2021 - 2022 LEGISLATURE
November 12, 2021 - Introduced by Representatives Loudenbeck, Sortwell,
Kurtz, James, Andraca, Armstrong, Conley, Dittrich, Duchow, Kerkman,
Kuglitsch, L. Myers, Moses, Mursau, Spreitzer, Subeck, VanderMeer,
Vruwink and Swearingen, cosponsored by Senators Marklein, Darling,
Ballweg, Bewley, Cowles, Petrowski and Felzkowski. Referred to
Committee on State Affairs.
AB708,1,5 1An Act to repeal 256.35 (3s) (a) 1.; to renumber and amend 256.35 (4); to
20.465 (3) (qm), 256.35 (1) (d), 256.35 (1) (gm) and 256.35 (3s) (bm)
3(title); and to create 256.35 (1) (es), 256.35 (3s) (br), 256.35 (3s) (d) 4m. and
4256.35 (4) (a) to (g) of the statutes; relating to: Next Generation 911 and
5geographic information system grants and making an appropriation.
Analysis by the Legislative Reference Bureau
Under current law, the Department of Administration, Department of Health
Services, and Department of Military Affairs share responsibility for and oversight
of various statewide emergency number functions. In addition, DMA must issue
grants to public safety answering points, more commonly known as 911 call centers,
for a variety of purposes related to advanced 911 operations, known as Next
Generation 911.
This bill provides that DMA is primarily responsible for the statewide
emergency number system functionality and adds to DMA's responsibilities relating
to the statewide emergency number system. Under the bill, DMA must do all of the
1. Collect data from and distribute data to public safety answering points
regarding the status and operation of the components of a statewide emergency
number system.
2. Participate in activities to implement and operate interconnecting statewide
emergency number systems with public safety answering points, other states, and
the federal government.

3. Ensure the statewide emergency number system is compliant with any
applicable legal requirements.
4. Develop, coordinate, and communicate technical and operational standards
or requirements that, to the greatest extent feasible, rely on industry standards and
best practices for establishing a statewide emergency number system.
5. Develop and implement a statewide plan for the implementation, operation,
and maintenance of a statewide emergency number system based on
recommendations from the 911 subcommittee.
6. Complete these responsibilities in a manner that is competitively and
technologically neutral.
7. By November 1 of each even-numbered year, submit a report to the governor
and to the legislature on the status of Next Generation 911 implementation,
operation, and maintenance.
This bill also creates an additional grant program, under which DMA must
issue grants to county land information offices for the purpose of preparing
geographic information systems data to help enable Next Generation 911. Under the
bill, the appropriate purposes and eligibility criteria for the grants must be
developed by DMA policy. Grant purposes may include data preparation, data
gathering, data creation, geographic information system staffing, data preparation
and collection contracts, and training, if these purposes enable Next Generation 911,
but may not include general overhead or costs for providing emergency services or
emergency services equipment. DMA may not award more than one such grant per
county per fiscal year. Under the bill, DMA must provide grants to counties for
geographic information systems from the same appropriation that is currently used
for providing grants to public safety answering points.
For further information see the state and local fiscal estimate, which will be
printed as an appendix to this bill.
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB708,1 1Section 1. 20.465 (3) (qm) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
AB708,2,73 20.465 (3) (qm) Next Generation 911. Biennially, from the police and fire
4protection fund, the amounts in the schedule for the department to make and
5administer contracts under s. 256.35 (3s) (b) and provide grants under s. 256.35 (3s)
6(bm) and (br) and for the 911 subcommittee to administer its duties under s. 256.35
7(3s) (d).
1Section 2. 256.35 (1) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB708,3,32 256.35 (1) (d) “Department" means the department of administration military
AB708,3 4Section 3. 256.35 (1) (es) of the statutes is created to read:
AB708,3,75 256.35 (1) (es) “Originating service provider” means an entity that provides a
6service that may be used to generate a request for emergency assistance and that
7may connect to an emergency number system.
AB708,4 8Section 4. 256.35 (1) (gm) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB708,3,139 256.35 (1) (gm) “Public safety answering point" means a facility to which a call
10on a basic or sophisticated an emergency number system is initially routed for
11response, and on which a public agency directly dispatches the appropriate
12emergency service provider, relays a message to the appropriate emergency service
13provider or transfers the call to the appropriate emergency services provider.
AB708,5 14Section 5. 256.35 (3s) (a) 1. of the statutes is repealed.
AB708,6 15Section 6 . 256.35 (3s) (bm) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB708,3,1716 256.35 (3s) (bm) (title) Competitive grant program for public safety answering
AB708,7 18Section 7 . 256.35 (3s) (br) of the statutes is created to read:
AB708,3,2119 256.35 (3s) (br) Competitive grant program for geographic information
1. The department shall award grants to county land information offices
21for the purposes identified under subd. 2. using the criteria in subd. 3.
AB708,4,222 2. Grants under subd. 1. shall be issued based on the purposes recommended
23by the 911 subcommittee under par. (d) 4m. Grant purposes may include data
24preparation, data gathering, data creation, geographic information system staffing,
25data preparation and collection contracts, and training, if these purposes enable

1Next Generation 911. Grant purposes may not include general county overhead or
2costs for providing emergency services or emergency services equipment.
AB708,4,53 3. The department shall develop a policy setting forth eligibility criteria for
4grants under subd. 1. based on the recommendations of the 911 subcommittee under
5par. (d) 4m.
AB708,4,76 4. The department may not award more than one grant under subd. 1. per
7county per fiscal year.
AB708,8 8Section 8 . 256.35 (3s) (d) 4m. of the statutes is created to read:
AB708,4,119 256.35 (3s) (d) 4m. Advise the department or any other state agency on
10awarding geographic information system grants under par. (br), including advising
11on appropriate grant purposes and eligibility criteria for the grants.
AB708,9 12Section 9. 256.35 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 256.35 (4) (intro.) and
13amended to read:
AB708,4,1714 256.35 (4) Departmental advisory authority duties. (intro.) The department
15may provide information to public agencies, public safety agencies and
16telecommunications utilities relating to the development and operation of
17emergency number systems.
shall do all of the following:
AB708,10 18Section 10. 256.35 (4) (a) to (g) of the statutes are created to read:
AB708,4,2119 256.35 (4) (a) Collect data from and distribute data to public safety answering
20points and other entities authorized by the department regarding the status and
21operation of the components of a statewide emergency number system.
AB708,4,2422 (b) Participate in activities to implement and operate interconnecting
23statewide emergency number systems with public safety answering points, other
24states, and the federal government.
1(c) Ensure the statewide emergency number system is compliant with any
2applicable legal requirements.
AB708,5,63 (d) Develop, coordinate, and communicate technical and operational standards
4or requirements that, to the greatest extent feasible, rely on industry standards and
5best practices for establishing a statewide emergency number system, pertaining to
6all of the following:
AB708,5,77 1. Delivery and routing of requests for emergency assistance.
AB708,5,108 2. Procedures for the interconnection of the statewide emergency number
9system with originating service providers as required under 47 USC 251 and 47 USC
and for statewide emergency number system implementation and maintenance.
AB708,5,1311 3. Establishing and implementing statewide emergency number system
12performance and security testing protocols, in coordination with the division of
13enterprise technology in the department of administration.
AB708,5,1414 4. Public safety answering point basic training guidelines.
AB708,5,1715 5. Interoperability across all public safety answering points with respect to
16telecommunications services and data systems, including geographic information
AB708,5,1918 6. Consolidation of public safety answering point functions when consolidation
19would provide improved service, increased efficiency, or cost savings.