SB111,636 17Section 636. 30.2065 (1g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,617,718 30.2065 (1g) (a) The department shall issue a general permit that authorizes
19wetland, stream, and floodplain restoration and management activities that will
20result in a net improvement in hydrologic connections, conditions, and functions.
21These activities shall be designed to the extent possible to return wetland, stream,
22and floodplain hydrology to a natural and self-regulating condition in order to
23achieve such goals as to slow the flow of runoff, reduce flood peaks, restore surface
24and groundwater interactions, improve water quality, or increase soil retention,
25groundwater infiltration, base flow, upper watershed storage, and flood resilience.

1An activity is authorized by the general permit only if the applicant demonstrates
2to the satisfaction of the department that the activity will result in net improvements
3in hydrologic connections, conditions, and functions and will not injure public rights
4or interests or result in material injury to the rights of any riparian owner. The
5department may develop a quantification tool to determine if an activity will meet
6those standards. The department shall include conditions under the general permit
7that do all of the following:
SB111,617,148 1. Authorize hydrologic restoration activities in and adjacent to wetlands,
9streams, floodplains, and drainageways, including those that are no longer present
10but are restorable, for the purposes of reconnecting streams and floodplains,
11reestablishing healthy channel form and condition, removing or reducing wetland
12drainage, restoring or improving natural flow and movement of water or sediment,
13and reestablishing vegetation to support site stability and help manage flow and
SB111,617,1815 2. Authorize hydrologic restoration activities that alter the flow of water in, to,
16or from an area of special natural resource interest if the activities restore or repair
17surface or subsurface connections within the area of special natural resource interest
18or between the area of special natural resource interest and other waters of the state.
SB111,617,2019 3. Specify that the general permit does not authorize any of the following
SB111,617,2121 a. Construction of artificial wetlands.
SB111,617,2222 b. Construction of stormwater retention or detention ponds.
SB111,617,2423 c. Construction of large dams, as defined under s. 31.19 (1m), or dams that pose
24a risk to life, health, or property.
1d. Activities that straighten, berm, dredge, or armor stream channels, except
2when proposed as a necessary element of a larger hydrologic restoration plan.
SB111,618,43 e. Fish and wildlife habitat enhancement activities that are not associated with
4a larger hydrologic restoration plan.
SB111,618,85 (b) In addition to the conditions under par. (a), the department may include
6other conditions necessary to ensure that activities authorized by the general permit
7will not injure public rights or interests or result in material injury to the rights of
8any riparian owner.
SB111,618,119 (c) The department shall consider all of the following factors when it assesses
10whether a proposed activity will result in net improvements in hydrologic
11connections, conditions, and functions:
SB111,618,1312 1. Minimal adverse impacts regulated under this chapter and ch. 281 may be
13allowed if those impacts are anticipated to be temporary.
SB111,618,1514 2. Restoring natural and self-regulating hydrology may result in permanent
15but net-positive changes to biotic communities and abiotic conditions.
SB111,618,1716 (d) In reviewing activities proposed to be conducted under a general permit
17issued under this subsection, the department may do any of the following:
SB111,618,1818 1. Waive fees.
SB111,618,2019 2. Establish a reporting-only notification process for activities funded in whole
20or in part by a state or federal agency.
SB111,618,2121 3. Waive requirements for wetland delineations and functional assessments.
SB111,618,2422 4. Adjust and simplify the application and information requirements to reflect
23the fact that voluntary hydrologic restoration projects differ from projects with
24potential adverse environmental impacts.
15. Waive requirements related to wetland mitigation for impacts incidental to
2more fully restoring wetland hydrology.
SB111,619,83 (e) The department shall notify, in writing, a person who has applied under s.
430.206 (3) (a) for authorization to proceed under a general permit issued under this
5subsection that the person is required to apply for an individual permit if the
6department determines that the proposed activity will not result in net
7improvements to hydrologic connections, condition, and functions. The department
8shall document in this notification its reasons for making this determination.
SB111,619,139 (f) A person wishing to proceed with an activity that may be authorized by a
10general permit under this subsection may request and shall be granted a
11preapplication meeting with the department prior to submitting an application
12under s. 30.206 (3) (a). The department shall attempt to coordinate this meeting with
13the local zoning authority in cases where local zoning regulations apply.
SB111,637 14Section 637. 30.2065 (2) (title) of the statutes is repealed.
SB111,638 15Section 638 . 30.2065 (2) (a) of the statutes is renumbered 30.2065 (1e) and
16amended to read:
SB111,619,1817 30.2065 (1e) The department may issue a general permit to a person wishing
18to proceed with an a wetland restoration activity sponsored by a federal agency.
SB111,619,23 19(1r) A permit issued under this subsection sub. (1e) or (1g) is in lieu of any
20permit or approval that would otherwise be required for that activity under this
21chapter or s. 31.02, 31.12, 31.33, 281.15, or 281.36, except that a general permit
22issued under sub. (1g) does not apply to wetland mitigation conducted as required
23under s. 281.36 (3n) (d)
SB111,639 24Section 639 . 30.2065 (2) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 30.2065 (2m) and
25amended to read:
130.2065 (2m) A general permit issued under this subsection sub. (1e) or (1g)
2is valid for a period of 5 years except that an activity that the department determines
3is authorized by a general permit remains authorized under the permit until the
4activity is completed.
SB111,640 5Section 640 . 30.2065 (2) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 30.2065 (3m), and
630.2065 (3m) (intro.), as renumbered, is amended to read:
SB111,620,127 30.2065 (3m) (intro.) To ensure that the cumulative adverse environmental
8impact of the activities authorized by a general permit issued under sub. (1e) is
9insignificant and that the issuance of the general permit will not injure public rights
10or interests, cause environmental pollution, as defined in s. 299.01 (4), or result in
11material injury to the rights of any riparian owner, the department may impose any
12of the following conditions on the a general permit issued under sub. (1e):
SB111,641 13Section 641. 30.303 of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,620,16 1430.303 Dam on Sheboygan River. From the appropriation under s. 20.370
15(5) (fx), the department shall award a grant to Sheboygan County for the removal and
16reconstruction of a dam on the Sheboygan River at the Sheboygan Marsh.
SB111,642 17Section 642. 30.52 (1m) (ar) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,621,218 30.52 (1m) (ar) Supplemental fees. In addition to the applicable fee under sub.
19(3), each when an agent appointed under par. (a) 3. who accepts an application to
20renew certification or registration documents in person , or the department accepts
21an application to renew registration documents through a statewide automated
22system, the agent or the department
shall collect an issuing fee of 50 cents and a
23transaction fee of 50 cents each time the agent or the department issues renewal
24certification or registration documents or a renewal temporary operating receipt

1under par. (ag) 1. or 2. The agent or the department shall retain the entire amount
2of each issuance and transaction fee the agent or the department collects.
SB111,643 3Section 643. 30.52 (3) (k) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,621,54 30.52 (3) (k) Use of fees. All fees remitted to or collected by the department
5under par. (j) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (9) (hu).
SB111,644 6Section 644. 30.537 (4) (g) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,621,87 30.537 (4) (g) All fees remitted to or collected by the department under pars.
8(a), (c), and (d) shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (9) (hu).
SB111,645 9Section 645. 30.79 (5) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,622,210 30.79 (5) Payment of aids. On or before January 31 of the year following the
11year in which a local governmental unit operated a water safety patrol unit, it shall
12file with the department on the forms prescribed by it a detailed statement of the
13costs incurred by the local governmental unit in the operation of the water safety
14patrol unit during the past calendar year and of the receipts resulting from fines or
15forfeitures imposed upon persons convicted of violations of ordinances enacted under
16s. 30.77. The department shall audit the statement and determine the net costs that
17are directly attributable to the operation and maintenance of the water safety patrol
18unit, including a reasonable amount for depreciation of equipment. In calculating
19the net costs, the department shall deduct any fines or forfeitures imposed on
20persons convicted of violations of ordinances under s. 30.77 and any costs that do not
21comply with the rules promulgated under sub. (2m). The department shall compute
22the state aids on the basis of 75 80 percent of these net costs and shall cause the aids
23to be paid on or before April 1 of the year in which the statements are filed. If the
24state aids payable to local governmental units exceed the moneys available for such

1purpose, the department shall prorate the payments. No local governmental unit
2may receive state aid amounting to more than 20 percent of the funds available.
SB111,646 3Section 646. 32.015 of the statutes is repealed.
SB111,647 4Section 647. 32.51 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,622,75 32.51 (1) Purposes. (intro.) In addition to the powers granted under subch. I
6and subject to the limitations under s. 32.015, any city may condemn or otherwise
7acquire property under this subchapter for:
SB111,648 8Section 648. 36.09 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,622,229 36.09 (1) (e) Subject to par. (em), the board shall appoint a president of the
10system; a chancellor for each institution; a dean for each college campus; the state
11geologist; the director of the laboratory of hygiene; the director of the psychiatric
12institute; the state cartographer; and the requisite number of officers, other than the
13vice presidents, associate vice presidents, and assistant vice presidents of the
14system; faculty; academic staff; and other employees and fix the salaries, subject to
15the limitations under par. (j) and s. 230.12 (3) (e), the duties and the term of office
16for each. The board shall fix the salaries, subject to the limitations under par. (j) and
17s. 230.12 (3) (e), and the duties for each chancellor, vice president, associate vice
18president, and assistant vice president of the system. No sectarian or partisan tests
19or any tests based upon race, religion, national origin, or sex, sexual orientation, as
20defined in s. 111.32 (13m), gender expression, as defined in s. 111.32 (7j), or gender
21identity, as defined in s. 111.32 (7k)
shall ever be allowed or exercised in the
22appointment of the employees of the system.
SB111,649 23Section 649. 36.09 (2) (c) of the statutes is repealed.
SB111,650 24Section 650. 36.09 (3) (d) 3. of the statutes is created to read:
136.09 (3) (d) 3. Within 30 days after all contracts under s. 118.40 (2x) have
2terminated, the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison shall provide
3notice of this fact to the legislature in the manner provided under s. 13.172 (2), to the
4governor, and to the state superintendent of public instruction. All requirements and
5authority under this paragraph terminate after the chancellor provides this notice.
SB111,651 6Section 651 . 36.11 (11m) (am) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,623,107 36.11 (11m) (am) The Board of Regents may manage the investment of any
8revenues designated by the Board of Regents, including revenues specified in par.
9(a), by directing the investment board to invest these moneys according to
10investment policies established by the Board of Regents.
SB111,652 11Section 652 . 36.11 (11m) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB111,623,1712 36.11 (11m) (b) Notwithstanding ss. 25.14 (1) (a) and 25.17 (1) (g), the board
13is not required to deposit revenues from gifts, grants, and donations in the state
14investment fund if the board invests these moneys as provided in par. (a).
15Notwithstanding ss. 25.14 (1) (a) and 25.17 (1) (g), the board is not required to deposit
16revenues designated under par. (am) in the state investment fund if the board directs
17the investment of these moneys as provided in par. (am) and s. 25.17 (2) (h).
SB111,653 18Section 653. 36.11 (59) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,623,2019 36.11 (59) Extensions of credit providing short-term funding. (a) In this
SB111,623,2221 1. “Athletics program” means a program for intercollegiate athletics that is all
22of the following:
SB111,623,2323 a. A revenue-producing enterprise.
SB111,623,2424 b. Operated or overseen by an institution's athletics department or office.
1c. Subject to the bylaws and policies of the National Collegiate Athletic
SB111,624,43 2. “Extension of credit” includes a loan or line of credit from a financial
4institution, liquidity facility, ancillary agreement, or any other credit arrangement.
SB111,624,55 3. “Master lease” has the meaning given in s. 16.76 (4) (a).
SB111,624,76 4. “Short-term” means a period not exceeding 5 years for repayment of any
7individual extension of credit.
SB111,624,138 (b) The board may, upon affirmative approval by the board at a public meeting,
9arrange and obtain extensions of credit, on terms approved by the board, to provide
10short-term funding for any expense associated with athletics or educational
11programs and related programs, except as provided in par. (e). Extensions of credit
12may also be used for refinancing or refunding if the repayment period for the original
13extension of credit does not exceed 5 years.
SB111,624,1514 (c) 1. The board may pledge any of the following collateral as security for
15repayment of an extension of credit under par. (b):
SB111,624,1716 a. Any revenues generated by the system, arising after the initial extension of
17credit is entered into, as a result of the operation of any athletics program.
SB111,624,1818 b. Any guarantee, obligation, or revenues furnished by a 3rd party.
SB111,624,2219 2. The board may not pledge the full faith and credit or taxing power of this
20state for repayment of an extension of credit under par. (b). The state shall not be
21generally liable for the repayment of any extension of credit or interest thereon, and
22extensions of credit shall not be a debt of the state for any purpose whatsoever.
SB111,625,223 3. An extension of credit under par. (b) may be repaid only from the
24appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (h). Extensions of credit shall be repayable,
25together with any interest thereon, solely from the sources that the board may pledge

1as collateral under subd. 1. Any instruments evidencing extensions of credit shall
2contain on their face a statement to that effect.
SB111,625,63 4. A creditor that provides an extension of credit under this subsection has a
4security interest in the collateral specified in subd. 1. a. and pledged by the board for
5the benefit of the creditor. No filing, delivery, or other action is required to perfect
6the security interest.
SB111,625,87 (d) The board may execute any credit agreement, security agreement, or other
8agreement or instrument necessary to obtain an extension of credit under par. (b).
SB111,625,109 (e) Proceeds from an extension of credit under par. (b) may not be used to pay
10for any of the following:
SB111,625,1311 1. Expenses associated with the acquisition, construction, improvement, or
12maintenance of buildings or other structures or facilities, including expenses
13associated with a project specified in s. 13.48 (10) (c) and including any debt service.
SB111,625,1614 2. Expenses associated with a master lease under which the department of
15administration, prior to the effective date of this subdivision .... [LRB inserts date],
16agreed to pay the expense.
SB111,625,2017 3. The creation of a new program, and its associated expenses, under which the
18board obtains property or services by entering into an agreement with a person other
19than the department of administration and this person makes or agrees to make
20periodic payments.
SB111,625,2221 (f) All proceeds from an extension of credit under par. (b) shall be credited to
22the appropriation account under s. 20.285 (1) (h).
SB111,626,223 (g) The board may direct the secretary of administration to transfer, and the
24secretary shall so transfer, from the appropriation account under s. 20.285 (1) (gb)

1to the appropriation account under s. 20.285 (1) (h) any amount the board determines
2necessary for the repayment of any obligation arising under this subsection.
SB111,654 3Section 654 . 36.115 (8) (c) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,626,64 36.115 (8) (c) 1. In this paragraph, “state specialists” means state specialists
5who provide extension services in the field of applied agricultural research at any
6institution and who are faculty or instructional academic staff.
SB111,626,107 2. The plan under par. (a) shall recognize as teaching hours, to be included in
8reports to the system administration under par. (a) 1. and eligible for reward under
9par. (a) 2., time spent by state specialists teaching graduate students and teaching
10Wisconsin farmers.
SB111,655 11Section 655 . 36.25 (16) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,626,1512 36.25 (16) Freshwater collaborative. From the appropriation under s. 20.285
13(1) (ar), the board shall fund a freshwater collaborative and shall allocate funding to
14each institution for this purpose. Freshwater collaborative funding shall be used to
15do the following:
SB111,626,1616 (a) Devise new watercentric training programs focused on undergraduates.
SB111,626,1717 (b) Provide scholarships and student support to retain and attract new talent.
SB111,626,1918 (c) Amplify marketing and recruiting relating to Wisconsin's role in freshwater
19science, including branding Wisconsin as the “Silicon Valley of Water."
SB111,626,2020 (d) Enhance workforce development programming.
SB111,626,2221 (e) Recruit new faculty and staff to advance training programs, research, and
SB111,656 23Section 656. 36.25 (17) of the statutes is created to read:
SB111,627,224 36.25 (17) Baccalaureate degree program for prisoners. (a) Subject to par.
25(b), the board and the department of corrections shall provide a baccalaureate

1education degree program for prisoners to be funded from the appropriation under
2s. 20.285 (1) (cg).
SB111,627,113 (b) Prior to expending any funds under par. (a), the board and the department
4of corrections shall jointly submit a plan for implementing the program under this
5section to the department of administration. The plan shall detail the proposed
6structure, goals, delivery, and expenditures of the baccalaureate degree program for
7prisoners as mutually agreed upon by the board and the department of corrections.
8The department of administration shall approve or disapprove the plan within 60
9days after it is received. The board may not expend any funds appropriated under
10s. 20.285 (1) (cg) except in accordance with the plan as approved by the department
11of administration.
SB111,657 12Section 657. 36.25 (40) of the statutes is created to read: