
priority to projects involving private residences.
General transportation
Collection of data from traffic stops
The bill requires a law enforcement agency to collect the following information
concerning motor vehicle stops made on or after January 1, 2022: 1) the name,
address, gender, and race of the operator of the motor vehicle, with the officer
subjectively determining the person's race as being Caucasian, Black or African
American, Hispanic, American Indian or Alaska Native, or Asian or Pacific Islander;
2) the reason for the motor vehicle stop; 3) the make and year of the motor vehicle;
4) the date, time, and location of the motor vehicle stop; 5) whether or not a law
enforcement officer conducted a search of the motor vehicle, the operator, or any
passenger and, if so, whether the search was with consent or by other means; 6) the
name, address, gender, and race of any person searched; and 7) the name and badge
number of the officer making the motor vehicle stop.
The information that is collected under the bill concerning motor vehicle stops
is not subject to inspection or copying as a public record. The information, however,
must be forwarded to DOJ, which must then compile and analyze it, along with any
other relevant information, to determine, both for the state as a whole and for each
law enforcement agency, whether the number of stops and searches involving motor
vehicles operated or occupied by members of a racial minority are disproportionate
compared to the number of stops and searches involving motor vehicles operated or
occupied solely by persons who are not members of a racial minority.
Harbor assistance bonding
Under current law, the state may contract up to $152,000,000 in public debt for
DOT to provide local grants for harbor assistance and for harbor improvements such
as dock wall repair and maintenance, construction of new dock walls, dredging of
materials from a harbor, or the placement of dredged materials in containment
facilities. The bill increases the authorized general obligation bonding limit for these
purposes by $15,300,000 to $167,300,000.
Intermodal freight assistance program
Current law authorizes DOT to make grants to public or private applicants for
intermodal freight facilities that the department determines have a public purpose.

The bill provides that DOT may not make such a grant unless the grantee agrees to
provide adequate intermodal freight services at the facility funded by the grant,
subject to remedial transfer of the facility to DOT. The bill also states that the
program has a public purpose.
Veterans service officer grants
Under current law, DVA is required to annually award a grant to counties that
employ a full-time county veterans service officer. The grants are awarded for the
purpose of improving a county's services to veterans. The amount of each grant is
as follows: $8,500 for a county with a population of less than 20,000, $10,000 for a
county with a population of 20,000 to 45,499, $11,500 for a county with a population
of 45,500 to 74,999, and $13,000 for a county with a population of 75,000 or more.
Counties that employ a part-time county veterans service officer are eligible to
receive an annual grant not exceeding $500. DVA may also make annual grants not
to exceed $15,000 to the governing bodies of federally recognized American Indian
tribes and bands if the tribal governing body appoints a tribal veterans service
officer. The bill increases the amount of each of these grants by 5 percent.
Veterans outreach and recovery program
Under current law, DVA administers a program to provide outreach, mental
health services, and support to veterans who reside in the state who have a mental
health condition or substance use disorder. The bill directs DVA to spend at least
$100,000 annually under the program to promote suicide prevention and awareness
by providing services to individuals who are members of a traditionally underserved
population, including minority groups and individuals who reside in rural areas of
the state.
Hire Heroes program
Under current law, DWD administers the Hire Heroes program that provides
transitional jobs to veterans and reimburses employers of veterans for wages and
other related costs. In order for a veteran to be eligible to participate in the program,
he or she must be a DVA-certified veteran, be at least 18 years old, be ineligible to
participate in the Wisconsin Works program, be unemployed for at least four weeks,
and satisfy any applicable substance abuse screening, testing, and treatment.
Prospective program participants must also submit an application to the program no
later than seven years after the date of discharge from military service. The bill
removes the seven-year limit on when veterans may submit an application to the
Because this bill creates a new crime or revises a penalty for an existing crime,
the Joint Review Committee on Criminal Penalties may be requested to prepare a
Because this bill relates to an exemption from state or local taxes, it may be
referred to the Joint Survey Committee on Tax Exemptions for a report to be printed
as an appendix to the bill.

Because this bill may increase or decrease, directly or indirectly, the cost of the
development, construction, financing, purchasing, sale, ownership, or availability of
housing in this state, the Department of Administration, as required by law, will
prepare a report to be printed as an appendix to this bill.
This proposal may contain a health insurance mandate requiring a social and
financial impact report under s. 601.423, stats.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB68,1 1Section 1. 1.031 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,193,7 21.031 Retrocession of jurisdiction. The governor may accept on behalf of
3the state, retrocession of full or partial jurisdiction over any roads, highways or other
4lands in federal enclaves within the state where such retrocession has been offered
5by appropriate federal authority. Documents concerning such action shall be filed
6in the office of the secretary of state administration and recorded in the office of the
7register of deeds of the county wherein such lands are located.
AB68,2 8Section 2. 5.02 (6m) (f) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,193,179 5.02 (6m) (f) An unexpired identification card issued by a university or college
10in this state that is accredited, as defined in s. 39.30 (1) (d), or by a technical college
11in this state that is a member of and governed by the technical college system under
12ch. 38, that contains the date of issuance and signature of the individual to whom it
13is issued and that contains an expiration date indicating that the card expires no
14later than 2 years after the date of issuance if the individual establishes, except that
15if the identification card is expired the individual shall establish
that he or she is
16enrolled as a student at the university or college on the date that the card is
AB68,3 18Section 3 . 5.02 (20) of the statutes is amended to read:
15.02 (20) “Special primary" means the primary held 4 weeks before the special
2election, except as provided in s. 8.50 (4m) and except when the special election is
3held on the same day as the general election the special primary shall be held on the
4same day as the general primary or if the special election is held concurrently with
5the spring election, the primary shall be held concurrently with the spring primary.
AB68,4 6Section 4 . 5.02 (22) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,194,107 5.02 (22) “Spring primary" means the nonpartisan primary held on the 3rd
8Tuesday in February to nominate nonpartisan candidates to be voted for at the
9spring election and partisan candidates to be voted for at a special election under s.
108.50 (4m)
AB68,5 11Section 5 . 5.05 (11m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,194,1612 5.05 (11m) Aids to counties and municipalities for certain special election
(a) From the appropriation under s. 20.510 (1) (f), the commission shall
14reimburse counties and municipalities for costs incurred in the administration of
15special primaries for state or national office and special elections for state or national
AB68,194,1817 (b) A cost is eligible for reimbursement under par. (a) only if all of the following
AB68,194,1919 1. The commission determines that the cost is reasonable.
AB68,194,2020 2. The cost is specified under par. (c).
AB68,194,2321 3. If applicable, the commission determines that the rate paid by the county or
22municipality for the cost does not exceed the rate customarily paid for similar costs
23at a primary or election that is not a special primary or election.
AB68,195,224 4. If the special primary or election coincides with a primary or election that
25is not a special primary or election, the commission determines that the cost does not

1exceed the amount that would be incurred if the primaries or elections did not
AB68,195,33 (c) Only the following costs are eligible for reimbursement under par. (a):
AB68,195,44 1. Rental payments for polling places.
AB68,195,65 2. Election day wages paid under s. 7.03 to election officials working at the
AB68,195,77 3. Costs for the publication of required election notices.
AB68,195,88 4. Printing and postage costs for absentee ballots and envelopes.
AB68,195,99 5. Costs for the design and printing of ballots and poll books.
AB68,195,1110 6. Purchase of ballot bags or containers, including ties or seals for chain of
11custody purposes.
AB68,195,1212 7. Costs to program electronic voting machines.
AB68,195,1313 8. Purchase of memory devices for electronic voting machines.
AB68,195,1414 9. Wages paid to conduct a county canvass.
AB68,195,1515 10. Data entry costs for the statewide voter registration system.
AB68,6 16Section 6 . 5.056 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB68,195,25 175.056 Matching program with secretary of transportation. The
18commission administrator shall enter into the agreement with the secretary of
19transportation specified under s. 85.61 (1) to match personally identifiable
20information on the official registration list maintained by the commission under s.
216.36 (1) and the information specified in s. ss. 6.256 (2) and 6.34 (2m) with personally
22identifiable information maintained by the department of transportation. Subject
23to s. 343.14 (2p) (b), the agreement shall provide for the electronic transfer of
24information under s. 6.256 (2) to the commission on a continuous basis, no less often
25than weekly.
1Section 7. 5.35 (6) (a) 4c. of the statutes is created to read:
AB68,196,22 5.35 (6) (a) 4c. A voter bill of rights in substantially the following form:
AB68,196,3 3Voter Bill of Rights