SB741,10,54 9. The results of surveys and outreach to low-income and predominantly
5minority communities where systems were deployed.
SB741,10,7 6(7) A visual image made by an automated speed enforcement system is not
7subject to the right of inspection and copying under s. 19.35 (1).
SB741,10,8 8(8) This section applies only in a 1st class city.
SB741,10,10 9(9) This section does not apply 5 years after the effective date of this subsection
10.... [LRB inserts date].
SB741,4 11Section 4 . 346.60 (6) of the statutes is created to read:
SB741,10,1912 346.60 (6) A vehicle owner found liable under s. 346.575 is subject to a
13forfeiture in the same amount that may be imposed on a vehicle operator for the
14corresponding violation of s. 346.57 including, if applicable, the doubling of the
15forfeiture as provided in sub. (3m) (a). For purposes of this subsection, a person's
16prior violation of s. 346.57 may be counted as a prior violation of s. 346.575.
17Imposition of liability under s. 346.575 shall not result in suspension or revocation
18of a person's operating privilege under s. 343.30 or 343.31, nor shall it result in
19demerit points being recorded on a person's driving record under s. 343.32 (2) (a).
SB741,5 20Section 5 . 349.107 of the statutes is created to read:
SB741,10,22 21349.107 Authority to use traffic control photographic systems. (1) In
22this section:
SB741,10,2523 (a) In addition to the meaning given in s. 340.01 (42), “owner" means, with
24respect to a vehicle that is registered, or that is required to be registered, by a lessee
25of the vehicle under ch. 341, the lessee of the vehicle.
1(b) “Traffic control photographic system" means an electronic system consisting
2of a photographic, video, or electronic camera and a vehicle sensor installed for use
3with an official traffic control signal to automatically produce photographs or video
4or digital images, stamped with the time and date, of vehicles moving through an
SB741,11,7 6(2) Subject to sub. (3), the leadership of a 1st class city may enact an ordinance
7that does all of the following:
SB741,11,98 (a) Subjects a person to a forfeiture for being the owner of a motor vehicle that
9does any of the following:
SB741,11,1110 1. When facing a traffic control signal at an intersection that exhibits a red
11light, including a flashing red light, fully enters the intersection without stopping.
SB741,11,1512 2. When facing a traffic control signal at an intersection that exhibits a red
13light, other than a flashing red light, after stopping at the intersection, proceeds
14through the intersection before the traffic control signal exhibits a green light if the
15vehicle is not making a right turn.
SB741,11,1816 (b) Allows the use of a traffic control photographic system on highways under
17the jurisdiction of the municipality, including connecting highways, for the purpose
18of detecting violations described in par. (a).
SB741,11,2119 (c) Subjects a person to a forfeiture for being the lessee or operator of a motor
20vehicle the owner of which would be subject to a forfeiture under this section but for
21the owner's successful assertion of a defense under sub. (3) (c) 2. or 3.
SB741,11,2522 (d) Requires that forfeitures collected under this section be deposited in a
23separate segregated account from which moneys may be used only for purposes of
24traffic enforcement and traffic safety programs administered by the local law
25enforcement agency providing police services in the collecting municipality.
1(3) An ordinance enacted under sub. (2) shall include all of the following:
SB741,12,62 (a) A requirement that official traffic signs be placed at or reasonably near the
3corporate limits of the municipality on all county trunk highways and connecting
4highways under the jurisdiction of the municipality informing motorists that
5intersections in the municipality may be monitored by traffic control photographic
SB741,12,177 (b) A requirement that, if a traffic officer employed by the governing body of the
8municipality prepares a citation for a violation of an ordinance enacted under this
9section, the traffic officer shall serve the owner of the vehicle with the citation, within
105 business days after the violation, by personal service or by mailing the citation by
11certified mail addressed to the owner's last-known address. If the citation may be
12issued under par. (c) to the lessee or operator of the vehicle, the traffic officer shall
13serve the lessee or operator with the citation, in the same manner required for service
14on the vehicle owner, within 5 business days of determining that the vehicle owner
15is likely to successfully assert a defense under par. (c). A traffic officer shall send with
16the citation a duplicate of the photograph, video, or digital image, taken by the traffic
17control photographic system, of the vehicle involved in the violation.
SB741,12,2018 (c) A provision that it is not a defense to a violation of the ordinance that the
19owner was not in control of the vehicle at the time of the violation, except that all of
20the following are defenses to a violation of an ordinance enacted under this section:
SB741,12,2321 1. That a report that the vehicle was stolen was made by the owner to a law
22enforcement agency before the violation occurred or within 7 business days after the
23violation occurred.
SB741,13,324 2. That the vehicle is owned by a lessor of vehicles and is registered in the name
25of the lessor, that at the time of the violation the vehicle was in the possession of a

1lessee, and that the lessor provided a traffic officer with the information required
2under s. 343.46 (3). In that case, the lessee may be issued a citation and charged with
3a violation of the ordinance enacted under this section.
SB741,13,94 3. That the vehicle is owned by a dealer, as defined in s. 340.01 (11) (intro.), but
5including the persons specified in s. 340.01 (11) (a) to (d), at the time of the violation
6the vehicle was being operated by a person on a trial run, and the dealer provided
7a traffic officer with the name, address, and operator's license number of the person
8operating the vehicle. In that case, the person operating the vehicle may be issued
9a citation and charged with a violation of the ordinance enacted under this section.
SB741,13,1010 4. Any other defense specified in the ordinance.
SB741,13,1411 (d) A provision that permits a court to impose a forfeiture for a violation of an
12ordinance enacted under this section of not more than the same amount that may be
13imposed on a vehicle operator for the corresponding violation of s. 346.37 (1) (c) 1. or
SB741,13,1815 (e) A requirement that any photograph or video or digital image produced by
16the traffic control photographic system be taken from a direction to the rear of the
17vehicles moving through an intersection and be focused on the rear registration plate
18of such vehicles.
SB741,13,2219 (f) A requirement that a traffic control photographic system may be used only
20at an intersection that is identified as having an annual accident rate of 1.0 or greater
21in studies performed by the municipality in the 5 most recent years of high frequency
22crash locations.
SB741,13,2423 (g) A requirement that traffic control photographic systems may be used at no
24more than 5 intersections in an aldermanic district.
1(4) Nothing in this section prohibits the issuance of a citation to the operator
2of a motor vehicle for a violation of s. 346.37 (1) (c) 1. or 3. or a local ordinance in
3conformity with s. 346.37 (1) (c) 1. or 3., but a person may not be subject to a forfeiture
4for a violation of an ordinance enacted under this section and a violation of s. 346.37
5(1) (c) 1. or 3. or a local ordinance in conformity with s. 346.37 (1) (c) 1. or 3. arising
6from the same incident or occurrence.
SB741,14,8 7(5) This section does not apply 5 years after the effective date of this subsection
8.... [LRB inserts date].
SB741,14,99 (End)