
Record of Committee Proceedings

Committee on Education

Assembly Bill 411

Relating to: anti-racism and anti-sexism pupil instruction and anti-racism and anti-sexism training for employees of school districts and independent charter schools.

By Representatives Wichgers, Ramthun, Allen, Behnke, Brandtjen, Dittrich, Gundrum, Horlacher, Knodl, Kuglitsch, Murphy, Neylon, Rozar, Sortwell, Thiesfeldt, Armstrong, Tusler, Schraa and Tittl; cosponsored by Senators Jacque, Darling and Nass.

June 25, 2021              Referred to Committee on Education

August 11, 2021         Public Hearing Held

Present:       (11)      Representative Thiesfeldt; Representatives Kitchens, Wichgers, Mursau, Rozar, Behnke, Pope, Hebl, Considine, Vruwink and L. Myers.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (4)        Representatives Wittke, Ramthun, Duchow and Penterman.

Appearances For

·      Senator Jacque

·      Rep.  Wichgers

·      Elli Bowen

·      John Christy

·      Marla Leverich

·      Amber Schroeder

·      Jody Greenan

·      Scarlett Johnson

·      Carol Heger

·      Jean Weymier

·      David Clarke

·      Dr.  Duke  Pesta

·      Julaine Appling - WI Family Action

·      Alyssa Pollow

·      Bill  Brewer

Appearances Against

·      Jeremy Stoddwrd

·      Ruben Anthony - Urban League of Greater Madison

·      Marc Herstand - National Association of Social Workers, WI

·      Patricia Christee - WI School Social Work

·      Gerald Sternberg - African American/Jewish Friendship Group

·      Merle Sternberg - African American/Jewish Friendship Group

·      Rev. Michelle Henrichs

·      Peter Bakken - WI Council of Churches

·      Ed  Cohen

·      Representative Supreme Moore-Omokunde - 17th Assembly District

·      Representative LaKeshia Myers - 12th Assembly District

·      Elisabeth  Lambert - ACLU-Wisconsin

·      Dr. Richard Harris

·      Angela Harris - BEC

·      Michelle  Bryant - Representing-Senator Lena Taylor 4th Senate District

·      Dr. Ann Herrera-Ward

·      Janel  Anderson

·      Anvita Bansal

·      Katie Hermann

Appearances for Information Only

·      None.

Registrations For

·      Rep. Murphy

·      Rep,  Knodl

·      Scarlett Johnson

·      Barbara Pfarr

Registrations Against

·      Sarah Lent

·      Talib Akbar

·      Terri Phillips - Southeast WI Schools Alliance

·      Tom  MCarthy - DPI

·      Stefania Sani - Madison

·      Joy Morgen - MOSES/Unity of Madison

·      Rep.  Brostoff

·      Rep. Bowen

·      Rep. Drake

·      Mike Nonn

·      Kay Frazier

·      Brianna Carey Baylor

·      John Forester - School Administrators Aliance

·      Steve Fine

·      Paul Patenaude

·      Eva Hagenhofer

·      Zola  Nimmer

·      Douglas  Madsen

·      Marilyn McDonald - CWU-Wisconsin

·      Representative Gordon Hintz - 54th Assembly District

·      Ryminhi LolKaio

·      Chris Thiel - Milwaukee Public Schools

·      Noelle  Herrmann

·      Oliver Lee

·      Terry Hess

·      David Groenewold - Sophia

·      Caitlin Rachederfer

·      Christine Reichelderfer

·      Dorianne Kalish-Haza

·      Abby Koberstein

·      Megan  O'Halloran

·      Lydia Gandy-Fastorich

·      Debra Anken-Dyer

·      Eilssa Watson

·      James Hornik

·      Marilyn McDonald - CWU-Wisconsin

·      Tanace Matthiesen

·      Eugene Crislerel - WISDOM-MOSES of Madison

·      Morris  Waxler

Registrations for Information Only

·      None.

September 22, 2021    Executive Session Held

Present:       (15)      Representative Thiesfeldt; Representatives Kitchens, Wittke, Ramthun, Wichgers, Mursau, Duchow, Rozar, Behnke, Penterman, Pope, Hebl, Considine, Vruwink and L. Myers.

Absent:       (0)        None.

Excused:     (0)        None.

Moved by Representative Wittke, seconded by Representative Penterman that Assembly Amendment 1 be recommended for adoption.

Ayes:     (10)   Representative Thiesfeldt; Representatives Kitchens, Wittke, Ramthun, Wichgers, Mursau, Duchow, Rozar, Behnke and Penterman.

Noes:     (5)     Representatives Pope, Hebl, Considine, Vruwink and L. Myers.


Moved by Representative Ramthun, seconded by Representative Behnke that Assembly Bill 411 be recommended for passage as amended.

Ayes:     (10)   Representative Thiesfeldt; Representatives Kitchens, Wittke, Ramthun, Wichgers, Mursau, Duchow, Rozar, Behnke and Penterman.

Noes:     (5)     Representatives Pope, Hebl, Considine, Vruwink and L. Myers.



Katie Scott

Committee Clerk