(Speaker pro tempore)
Assembly Rule 98. Campaign committee activity. ar98(1)(1)
A member may not schedule, hold, attend, or contribute money for or at a fund-raising social event in Dane County during a floorperiod of the legislature or during a special or extraordinary session if the event is for a member; is sponsored by the member's candidate committee, as defined in section 11.0101 of the statutes; or is sponsored by a legislative campaign committee, as defined in section 11.0101 of the statutes. ar98(2)
(2) Subsection (1) does not apply to a fund-raising social event of a legislative campaign committee held during the period between the first day authorized for filing nomination papers for any special election to the assembly and the date of the special election.
(3) Subsection (1) does not apply to a fund-raising social event of a current member of the assembly or his or her candidate committee held during the period between the first day authorized for filing nomination papers for any office for which the current member of the assembly is a candidate and the date of the election for that office, if the event is held within the boundaries of the jurisdiction or district served by the office for which the current member of the assembly is a candidate.
(4) Subsection (1) does not apply to a fund-raising social event of a current member of the assembly or his or her candidate committee held during the period between the first day authorized for filing nomination papers for any office, other than representative to the assembly, for which the current member of the assembly is a candidate and the date of the election for that other office.
(5) Subsection (1) does not apply to a fund-raising social event of a current member of the assembly who represents a district that contains part of Dane County, or his or her candidate committee, if:
(a) The event is held within the boundaries of the jurisdiction or district represented by the current member of the assembly;
(b) The event is held during a special or extraordinary session; and
(c) The invitations to attend the event are sent before the special or extraordinary session is called.
Assembly Rule 99. Fiscal estimates. ar99(1)(1)
The speaker or presiding officer may request from the legislative fiscal bureau an original fiscal estimate on a bill if the speaker or presiding officer believes that a fiscal estimate on the bill will not be completed by the state agency assigned to prepare the fiscal estimate before the bill receives a public hearing, is voted on by an assembly standing committee, or is considered by the assembly.
(2) An original fiscal estimate prepared under sub. (1) shall be submitted to the legislative reference bureau for review by the requester under joint rule 48 and for reproduction and insertion in the bill jacket envelope. The fiscal estimate, however, may not be reproduced or inserted if the fiscal estimate prepared by the state agency is available for reproduction and insertion before the fiscal estimate prepared under sub. (1). ar99(3)
(3) Unless otherwise determined by the assembly, failure to receive a fiscal estimate requested under sub. (1) on a bill that already has one or more original fiscal estimates does not delay consideration of the bill. Unless otherwise determined by the assembly, failure to receive a fiscal estimate requested other than under sub. (1) on a bill that already has one or more original fiscal estimates requested under sub. (1) does not delay consideration of the bill.
Alphabetical Index
Revised by Legislative Reference Bureau
January 2021
Assembly Rule
Absence of members from daily sessions:
call of assembly 83 (1)
journal lists those present or absent
30 (1)
leaves shall be obtained 27
must be in chair to be present 30 (1)
number smaller than a quorum (majority of current
membership)may compel attendance of 30 (3)
one member may request leave for another
request for leave proper during debate
66 (1)(e)
upon request member arriving late may be recorded as
present 30 (1)
Act (definition) 95 (1)
Actions, motions, and questions in order during debate
57, 65, 66
Adjourn (definition) 95 (2)
Adjourn, motion to:
acted on without debate, exceptions
always in order except while voting or while
assembly recessed for caucus 70 (1)
call of assembly may be moved
83 (2)
precedence does not authorize such motion
while another member has floor 70 (1)
privilege of motion or request
65 (1)(c), (d)
recess to next day: same as 69m
roll call required when assembly under call
86 (3)
simple motion not debatable or amendable
70 (3)
to fix time for convening, debatable and amendable
70 (4)
to fixed other time, debatable and amendable
70 (2)
two consecutive motions to adjourn not in order
69 (3)
in committee of the whole 8 (6), (7)
motion proper at any time, but not while voting or while
another member has floor or while assembly
recessed for caucus 70 (1)
not debatable or amendable
70 (3)
roll call required for adjournment under call
86 (3)
simple motion adjourns to 9 a.m. (exception)
sine die adjournment (definition)
95 (79)
smaller number than quorum (majority of current
membership) may adjourn 30 (3)
terminates call of the assembly (roll call required) 86 (3), 87 (3)
Administrative rules:
chief clerk files with agency, senate, and JCRAR
5 (1)(u)
committee for review of, see also ss. 13.56
and 13.565, stats. 3 (1)(r), 5 (1)(u), 9 (6), 20 (2)
how assigned to standing committee for review
3 (1)(r), 13 (2)
legislative history of review of, see Joint Rule 78
report by standing committee or JCRAR
after review of proposed 20
report with objections, referral to JCRAR
3 (1)(r)
scheduled for floor action:
report without recommendation, after 30 days
15 (6)
special ordered, after 40 days
33 (7)
withdrawal and rereferral of proposed administrative
rule by speaker 13 (2)(b)
withdrawal of proposed administrative rule,
speaker provides notice of 3 (1)(r), 13 (2)(a)
Admission to floor of assembly chamber:
by action of assembly 25 (4)
limitations 25
open from one hour before daily session to one hour
after daily adjournment 6 (1)(d)
presiding officer may grant 25 (4)
sergeant at arms supervises coming and going
6 (1)(b)
those permitted 25
Adverse and final disposition:
list of methods 49 (1)
motion not permitted twice on same day at same stage
of proposal 72
once determined, substantially similar proposal
not to originate in assembly in same session
49 (2)
subject to reconsideration only in accordance with rule 73 49 (1)
Advice and consent of assembly 51m
presiding officer may take point of order under
62 (3)(b)
question under: may be expanded
69 (4)
Aging and long-term care, committee on (standing committee) 9 (1)(a)
Agriculture, committee on (standing committee)
9 (1)(b)
Amend a proposal or motion, precedence of motion for
65 (2)(g)
amendment to amendment 52 (2), 55 (2)(b)