SB1104,38,147 b. Notify the owner that it disputes the appraisal. If an electric provider,
8subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services disputes the appraisal provided by the
9owner under this subd. 1. b., the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of
10broadband services shall within 90 days provide the owner with an appraisal
11performed by an appraiser licensed under ch. 458 comparing the fair market value
12of the owner's real property interest immediately before and after an easement on
13the property is used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a). The owner shall make
14reasonable accommodations for performance of the appraisal under this subd. 1. b.
SB1104,38,2115 2. If an owner who receives an appraisal under subd. 1. b. from an electric
16provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services provides to the electric
17provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services written notice accepting the
18appraisal or does not bring an action under par. (d) within 30 days of receiving the
19appraisal, the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services shall
20promptly remit payment to the owner for the difference in the fair market value of
21the owner's real property interest identified in the appraisal.
SB1104,38,2522 (c) An owner may not bring an action against an electric provider, a subsidiary
23of an electric provider, or a supplier of broadband services for damages from a
24decrease in the value of the owner's interest in real property due to the use of an
25easement for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) except as provided under this subsection.
1(d) An owner may bring an action under this subsection against an electric
2provider, a subsidiary of an electric provider, or a supplier of broadband services for
3damages from a decrease in the value of the owner's interest in real property due to
4the use of an easement for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) only if all of the following
SB1104,39,106 1. The owner provides an appraisal under par. (b) 1. to the electric provider,
7subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services within one year after the date that the
8owner receives notice under sub. (3) or, if the owner receives no notice under sub. (3),
9within one year after the date that a memorandum referring to an easement that
10applies to the property is recorded under sub. (4).
SB1104,39,1311 2. The owner brings the action within 30 days after receiving an appraisal from
12the electric provider, subsidiary, or supplier of broadband services under par. (b) 1.
SB1104,39,2114 (e) The maximum recovery under this subsection may not exceed the difference
15between the fair market value of the owner's real property interest immediately
16before an easement on the property is used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a) and the
17fair market value of the owner's real property interest immediately after an
18easement on the property is used for a purpose under sub. (2) (a). Evidence of
19revenues, profits, or fees received by an electric provider, a subsidiary of an electric
20provider, or a supplier of broadband services shall not be admissible as evidence in
21any proceeding or action under this subsection.
SB1104,69 22Section 69. 196.218 (5) (a) 10. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1104,39,2423 196.218 (5) (a) 10. To make broadband expansion grants and administer the
24program under s. 196.504 (2).
SB1104,70 25Section 70. 196.504 (1) (ac) 4. of the statutes is created to read:
1196.504 (1) (ac) 4. A political subdivision that is underserved or that is located
2in an unserved area.
SB1104,71 3Section 71. 196.504 (2) (a) of the statutes, as affected by 2021 Wisconsin Act
, is amended to read:
SB1104,40,95 196.504 (2) (a) To make broadband expansion grants to eligible applicants for
6the purpose of constructing broadband infrastructure in underserved areas
7designated under par. (d). Grants awarded under this section subsection shall be
8paid from the appropriations under ss. 20.155 (3) (a), (r), and (rm) and 20.866 (2) (z),
9in the amount allocated under s. 20.866 (2) (z) 5.
SB1104,72 10Section 72. 196.504 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1104,40,1511 196.504 (2) (b) To prescribe the form, nature, and extent of the information that
12shall be contained in an application for a grant under this section subsection. The
13application shall require the applicant to identify the area of the state that will be
14affected by the proposed project and explain how the proposed project will increase
15broadband access.
SB1104,73 16Section 73. 196.504 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB1104,41,817 196.504 (2) (c) To establish criteria for evaluating applications and awarding
18grants under this section subsection. The criteria shall prohibit grants that have the
19effect of subsidizing the expenses of a provider of telecommunications service, as
20defined in s. 182.017 (1g) (cq), or the monthly bills of customers of those providers.
21The criteria shall give priority to projects that include matching funds, that involve
22public-private partnerships, that affect unserved areas, that are scalable, that
23promote economic development, that will not result in delaying the provision of
24broadband service to areas neighboring areas to be served by the proposed project,
25or that affect a large geographic area or a large number of underserved individuals

1or communities. When evaluating grant applications under this section subsection,
2the commission shall consider the degree to which the proposed projects would
3duplicate existing broadband infrastructure, information about the presence of
4which is provided to the commission by the applicant or another person within a time
5period designated by the commission; the impacts of the proposed projects on the
6ability of individuals to access health care services from home and the cost of those
7services; and the impacts of the proposed projects on the ability of students to access
8educational opportunities from home.
SB1104,74 9Section 74. 196.504 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1104,41,1110 196.504 (2g) The commission shall administer the broadband connector
11program and shall have the following powers:
SB1104,41,1912 (a) To make broadband planning grants to political subdivisions, school
13districts, tribal governments, regional planning commissions, nonprofit
14organizations, and local economic development organizations for broadband
15planning, feasibility engineering related to broadband infrastructure construction,
16broadband adoption planning, and digital inclusion activities. The amount of a
17broadband planning grant under this paragraph may not exceed $50,000. Grants
18awarded under this paragraph shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.155
19(1) (a).
SB1104,41,2120 (b) To provide training, technical assistance, and information on broadband
21infrastructure construction, broadband adoption, and digital inclusion.
SB1104,75 22Section 75. 196.504 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1104,41,2423 196.504 (2r) The commission shall administer the broadband line extension
24assistance program and shall have the following powers:
1(a) To make financial assistance grants to residents of properties that are not
2served by a broadband service provider to assist in paying the customer costs
3associated with line extension necessary to connect broadband service to the
4properties. The amount of a financial assistance grant under this paragraph may
5not exceed $4,000. Grants awarded under this paragraph shall be paid from the
6appropriation under s. 20.155 (1) (a).
SB1104,42,97 (b) To establish criteria for evaluating applications and awarding financial
8assistance grants under par. (a). The criteria shall give priority to properties that
9serve as a primary residence.
SB1104,76 10Section 76 . 227.01 (13) (yn) of the statutes is created to read:
SB1104,42,1211 227.01 (13) (yn) Establishes community service requirements, forms, and
12guidelines under ss. 36.27 (3t) (f) and (h) and 38.24 (6m) (e) and (g).
SB1104,77 13Section 77. Nonstatutory provisions.
SB1104,42,1414 (1) Electric provider use of easements for broadband; prior causes of action.
SB1104,42,1515 (a) Definitions. In this subsection:
SB1104,42,16 161. “Electric provider” has the meaning given in s. 182.0172 (1) (b).
SB1104,42,17 172. “Owner” has the meaning given in s. 182.0172 (5) (a).
SB1104,42,2218 (b) Time limit for prior causes of action. No owner may bring an action against
19an electric provider, a subsidiary of an electric provider, or a supplier of broadband
20services for using an easement held by the electric provider for any of the following
21before the effective date of this paragraph unless the owner brings the action no later
22than one year after the effective date of this paragraph:
SB1104,42,25 231. Installing or maintaining broadband infrastructure to provide broadband
24services or allowing a supplier of broadband services to install or maintain
25broadband infrastructure to provide broadband services.
12. Leasing or providing to a supplier of broadband services any capacity in the
2electric provider's broadband infrastructure.
SB1104,78 3Section 78. Fiscal changes.
SB1104,43,74 (1) General school aid. In the schedule under s. 20.005 (3) for the
5appropriation to the department of public instruction under s. 20.255 (2) (ac), the
6dollar amount for fiscal year 2022-23 is increased by $1,090,000,000 for the purpose
7for which the appropriation is made.
SB1104,79 8Section 79. Initial applicability.
SB1104,43,119 (1) Subscribers terminating broadband contracts. The treatment of s.
10100.2092 (1) (L) first applies to a contract that is entered into, renewed, or modified
11on the effective date of this subsection.
SB1104,43,1412 (2) Terminating broadband contract and refund. The treatment of s.
13100.2093 (3) first applies to a contract that is entered into, renewed, or modified on
14the effective date of this subsection.
SB1104,43,1915 (3) State aid. The treatment of ss. 20.255 (2) (ac), 121.004 (7) (c) 1. a. and 2.,
16121.07 (6) (d), and 121.105 (1), (2) (am) 1. and 2. (intro.), and (5), the renumbering
17and amendment of s. 121.07 (8), and the creation of s. 121.07 (8) (a) and (b) first apply
18to the distribution of school aid in, and the calculation of revenue limits for, the
192022-23 school year.
SB1104,43,2020 (End)